Eensaar, AguJudina, Kristina2021-03-172021-03-172014öö sissejuhatuses püstitati hüpotees, et Tallinna inimene saab liiga palju reklaame. See hüpotees sai täiesti tõestatud. Töös antakse ülevaate sellest, mis on reklaam, kuidas seda liigitakse ja mis tüüpi reklaamid eksisteerivad. Selgitatakse, millised reeglid ja seadused on Eestis reklaami kohta ning keskenduti just paberreklaamile: kuidas seda levitatakse ja toodetakse. On välja selgitatud, kui palju keskmine Tallinna elanik saab paberreklaami postkasti erinevates Tallinna piirkondades. Selgus, et kõige rohkem paberreklaami tuleb Lasnamäe piirkonda, ja kõige vähem reklaami tuleb Kesklinna piirkonda. Kõige rohkem paberreklaami tuli Tallinnas just valimiste kuul. Paberreklaamist enamus on trükitud läikiva paberi peale ning see on värviline. Kõige rohkem paberikandjal reklaami tuleb Tallinnas postkasti just toidukaubandusega tegelevatest firmadestt - Maxima OÜ, Rimi Eesti Food AS ning A - Selveri ASist. Töös selgitati välja palju reklaami nende ettevõtete poolt saadetakse. Küsimustiku abil selgitati, et enamus inimesi eelistab reklaami e-postile saada, mitte paberkandjal. Siit järeldub, et sellistes kogustes reklaam ei ole üldse otstarbekas. Seda tõestab ka see fakt, et peaaegu keegi ei käi poes just reklaamitavaid tooteid ostmas. Küsitluses selgus, mis vanuses inimesed vaatavad reklaami paberikandjal ja kui palju neid on. Paberreklaam on ka keskkonnale kahjulik, kuna inimesed viskavad kohe selle minema ja tihti teevad seda isegi sorteerimata. Seega pärast on lisakulud ka sorteerimisele. Töö käigus toodi välja autori pakutud võimalused selle olukorra probleemi lahenduseks – piirata riigi poolt ettevõtte toodetavat reklaami mahtu, näiteks konkreetne tükkide ning lehtede arv, palju võib ühes kuus reklaami toota. Samamoodi võiks aidata programmi koostamine, mis võimaldaks näiteks tulevikus üldse reklaamist loobuda ning täielikult üle minna elektroonilisele reklaamile. Nagunii on seda praegu meie tarbimisühiskonnas nii palju, et ühe reklaamitüübi asendamine üldse ei mõjutaks tarbimist ning nõudlust. Töö tulemusena jõuti järeldusele, et sellistes kogustes paberreklaam ei ole vajalik ning, et selle reklaamitüübi alternatiivid on rohkem populaarsed ning kasulikumad.In introduction the hypothesis was set were it was estimated that residents of Tallinn most probably get too much paper adds into their mailboxes. This hypothesis was completely confirmed. This paper provides overview what is advertising in general also it provides overview of how advertisements are classified and what type of adds are out there. In this paper it is explained what type of rules and laws regulate advertising in Estonia. The center aspect of this work was paper advertisements how they are produced and distributed. It was clarified how much paper adds an average resident of Tallinn gets in different regions. It came out that residents who live in Lasnamäe are the ones who get most adds and Kesklinn is region where people get the least amount of paper adds. The time of election was the time period where people got the biggest amount of paper adds. Most of the paper adds are made on colored and glossy paper. The biggest paper advertisement producers are grocery stores like Maxima OÜ, Rimi Eesti Food AS, Selveri AS. In this paper it was also ascertained how much adds come from those grocery stores. With the help of questionnaire it came out that most people prefer to get their advertisements via e-mail not paper adds. From this we can make conclusion that such big amounts of paper adds are mostly just wasted. This is also proven by the fact that almost nobody goes to store just because they want to buy those products that where in the advertisement. The questionnaire also brought out how many people read those paper advertisements witch come to their mailboxes and their age group. Paper advertisements are harmful for the environment because most people throw it away without even reading it witch brings unnecessary costs for waste management. The Author provides suggestions what should be done to improve or eliminate this kind of waste problem. Author brings out those suggestions: government should take steps and counter measures by setting up limitations for companies that would regulates how much paper advertisements they can produce. Also author indicates that government should launch a project which aim would be to move all advertising into internet environment as most people prefer getting their advertisements via e-mail anyway and by that abandon paper advertisements for good. The author's opinion indicates that there is already so much advertising around us and abandoning one type of advertising should not have a big impact to consumer market as consumers would still buy the products. While compiling this paper author carried through study and analysis of collected 46 data and achieved her goals resulting in understanding that paper advertisements in current amounts are not needed and its alternatives are more popular among consumers.Environmental Technology--Technology and Waste ManagementKeskkonnatehnoloogia--Tehnoloogia ja jäätmehooldusKeskonnatehnoloogia ja -juhtimineEnvironmental Technology and ManagementReklamimüra TallinnasPollution of Advertising in Tallinnthesis