Marek, PakkinKakko AgoKristjan, Tikka2021-03-172017 BIGAB Z8.0 projekteeritud uus kraananool, milles hüdrovoolikute süsteem jookseb noole seest, tagab kraananoole töökindlama, ohutuma ja mugavama kasutamise. See rahuldab paremini klientide vajadusi ning on turul konkurentsi pakkuv. Teostatud turu-uuringuga saadi aimu konkurentide hinnatasemeist, turupositsioonidest ja ettevõtete arengusuundadest. Selgus, et sellist kraanat saab turustada. Projekteerimise käigus teostati tugevusarvutused näitasid, et optimeerides materjali kasutust ja leides nutikaid lahendusi, on võimalik toodet parendada ja samas hinda mitte väga palju muutes. Selgus, et: • kõik hüdrovoolikud saab vedada kraananoole profiili seest, • kraana siruulatus säilis 8 meetrit ja tõstevõime 590 kg. Kraananoole mass suurenes 5,5kg kuid tänu kaalujaotuse parenamisele tõstevõime jäi samaks, • hüdrosilinder võib jääda samaks, • kraana käib kokku transpordiasendisse nagu vana versioon, • uue kraananoole hind tuli 3,3% kallim vanast, • kraananool vastab standardile EN 12999:2011+A1:2012. Projekteerimisel olid abiks nii Fors MW AS juhendaja, koolipoolne juhendaja ja õppejõud, kui ka ettevõtte juhtkonna ja turundusosakonna soovitused. Projekteerimisel sai toetuda isiklikule töökogemusele ettevõttes, õpingute käigus omandatule, õppe- ja veebimaterjalidele. Kuna töö käigus õnnestus saavutada püstitatud eesmärgid väljaarvatud hind mis ületas 0,3% võib projekti siiski lugeda edukaks ja ettevõttel on kavas ehitada uue kraananoole prototüüp.The following thesis 590kg lifting capacity multipurpose crane boom design was about further development of the existing crane boom what is in use on BIGAB Z8,0 crane. The thesis is based on a company AS FORS MW, that is forest and agricultural equipment manufacturer. There were a number of problems that needed to be resolved. The main problems were the hydraoulic hoses, which limited visibility and tend to broke between booms when operating the crane. There was a need for develope new boom in order to stay compatitive. All the necessary information was gathered for the initial task of the new boom design. Feedback was gathered from marketing, manufacturing and management. The initial task was: • all the hydraulic hoses must be inside the boom, • crane must maintain outreach of 8 meters and lifting capacity of 590 kg, • hydraulic cylinder must be the same as the old one, • crane must be possible to use in transportation position as it was, • new crane price can not be more expensive then up to 3% of the old crane, • crane boom must be designed in accordance with the standard EN 12999:2011+A1:2012. Durning the design process performed strength calculations showed that by optimizing the use of materials and finding smart solutions, it is possible to improve the product and at the same time keeping the price similar. Design was made on personal experiance from work, knowledge from studies, educational- and web material. The project was assisted by AS Fors MW instructor, school turor and lecturers, as well as the company's management and marketing department recommendations. Because the work was able to achieve the stated objectives other than price that exceeded 0,3%, the project can be considered successful and the company has plans to build a new crane boom prototype.Mechanical Engineering--Product Development--Hoisting and Conveying EquipmentMehaanika--Tootearendus--Tõste- ja transportseadmedMasinaehitusMechanical Engineering590 kg tõstevõimega mitmeotstarbelise kraananoole projekteerimine590 kg lifting capacity multipurpose crane boom designthesis