Ikkohainen, KristinaKuusik, Maria2021-03-172021-03-172015https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1164Töö eesmärgiks oli analüüsida Alajõe valla prügimajanduse seisundit ja koostada jäätmekava, mis vastaks tänastele oludele ja nõuetele. Alajõe valla jäätmekäitluse olukord jätab soovida. Valla elanikud on kirjutanud mitmeid kaebuseid seoses prügikäitlusega, kuid kahjuks enamus neist pole ise midagi teinud, et olukord muutuks paremaks. Suvisel ajal on lihtne süüdistada probleemses prügimajanduses turiste aga just talvisel ajal paistab Alajõe elanike endi vähene keskkonnateadlikkus välja. Liikudes vallas ringi võib külade ümbruses metsas tihti kohata ehitus- või teisi probleemjäätmeid. Töö esimene peatükk kirjeldab Alajõe valla geograafilist asendit, infrastruktuuri, ettevõtlust ja sotsiaalsfääri. Samuti kirjeldatakse valla varustamist elektri ja veega ning reoveekäitlust. Ttöö põhiosa põhineb teadmistel seadusandlusest ja kasutati jäätmekavade alusdokumente. Kirjeldatakse praegust jäätmekäitluse olukorda valla territooriumil. Selgitati välja kuidas toimub valla territooriumil prügivedu küladest ja kuhu kogutud prügi viiakse, samuti uuriti, kas oleks võimalik sorteerida prügi kohapeal. Arengukava alusel koostati tabel kus on näha muutused jäätmete kogustes ajavahemikul 2008-2013. Järgmistes põhiosa alapunktides puudutati konkreetseid probleeme jäätmekäitluses ja pakutakse välja ka võimalikud lahendused probleemidele. Nagu selgus on vallas viis põhiprobleemi, millede ignoreerimisel probleemide arv mitmekordistub. Seepärast vajavad need probleemid kõik kiiret sekkumist ja kõrvaldamist. Kirjeldatakse ka tulevikuplaane ja anti soovitusi kuidas saaks Alajõe vald olla prügimajanduses edukam. Põhilised arengusuunad millega parandada olukorda jäätmekäitluses on • elanike keskkonnateadlikkuse edendamine; • järelevalve; • prügikonteinerite lisamine, jäätmekoguse ja nende ohtlikkuse vähendamine; • koostöö teiste omavalitsusega; • korraldatud jäätmeveo rakendamine. Töö kirjutamise käigus sai veendumus, et iga iseseisev kohalik omavalitsus vajab kehtivat ja ajale vastavat jäätmekava kinnitust. Pole mõeldav, et prügi majandamine ilma jäätmekavata valla ulatustes on võimalik. Kuna Alajõe vallas pole eelnevalt kunagi olnud kehtivat jäätmekava siis koostatud lõputöö võiks olla esimeseks sammuks Alajõe valla jäätmekava koostamiseks. Vallale jäätmekava rakendamisel saaksid lahendatud ka praegused probleemid ja seataks sihid tuelevikuks.The aim of this graduation thesis was firstly, to analyse the current situation of the Alajõe municipality waste management and furthermore, to prepare a waste management plan, meeting today’s standards and requirements. During the time of writing, the author was present at the Alajõe municipal government every weekday, for three months, in order to be informed about the municipality problems and the situation regarding waste disposal. It has been identified that the current waste management is lacking proper foundation. The citizens of the municipality have constantly written complaints about waste issues, yet none of them have made significant efforts to improve the situation. During the summer months, it is relatively easy to blame the tourists; however, in winter, local citizens tend to become less aware of environmental issues. While walking around the municipality, construction waste and other objects of problem waste can be observed in the surroundings. At the beginning of writing the graduation thesis, specific goals were set and the plan developed, which were followed during the whole process of writing. The first chapter describes the geographic location, infrastructure, entrepreneurship and social sphere of the Alajõe municipality. In addition, the electricity and water supply together with waste disposal are described. To write the main part of the thesis which describes the current situation of the municipality’s waste management it was necessary to have knowledge of the legislation and waste management basic documentation. The waste transportation process from villages to the place of storage is described. Moreover, the author of the thesis investigated the possibility of sorting garbage on site. According to the development plan the author created a graph describing the waste volumes in the period of 2008-2013. The next section of the main part of the thesis describes the specific problems of waste management and presents possible problem solving solutions. As the result of research the author has pointed out five basic problems by ignoring of which the number of problems will increase. Therefore, these problems need instant intervention to eliminate them. According to the thesis plan the next step was to describe the future plans and make proposals how the Alajõe municipality can improve its waste policy. The main fields for improvement are: • improving environmental awareness of the citizens; • supervision; • increasing the number of garbage containers, reduction of waste and its harmfulness; • collaboration with other municipalities; • implementation of organized waste collection. While writing the graduation thesis, the author became more and more convinced that each independent municipality needs a valid and modern waste management plan. It is hard to imagine that without a long-term waste management plan it is possible to operate big waste capacities. The author is of the opinion that her graduation thesis can be the first step towards waste management planning, as in the Alajõe municipality there has never been any valid waste management plan. Arising problems can be solved and improvement goals set if the municipality takes into consideration the waste management plan.Environmental Technology--Laws and Regulations--Regulation of Waste Treatment and Preparation of Waste ProjectsKeskkonnatehnoloogia--Seadused ja regulatsioonid--Jäätmekäitluse regulatsioon ja jäätmekavade koostamineKeskonnatehnoloogia ja -juhtimineEnvironmental Technology and ManagementAlajõe valla jäätmekava koostamineThe Alajõe municipality waste management planthesis