Alt, AivarsRaadel, Siim2021-04-272021-04-272021-04-23äesoleva lõputöö eesmärk oli lahendada võimalikult efektiivselt Saaremaa Gümnaasiumi ehitustööde organiseerimine. Lõputöö aluseks on võetud Saaremaa Gümnaasiumi põhiprojekt, mille abil on kirjeldatud koolihoone arhitektuurset ja konstruktiivset lahendust. Käesolevas töös koostab autor kalendergraafiku ning kaks tehnoloogia kaarti. Esimese tehnoloogiakaardi teema on CLT ehk ristkihtpuidust paneelide paigaldamine. Antud tööosas kirjeldab autor enda nägemust CLT paneelide paigaldamisest ratastel. Teisel tehnoloogiakaardil lahendatakse põrandpinnasel ehitustööde planeerimine. Lõputöös tuuakse välja erinevad tööde kvaliteedi ja ohutusnõuded. Mahutabelite ning kalendergraafiku koostamisel on tuginetud EKE NORA andmebaasile mida on korrigeeritud vastavalt Nordecon AS võrdlus tabelite abil. Käesolevas töös on lahendatu ehitusplatsi skeem, millega on ära näidatud hoone paiknemine krundil. Ühtlasi on ehitusplatsi skeemilt näha kuidas on planeeritud ehitusaegne materjalide ladustamine, parkimine ning tõstetsoonid koos ajutiste teede paiknemine. Koostatud on ehituseelarve, mille kohaselt kujuneb hoone kogumaksumuseks 6 635 229 €. Kogu maksumusest moodustab 6,7 % ehituse organiseerimise kulud. Ehitustöödega alustati 7.06.2020 ja hoone valmib 23.07.2021. Maksimaalselt on samaaegselt tööl 65 töölist.The topic of this thesis is the organisation of the work for the construction of a school building for Saaremaa Gymnasium. The proposed building will be situated in the town of Kuressaare in Saaremaa, at Väljaku Street 8. The construction of the building is managed by the general contracting company Nordecon AS. The thesis is based on the detailed design documentation for the building of Saaremaa Gymnasium, which sets out the architectural and structural design of the school building and also covers the building service systems. In the course of the thesis project, the author sought to prepare a calendar schedule and a work organisation plan which ensure that the construction proceeds as economically and swiftly as possible. The schedules were to be prepared on the basis of the standard times and unit prices established by the enterprise EKE NORA which were to be modified based on the reference tables and experience of Nordecon AS. In order to simplify the management of the construction work, a site plan was to be prepared. In addition, the author set out to draw up two technology maps: one pertaining to the installation of CLT or cross-laminated timber panels and the other to the construction of the ground-bearing slab of the first storey of the building. The first technology map drawn up, as planned, deals with the installation of CLT or cross-laminated timber panels. In this part of the thesis, the author presents their vision of the installation of CLT panels on wheels. The second technology map provides the plan for the construction of the ground-bearing slab. The thesis additionally outlines various quality and safety requirements for the construction work. The volume tables and calendar schedule have been prepared on the basis of the database of EKE NORA, which was adjusted based on the relevant reference tables of Nordecon AS. A plan of the construction site has been prepared, showing the location of the building on the plot. The plan also shows the arrangements for the storage of materials during construction and for parking, as well as lifting zones and the locations of temporary roads. A construction budget has been prepared, according to which the total cost of the building will be €6,635,229. The cost of the organisation of the construction work amounts to 6.7% of the total cost. Construction work started on 7 June 2020 and the building will be completed on 23 July 2021. The maximum number of workers is 65.etTTK Subject Categories::Ehitus::Hoonete ehitus::Hoonete ehitus ja kavandamineHoonete ehitusSaaremaa Gümnaasiumi ehituse organiseerimineOrganisation of the Construction of a School Building for Saaremaa Gymnasiumlõputöö