Kaseleht, ReinRene PruunsildEreline, Piret2021-03-172021-03-172019https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2446Lõputöö sisu oli koostada tänavate rekonstrueerimise koos eriosadega põhiprojekti(de)le ehitusjärgne analüüs ning anda tagasiside/ soovitused projekteerijatele projektdokumentatsiooni parendusettepanekutena.The aim of the current thesis was to carry out the post-construction analysis of the project of a street in Tartu. Based on the technical designs and construction work of the main project of Soinaste street and on the similar projects and objects, the recommendations to designers were given as amendments of the project documentation. „The main project of reconstruction of Soinaste Street (from Riia street to Aardla street) Work nr.1511.02” and its reconctruction was used as the basis of this thesis.Construction--Road Construction--Road Design--Urban TrafficConstruction--Road Construction--Road DesignConstruction--Road Construction--Road Design--Road Construction MaterialsEhitus--Teedeehitus--Tee ehituse kavandamine--LinnaliiklusEhitus--Teedeehitus--Tee ehituse kavandamineEhitus--Teedeehitus--Tee ehituse kavandamine--Tee-ehitusmaterjalidTeedeehitusRoad ConstructionTartus asuva tänava põhiprojekti ehitusjärgne analüüs ja soovitused projekteerijaleAnalysis of mainproject of Tartu city roads after the constructions and suggestions for Designersthesis