Ramjalg, AnneliKašulin, Romek2021-03-172021-03-172018https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2118Käesoleva lõputöö teemaks on valitud Kihnu Päästedepoo organiseerimis projekt. Töö näeb ette Pärnu maakonda, Kihnu valda, Lemsi külla, Valve kinnistule uue päästehoone rajamise. Töö käigus koostati ehitusplatsi üldplaan, kus näidati ära objekti ajutine tee koos liikumise suunaga. Määrati kindlaks paika kraana töötsoon. Ehitusplatsi üldplaanil näidati ära soojakute paiknemine, ajutised laoplatsid, prügikonteinerite asukohad ja pinnaseladustamis koht. Koostati koondkalendergraafik koos tööjõuvajadusega ning lahendati läbi esimese korruse põrandabetoneerimise ja vahelaepaneelide montaaži tehnoloogiakaardid. Eelarvetabelis olevatele töödele määrati nende kestvused ja vajalikud töömeeste arvud, mis olid aluseks kalenderplaani koostamisel. Lisaks valiti välja tõstemehhanism ja vajalikud ehitusaegsed ressursid. Majandusosas leiti ehitamisorganiseerimise kulud ja nende rahalised suurused ning osakaal kogu objekti eelarvest. Korralduskulude määramisel on kasutatud EKE NORA andmebaasi ja koostaja poolt reaalselt hinnatud andmeid. Depoo ehitusmaksumuseks on saadud 1 299 901,00 €, millest korralduskulud moodustavad 5,37% eelarvest. Kalendergraafiku järgi algavad tööd 07.05.2018 ja lõppevad 20.11.2018, objektikestvuseks on seitse kuud (141 tööpäeva). Kalenderplaani teostamisel jälgiti, et tööd oleksid loogilises järjekorras ja järgiksid tööde tehnoloogiast tingitud teostust. Tehnoloogiakaartidel määrati paigaldatavate materjalide täpne tarneaeg objektile. Näidati joonisel paigaldavate elementide järjekord, kraana ja masinate paiknemine. Toodi eraldi välja detailsed kalendergraafikud koos tööliste arvuga vastavalt tehnoloogia kaardile. Käsitleti tööohutust, tuleohutust ja kvaliteedinorme.The theme of this graduation thesis is the project of organizing the construction of the Kihnu Rescue Depot. The thesis provides for the construction of a new rescue services building on the Valve property located in the Lemsi village, Kihnu municipality, Pärnu county. As part of the thesis, a general layout of the building site was prepared, indicating the temporary pathway on the site together with the direction of movement. The crane's working zone was determined. On the general layout of the site, the location of heated shelters, temporary storage areas, location of waste containers and sites for storage of soil was indicated. A comprehensive schedule including the labour need was drawn up, and technology cards for the concreting of the floor on the ground floor and assembly of ceiling panels were prepared. The works in the budget table were assigned durations and the necessary number of employees that formed the basis for drawing up the schedule. In addition, the lift mechanism and necessary construction resources were selected. In the financial section, the costs of the organization of construction and their financial amounts and the proportion in the total budget of the project were determined. The organization costs were determined with the help of the EKE NORA database and by the data actually assessed by the author. The construction cost of the depot was estimated to amount to 1 299 901.00 euros, of which organization costs accounted for 5.37% of the budget. According to the work schedule, the work starts on May 7, 2018 and ends on November 20, 2018, with the duration of the construction works being seven months (141 business days). In preparing the schedule, works were sequenced in a logical manner so that they are executed according to the technology of work. The exact delivery time of the materials to be installed on the site was determined on technology cards. On the drawing, the order of the elements to be assembled, the location of the crane and the machinery were shown. Detailed schedules were itemised including the number of workers based on technology cards. Issues of work safety, fire safety and quality standards were covered.Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionKihnu päästedepoo ehitustööde organiseerimineOrganization of Construction Works of Kihnu Rescue Depotthesis