Alt, AivarsKruusalu, Silver2021-03-172021-03-172018õputöö eesmärgiks oli lahendada Rehe põik 3 korterelamu ehituse organiseerimise projekt. Tegemist on projekteerimis ehitustöövõtuga. Lõputöö käigus kirjeldab autor korterelamu arhitektuurset ja konstruktiivset lahendust. Lahenduste kirjeldamisel on kasutatud OÜ Puusepp ja Mänd arhitektuurset põhiprojekti ning MG Insenerid OÜ konstruktiivset projekti. Lisaks on koostatud ehitatava hoone kohta detailne mahutabel ja eelarve. Hoone kogumaksumuseks kujunes 2,47 miljonit eurot, millele lisandub käibemaks. Ehituse organiseerimiskulud moodustavad 10,7 % eelarvest, mis teeb 229 000 eurot. Tööga lahendati Rehe põik 3 ehitusobjekti üldplaan, millelt on leitavad torkraana asukoht ja tõsteraadius, ehitussoojakud ja materjalide laoplatsid, masinate liiklemine objektil ning trasside paiknemine ja liitumispunktid. Lisaks on autor põhjalikumalt selgtanud tõsteseadmete valikut. Objekti tõsteid valiti teenindama tornkraana Liebherr 280-EC. Vastavalt Rehe põik 3 ehitustööde kalendergraafikule on ehitustööde kestvus kokku 408 kalendripäeva, mis teeb 291 tööpäeva. Tööde ajamahukuse määramisel on kasutatud Rehe põik korterelamute püstitamiseks kulunud aegu. Ehitustöid alustatakse 7. juulil 2017. aastal ning ehitustööd lõppevad 13. augustis 2018. aastal. Põhjalikumalt käsitles autor töös 0. korruse monoliitsete betoonitööde tehnoloogiat ning tüüpkorruse seinapaneelide montaaži. Mõlema osa kohta on koostatud seletuskiri ning graafiline tehnoloogiakaart. Lisaks on tehnoloogiakaardis detailsemalt kirjeldatud tööde kalendergraafikuid ning tööjõuvajadust. Täpsemalt kirjeldatud tehnoloogiate puhul on välja toodud ohutusnõuded vastava töö tegemisel. Lisaks on käsitletud objektil kehtivaid tuleohutus- ning keskkonnaalaseid nõudeid.The aim of this thesis was to resolve the project of the organization of Rehe cross street 3 apartment residence construction. This has to do with design and build contracting. In the course of this thesis, the author will describe the architectural and constructive resolution for the apartment residence. The architectural final design of OÜ Puusepp and Mänd and the constructive design of MG Engineers OÜ have been used to describe the solutions. In addition, a detailed table of figures and a budget has been provided for the building which is to be built. The total sum of the building turned out to be 2.47 million euros to which value-added tax was added. The organizational costs form 10.7% of the budget, which makes 229 000 euros. In the course of the work, the key plan of the apartment residence of Rehe cross street 3 was resolved. The tower crane and lifting radius are found in the key plan along with shipping containers for construction workers and storage and stockyards for material; the movement of heavy equipment on construction sites and the location of the utility lines and connection points. Besides that, the author has thoroughly explained the choice of lifting gear in comparison to the mobile cranes. The most rational choice turned out to be the tower crane. Liebherr 280-EC was chosen to do the lifting. According to the work schedule of Rehe cross street 3 construction works, the construction will last for 408 calendar days, which makes 291 business days. Construction started on 7th of July 2017 and will end on 13th of August 2018. The author expanded upon the technology of monolithic concrete works on the ground floor and the installing of wall panels on typical floors. In the explanatory statement of the process chart of typical floor's wall panels, the author describes the sequence of the installment, typical joint solutions and their assembling. In addition, a detailed time schedule has been presented along with the work force, material and the need for heavy equipment. In the final part, the author discusses the tolerant and necessary tools needed for the installing of wall elements. A graphical section supports the explanatory statement which represents the installment of wall elements and the assembling of joints. With the ground floor concrete work process chart, the construction will be resolved with strip foundation, socket-type footing, building of monolithic posts and beams along with assembling. Moreover, a detailed time schedule has been created for carrying out the works. The explanatory statement is supported by diagrams in the graphical section. Safety requirements have been brought out according to working with different technology. Furthermore, fire safety and environmental requirements on the construction site have been discussed.Construction--Building Construction--Building Construction and Design--Building DesignEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Hoonete ehitus ja kavandamine--Hoone kavandamineHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionRehe põik 3 korterelamu ehituse organiseerimineRehe põik 3 Organising Of The Apartment Buildingthesis