Paap, LeenaKubits, Liis2021-03-172021-03-172021 põik 7 kinnistul tegutsev automaatika- ja elektroonikatooteid valmistav ettevõte Ouman OÜ tootmismahud on aastatega kasvanud, mis tekitas nõudluse uute tootmisliinide soetamise vastu, mis omakorda tekitas vajaduse suurema tootmisruumi järele. Tootmishoone laiendamine oli majanduslikult ja ehituslikust vaatenurgast parim lahendus. Otsustati olemasolevale 400 m2 tootmissaalile laiendusena juurde ehitada 600 m2 suurune ruum, mis teeb tootmissaali suuruseks 1000 m2. Pea poole suurem tootmissaal võimaldas ettevõttel kasutusele võtta uudsed automaatsed testsüsteemid ja uus SMD-liin. Laiendusega muudeti ka hoonet keskkonnasõbralikumas – paigaldati katusele päikesepaneelid. Laiendus andis ettevõttele võimaluse ka kasutusele võtta efektiivsema kütte-, ventilatsiooni ja kliimaseadmete automaatika HVAC süsteemi, mis muudab edaspidise vastavate seadmete juhtimise mugavamaks nii haldamise kui ka kasutajate vaatepunktist. Sarnaselt olemasolevale osale on laiendus sandwich tüüpi seinapaneelidest metallkarkassil angaartüüpi hoone. Välisterritooriumi laienduse tõttu ümberplaneerimist ei vajanud, hoonealune pind ei olnud varasemalt kasutuses ja parkimisvajadus ei suurenenud kuna töökohade arv jäi samaks. Kinnisvara füüsilise, majandusliku, juriidilise ja sotsiaalseks säilitamiseks on oluliseks kinnisvara korrashoid. Kinnisvara korrashoidu efektiivsemaks ja ühetimõistvamaks korraldamiseks on koostatud standard EVS 807:2016 ,,Kinnisvarakeskkonna juhtimine ja korrashoid´´. Antud lõputöös koostatud korrashoiukava on koostatud kasutades eelnevalt mainitud standardit. Korrashoiukava koosneb antud lõputöös järgmistest osadest: • haldamine; • tehnohooldus; • heakord; • tugiteenused; • majanduskava. Haldamine on seotud kõikide korrashoiukavas välja toodud tegevuste korraldamisega. Üks osa haldamisest on ka raamatupidamine. Haldusteenuste kulu objektil on 545 eur kuus, mis teeb 6520 euro aastas. Tehnohooldus kujutab ennast krundi rajatiste, tarindite, küttesüsteemi, vee- ja kanalisatsioonisüsteemi, ventilatsiooni- ja kliimaseadmete, hooneautomaatika, turvasüsteemide, elektripaigaliste ja eriseadmete hooldamist. Tehnohoolduskulu objektil on keskmiselt 952.67 eurot kuus, mis teeb 11 432 eurot aastas.36 Heakorratööd kujutavad ennast krundihooldust, ehitise välishooldust ja siseruumide koristust. Heakorratöödele kulub kuus 2352 eurot, mis teeb 28 224 eurot aastas. Majanduskavas tarbimisteenuste kulu ei arvestatud. Tarbimisteenuste kulud arvestatakse jooksvalt vastavalt tegelikule tarbimisele objektil. Autori koostatud korrashoiukava rakendamine objektil läheks ettevõttele maksma 3849.67 eurot kuus, mis teeb 46 496 eurot aastas.The following thesis ,,Expansion of the Production Building and Maintenance Plan on the Example of Kalev Põik 7`` is made to describe the construction solutions that were used building the extension and to compile a mainenance pan for the whole building including the extension. The expansion of the building allows to make the building located in the property more profitable for the owner of the building at a lower cost compared to the construction of a new building. Expansion makes it possible to make the use of a building more efficient, for example by enabling commercial buildings to make more profit, make a workplace or living place more comfortable by changing the plan the use of a building. Expansion of the building also allows to increase the value of the building with lower expenses. Automation and electronics manufactoring company Ouman Ltd is located on the Kalevi põik 7 property. Over the years the production volume has increased, which created the need for a larger production hall. Extending the building was the best option considering that the existing building was in great condition and there already was unused space on the property, that could be used to build the extenison. The area of existing production hall was 400 m2, the extenison added 600 m2 to the hall, making the whole area together 1000 m2. With the additonal space, the company added new automatic test systems and a new SMD production line, making the production more efficient and modern. In the building process more efficient HVAC system for heating, ventilation and air conditioning automation was installed. That system will make the climate control of confined space easier for the manager and even for the everyday user. Similar to the existing production building, the extension is a hangar-type building built from sandwich-type wall panels to a metal frame. Re-planning of the external territoryis not required due t orge area under the building was not used before and the need for parking did not increase as the number of jobs remained the same as before. With the extenison the comapy also took a step making the building more environmentally friendly by installing solar panels on the roof of the extension. All energy produced is used on-site in the production process. An important part of owning real estate is its maintanance. Maintenance plan makes the mainenance of a building efficient and systematic. Ensuring the maintenance of real estate seems to be a simple38 activity, but it requires knowledge of several norms and laws. Properly maintained building is comfortable and safe for the user and beneficial to the owner. The aim of this thesis is to increase the level of maintenance of the mentioned production building with authors knowledge. The maintenance plan is compiled based on the EVS 807: 2016 standard and taking into account the wishes and resources of the users and owners of the building. The maintenance plan has been complined for the following topics in this thesis: • administration services; • technical systems maintenance; • cleaning services: • consumer services . The author also compsed an economic plan for planning the expenses necessary for the implementation of the maintenance plan. The economic plan sets out the monthly, annual and square meter costs of administrative, maintenance, upkeep and consumption services. Administration services consists of organization of all activities that are part of the mainenance plan and also accounting. The cost of administration services on this object is 545 euros per month, which makes 6520 euros per year. Technical systems maintenance consists of maintenancinf the heating system, water and sewerage system, ventualtion and air conditioning equioment, building automation, security systems, electrical and special equipment. The median technical mainenance cpst is 952,67 euros per month,, which makes 11 432 euros per year. Cleaning services includes groundkeeping,outdoor and indoor cleaning. The cost of cleaninfservices is 2352 euros per month, which makes 28 224 euros per year. Consumer services were not forecast in the economic plan, as they depend on the actual consumption, which on this site is largely influenced by the production volume. Implementing the maintenance plan composed by the author on the site would cost the company 3849.67 euros per month, which makes 46 496 euros per year. To better understand the thesis, the appendix contains plans of the extension and the existing building.OtherMuuKinnisvara korrashoidFacilities ManagementTootmishoone laiendamine ja korrashoiukava Kalevi põik 7 näitelExpansion of the Production Building and Maintenance Plan on the Example of Kalev Põikthesis