Andresen, SvenTammeleht, Taavi2021-03-172021-03-172014 töö käigus Saaremaa kandekeskuse kanderinge analüüsides selgus, et teatud kannetel on võimalik elektriautosid efektiivselt rakendada. Samas jääks autodel piisavalt aega, et akud öösel täis laadida. Sobivateks kanderingideks osutusid Kuressaare kandekeskuse lähedased kanderingid, mis ei olnud liiga pikad ja mille korral autod öösel parkisid kandekeskuse juures. Peale hetkel neid kanderinge teenindavate autodega tutvumist, leidsin sobivad alternatiivid Fiat Fiorino EV Cargo ja Mitsubishi iMievi näol. Antud autod said valitud, kuna mõlema puhul on Saaremaal teenindusvõimalus olemas, samuti sobivad need oma tehniliste omaduste poolest praegu kasutusel olevaid asendama. Pärast eelpool mainitud elektriautodele autofirmade esindajailt hinnapakkumiste võtmist, koostasin võrdlevad tabelid saamaks ülevaadet praegu kasutusel olevate autode kulutustest ja elektriautode kulutustest kui need teenindaksid samu kanderinge. Võrdluse tulemusel selgus, et nende tingimuste juures oleks elektriautodega antud kanderingide teenindamine kulukam kui praeguste Otto mootoriga autodega. Elektriautod muudab liiga kulukaks liisingumakse, mis on hetkel kasutusel olevatest autodest oluliselt suurem. Elektriautosid oleks võimalik majanduslikult effektiivselt kasutada juhul, kui liisingu tingimused oleksid soodsamad. Seda on võimalik saavutada pikendades näiteks liisingu perioodi või pidades läbirääkimisi maaletoojatega, et AS Eesti Post suurettevõttena saaks soodsamatel tingimustel omale autod soetada. See oleks maaletooja seisukohast ka heaks reklaamiks kuna jätkuvalt on elektriautode suhtes tavatarbijatel palju eelarvamusi, mida kindlasti aitaks ümber lükata suurfirma, mis igapäevatöös elektriautosid usaldab ja kasutab. Lisaks eelpool mainitud järeldustele, ilmnes töö käigus hetkel Saaremaa kandekeskuses teenindavate kanderingide optimeerimise võimalus. Nimelt oleks kahte erinevat kanderingi võimalik teenindada ühe autoga. Vastavasisuline ettepanek sai ka AS Eesti Postile tehtud.One of the biggest expenses of a modern transport company is money spent on fuel. In recent years prices of gasoline and diesel fuel have climbed very fast. That’s because consuming of fossil fuels has climbed through recent years and most easy to access crude oil fields have been depleted. Of course all that fuel using has its negative effects on environment but for the end consumer the most noticeable change is the rising fuel price. In a small way it affects every car owner, but it is worse for companies that have many cars. If the fuel price rises then so does the price of every kilometer driven and that in turn makes the whole service more expensive. Car manufacturers are putting more and more effort in to developing electric cars and because electricity is cheaper than gasoline it would be a good choice for businesses to start using electric cars. Author`s final paper „Research of the financial point of using electric cars in AS Eesti Post`s Saaremaa branch office” aims to find out has the electric car technology advanced far enough for there to be any financial gain in using electric cars instead of modern gasoline engine powered cars. First of all appropriate mail delivery routes had to be chosen from the ones driven by gasoline cars. After analyzing those and the cars that service them two electric vehicles were chosen to be the potential replacement vehicles. Those two were the Mitsubishi iMiev and the Fiat Fiorino EV Cargo. Both can be serviced in Saaremaa and can be bought new from Estonia. After researching all the costs of the gasoline vehicles and those of the electric vehicles during a 6 month operating period a conclusion was made that electric vehicles cost considerably less to operate because of the low price of electricity. But due to the high cost of the monthly lease payments the overall price of the kilometer remains higher than that of the gasoline powered cars which are used today. Electric cars would be cheaper in the long run or if AS Eesti Post could get better lease terms than the author of this paper. During the research of the mail delivery routes it was found that two of the routes could be serviced with only one vehicle instead of two. After that idea was brought up the branch office is considering giving away one of its older vehicles and is optimizing other routes as well.Transport--Tansport of GoodsTransport--Transport EconomicsTransport--KaubaveduTransport--TranspordiökonoomikaAutotehnikaAutomotive EngineeringAS Eesti Post Saaremaa kandekeskuse autopargi elektriautodele üleviimise tasuvuse uuringCost-Benefit Analysis of Using Electric Cars at Estonian Post Ltdthesis