Ojala, OlavOliver KaldaTreial, Roland2021-03-172021-03-172020https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2741JRO-de likvideerimiseks on tehtud alates Eesti iseseisvumisest suuri edusamme, kuid tegevust saab veelgi parandada. Autor näeb, et suurimaks probleemiks on JRO-de olukorra dokumenteerimata jätmine, sest kui ei ole infot ala kohta, ei saa seal ka midagi tegema hakata ja on ka oht, et keegi satub kogemata alale, mis on ohtlik. Jääkreostusobjektide kohta avaliku teabe olemasolu on iseäranis vajalik maatehingute, maa sihtotstarbe muutmise ja ehitustoimingute kontekstis, sest jääkreostus võib maaomanikule kaasa tuua ootamatuid ja suuri täiendavaid kulutusi. Jääkreostusobjektide lihtsamaks prioritiseerimiseks teeb lõputöö autor ettepaneku, kuidas võtta Eestis kasutusele indikaator LSI003 ja kuidas keelelised erinevused lahendada, et mõte jääks üheselt mõistetavaks ja oleks hea ülevaade reostatud ala olukorrast, tegevustest mis on objekti likvideerimiseks tehtud ning ka üldisest JRO-de likvideerimise edukusest. Eioneti loodud kategooriad on kasulikud praeguse olukorra ja ohutuse iseloomustamiseks. Samas ei peaks välja vahetama 2015. aasta inventariseerimise töö kategooriad ‒ autori järeldusel on need kasulikud ekspertidele/firmadele, kes hakkavad reostust uurima või tervendama. Seetõttu peaks JRO-de prioritiseerimisel kasutama mõlemaid kategooriaid. Autor määras kõigile keskkonnaregistris olevatele JRO-dele indikaatori LSI003 seisundi ja lisas tööle kokkuvõtvad graafikud. Töö eesmärgi täitmiseks kasutati küsitluses saadud infot, et näha ajakohastamise vajadust ja töötati läbi kõik hiljutised avaldatud dokumendid JRO-de kohta. Pärast seisundite määramist on graafikutest näha, et Harjumaal on jääkreostusega kõige rohkem edusamme tehtud, kuid samuti on kõige rohkem veel uurimist ja tervendamist vajavaid objekte. Peaaegu kõigis maakondades on veel jäänud objekte, millega tuleb tegeleda. Vaid Hiiumaal ja Järvamaal on kõik objektid likvideeritud.The purpose of the following graduation thesis The Information Sources and Categorization of Sites of Residual Pollution is to analyze the categorization of residual pollution sites of Estonia and to update the information about them on the public website of the national environmental registry. The graduation thesis focuses only on sites of residual pollution, in which pollution has occurred before 1998. In 1998 a law was passed that enforces “polluter pays principle” that makes polluters responsible for clearing the pollution. Since most of the pollution before the law was passed was caused before Estonia regained independence by the activity of USSR, it is not possible to hold them accountable for it, so the Estonian government needs to find ways of remediating the sites. The website of the national registry for polluted sites is a helpful tool for compiling, finding and sorting information about polluted sites. The author of this graduation thesis has analyzed the reliability of the information by distributing a questionnaire to officials of every municipality of Estonia that work with environmental topics and collected 33 responses. The results reveal that the information between the registry and the responses of the officials sometimes differs and only 15 of the 33 respondents use the national registry to find information about polluted areas. The author concluded that the registry is not used as much as it could be because the information in it is not often updated ‒ the last bigger update was added in 2015. Using publicly found data, this study was made to propose a new categorization indicator LSI003 made by Eionet in 2015 to the Estonian national environmental registry to make prioritizing and getting an overview of polluted sites easier. The author assigned categories based on the indicator LSI003 and information gathered to all the polluted sites which can be viewed on the national registry website. During assigning new statuses out of date information was found on the registry and new information found from the website of the Estonian Ministry of Environment about a couple polluted areas had not been added to the registry. The author concludes that the biggest problem is that new information about polluted sites is sometimes not documented and there is not enough communication between the officials of 22 municipalities and the registry. A proposition is made that the registry should be updated with the newly assigned categorization added by the author and that the registry should be updated regularly so it can be used to its full potential.Environmental Technology--Technology and Waste Management--Remediation of Contaminated SoilKeskkonnatehnoloogia--Tehnoloogia ja jäätmehooldus--Saastunud pinnase tervendamineKeskonnatehnoloogia ja -juhtimineEnvironmental Technology and ManagementJääkreostusobjektide infoallikad ja kategoriseerimineThe Information Sources and Categorization of Sites of Residual Pollutionthesis