Kiisa, MarttiÕun, Jaanus2021-03-172021-03-172017õputöö „Reedika talu abihoone rekonstrueerimisprojekt“ objektiks on Saaremaal, Leisi vallas, Mätja külas asuva Reedika talu abihoone renoveerimisprojekt. Renoveerimise käigus säilitakse ja kasutatakse võimalikult palju vanu ja kohalikke looduslikke materjale ning jälgitakse, et säiliks kohalik Saaremaale kohane kobarküla miljöö. Lõputöös pakutavad lahendused võimaldavad abihoone kasutusiga pikendada 50 aasta võrra, ehitada välja teine korrus ja terve abihoone töötubadena aastaringsesse kasutusse võtta. Projektiga on lahendatud hoone säilimise seisukohast olulised probleemid: • esimese korruse sauna leiliruumi, riietusruumi ja puhkeruumi vaheseinad kui mittevajalikud konstruktsioonid lammutatakse; • vundament parandatakse ja põrandad uuendatakse. Esimesele korrusele paigaldatakse köetavad betoonpõrandad ja teisele korrusele laudpõrand; • eemaldatakse katuselt eterniit ja paigaldatakse 300 mm roogkatus; • koormusarvutuste tulemusena selgus, et roogkatuse ja soojustuse paigaldamiseks ei pea roove ja sarikaid tugevdama ning teise korruse ruumi kõrguse suurendamiseks võib eemaldada sarikatelt pennid; • hoone piirdekonstruktsioonid renoveeritakse, soojustatakse ja viimistletakse; • küttekoormuse vähendamiseks akna sisemine klaas asendatakse kahekordse selektiivklaaspaketiga ja renoveeritakse uksed; • hoone idapoolses otsas olevasse eraldi sissekäiguga hoiuruumi paigaldatakse trepp; • projekti koosseisus leiti hinnanguline kütteenergia kulu ja võimsus hoone kütteseadme dimensioneerimiseks • hoone hinnanguline ETA on 153 kWh/(m2a) ja kuulub energiamärgise klassi C. Projekti käsitletavad teemad ja teostatud arvutused loovad eelduse renoveerimistööde alustamiseks vajaliku ehitusloa taotlemiseks.The object of the thesis „Reedika cottage granary reconstruction project“ is the granary in Reedika cottage, situated in Saaremaa, Leisi parish, Mätja village. The objective of the thesis is to assess the technical condition of Reedika granary, to identify the extent of the damage, to describe the technical solution of the building, and to find solutions for its repair and renovation in accordance with the building’s new function as a workshop. The building’s most important structures have been visually inspected and measured for assessing its condition. The problem situations found have been described and illustrated with photo material. The structures are mainly in good condition. There is only minor water and cold damage in the basement. In some places on the wooden log wall surfaces, heart rot or insect damage is found. The thesis provides a description of the existing situation and descriptions of works to be performed: • the demolition of a large part of the ground floor’s partition walls; • the demolition of wooden and concrete ground floors; • the reinforcement and insulation of foundations; • the installation of new concrete floors which include water-based floor heating for the in-house heating; • the replacement of the eternit roofing boards with a thatched roof for utilizing the space under the attic; • the insulation of walls and the attic together with the renovation of doors and windows; • the building’s heat and hot water supply will be provided by a ground-source heat pump. The client wants to keep the environment of the well-known old cluster village of Saaremaa. Therefore, the installation of a new thatched roof is planned. The limit states of the cross-section of the purlins and the rafter are checked by keeping in mind the most dangerous situation where the longest spans are an ordinary beam. Based on calculations, the existing purlins and rafters are suitable to carry the load of the thatched roof, the insulation and the inner gladding. Energy performance calculations are made to get an aim of the quality and an opportunity to assess the building’s indoor environmental and energy performance. For a correct choice of a heat pump, energy consumption is calculated. All calculations are made to conform with the existing regulations and standards. The thesis will be used as part of work design documentation for getting a building permit for the renovation of Reedika granary.Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Renovation and reconstruction workEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Remont- ja rekonstrueerimistöödHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionReedika talu abihoone rekonstrueerimisprojektReedika cottage granary reconstruction projectthesis