Ojala, OlavJõesaar, Silver2021-03-172021-03-172015https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1195Töös iseloomustati pinnasest naftasaaduste määramise akrediteeringut omava ettevõtte Ecolabor OÜ poolt kasutatavat standardit ja seadmeid pinnaseproovides naftasisalduse määramiseks. Välja on toodud üksikasjalik selgitus pinnaseproovide analüüsimise protseduuri kohta, mida kasutab Ecolabor. Katses kasutatud pinnaseproovid võeti Ragn-Sells AS poolt opereeritavast Rapla pinnasekäitlusväljakult. Pinnaseproovides naftasaaduste sisalduse võrdlemiseks Ecolaboriga määrati ka iga proovi kuivaine sisaldus, et arvutada tulemus kuivaine sisalduse kohta. Kuivaine sisalduse määramiseks kuivatati kõik seitse pinnaseproovi kasutades kuivatusahju. Pinnaseproovides naftasaaduste sisalduse määramine viidi läbi kaasaskantava PetroFLAG analüsaatoriga, mille tööpõhimõtet on töös kirjeldatud. Kuivaine sisalduse määramise usaldusväärsuse kontrollimiseks arvutati välja tulemuse parandustegur Y. Ecolabori ja analüsaatoriga määratud tulemuste võrdlemiseks on mõõtmistulemused esitatud tabelitena. Mõõtmistulemused on antud nii Ecolabori poolt määratud pinnaseproovide kohta kui ka analüsaatoriga määratud pinnaseproovide kohta ning lahjendatud pinnaseproovide kohta. Tulemuste võrdlemiseks on proovide jaoks välja arvutatud parandustegurid X, X', mida on analüüsitud joonistel. Parandustegurid X on analüsaatoriga saadud pinnaseproovide tulemuste kohta ning parandustegurid X' on analüsaatoriga saadud liivaga lahjendatud pinnaseproovide tulemuste kohta. Parandustegurite analüüsimisel hinnati nende omavahelist varieeruvust. Parandustegurite X ja X' suurt varieeruvust arvesse võttes jõuti järeldusele, et PetroFLAG analüsaator ei ole naftasaaduste sisalduse määramisel usaldusväärne. Lisaks selgus analüüsimisel, et parandustegurite X' varieeruvus on väiksem, kui parandusteguritel X. Seega on võimalik kasutada analüsaatorit liivaga lahjendatud proovides naftasisalduse hindamiseks aga mitte täpseks määramiseks. Parandustegurite Y analüüsimisel selgus, et varieeruvus on väga väike. Sellest tulenevalt on katses kasutatud kuivaine sisalduse määramise meetod usaldusväärne.Determination of pollutants in contaminated soil is a daily task of companies which deal with compiling an inventory and reorganization of objects of residual pollution. Determining the intensity and distribution of pollution is essential to determine the sufficient means of cleaning processes needed to reorganize the soil. Since different fuels are most common soil pollutants in Estonia the content of petroleum products in soil is most frequently being determined. Both credibility and time expenditure of determining petroleum products in soil have great practical value for companies dealing with residual pollution. The main aim of this graduation thesis was to determine the reliability of a field portable analyzer of determining petroleum products in contaminated soil. In general, determination of pollutants in soil is performed in accredited laboratories where analysis is performed using special apparatus and based on methodological standards. Laboratory methods are reliable but analysis may be both costly and time-consuming process. However, it is often necessary to assess the quality of the soil in regard to pollutants on site to save time and resources. One possible option is to use portable and user-friendly PetroFLAG analyzer. Analyzer allows to determine the content of soil pollution with small amount of time without sending soil samples to accredited laboratories. Therefore, the goal is set to determine if the results of PetroFLAG analyzer are reliable compared with the results of accredited laboratory and whether it can be used as an alternative to laboratory analysis. Different soils can have very different moisture content, therefore laboratories submit the results of pollutants in the soil on a dry matter basis. To compare the results of laboratory and analyzer the determination of dry matter content in soil samples using kiln was conducted to calculate the concentration of petroleum products in dry matter. Thus, the second aim of this paper was to determine the reliability of the method used to determine dry matter content in soil samples. In this graduation thesis the apparatus and standard of determining pollutants in soil used at accredited laboratory Ecolabor OÜ were described. The soil samples used in this thesis were taken from Ragn-Sells AS soil treatment field located in Rapla. The results of petroleum products in dry matter were used in order to carry out the comparison. The results are presented in tables and correction factors X and X' were calculated for each soil sample. Correction factors X were calculated for soil samples and correction factors X' were calculated for the same samples that were diluted with sand. The variability of correction factors was taken into account when analysing the results. Based on correction factors X which differed to large extent the conclusion was made that PetroFLAG analyzer is not reliable in determining petroleum product content in soil samples. Based on correction factors X' which also differed to large extent but not as much as correction factors X the conclusion was made that PetroFLAG analyzer is not reliable but may be used to evaluate the presence of petroleum products in soil samples diluted with sand. Correction factors Y were calculated for determining the reliability of dry matter determination method used in this graduation thesis. Based on correction factors Y which differed very little the conclusion was made that the method used to determine dry matter in soil samples was reliable.Environmental Technology--Technology and Waste Management--Remediation of Contaminated SoilKeskkonnatehnoloogia--Tehnoloogia ja jäätmehooldus--Saastunud pinnase tervendamineKeskonnatehnoloogia ja -juhtimineEnvironmental Technology and ManagementDexsil PetroFLAG analüsaatori usaldusväärsus reostunud pinnasest naftasaaduste määramiselThe credibility of Dexsil PetroFLAG analyzer of determining petroleum products in contaminated soilthesis