Paap, LeenaHütt, Deinis2022-01-102022-01-102022-01-05õnismägi 11A hoonele korrashoiukava koostamine on vajalik, sest tegemist on võrdlemisi uue hoonega, kus tuleb arvestada kõikide kasutajate ning omaniku kasutusmugavust. Tõnismägi 11A aadressil asuv hoone on omapärane, kuna tegemist on elamu- ja ärihoonega, kus esimesel kahel korrusel on ainult äripinnad ja kolmandast korrusest algavad korterid. Hoone valmis 2019. aasta lõpus. Hoones on kõik korterid välja müüdud ning äripindadest on üürilepingutega kaetud üle poolte äripindadest. Hoonele koostatud korrashoiu kava põhjal on võimalik hinnata ning iseloomustada hoonega seonduvaid tegevusi paremini. Koostatud korrashoiukavas on lisaks hoone üldistele korrashoiu tegevustele välja toodud ka äripindade juurde kuuluvad tegevused, mis aitavad äripindu paremini ning kuluefektiivsemalt hallata. Korrashoiukavas välja toodud tegevuste välja toomisel on lähtutud potentsiaalsetest teenustest äripindade puhul, kuna äripindadel paiknevate ettevõtete äritegevused on erinevad. Tõnismägi 11A hoone äripindadel paiknevad: jõusaal, hambaravikliinik, toidupood, riide kauplus, ilu protseduurid ning IT- tarkvaraga tegelev ettevõte. Korrashoiukava koostamiseks ning paremaks mõistmiseks on loodud standard EVS 807:2016 „Kinnisvarakeskkonna juhtimine ja korrashoid“. Antud standardi abil on võimalik korrashoiukava koostamine lihtsustatud ning tegevuste määramine lihtsam. Autor on kasutanud korrashoiukava koostamiseks mainitud standardit, milles on käsitletud järgnevad teemad: • haldamine; • tehnohooldus; • heakorratööd; • omanikukohustused; • tarbimisteenused; • tugiteenused; • tulud. Korrashoiukavas on välja toodud ainult hoone põhised tegevused, mille järel on tegevuste sisu. Kõikide teemade lõppedes on koostanud autor lühikese kokkuvõtte antud teemade kirjeldusest, millega autor väljendab tegevuste sisu Tõnismägi 11A hoone põhjal. Korrashoiukavale lisaks on autor koostanud hoonele majanduskava kahes osas, millest üks osa iseloomustab üldiseid kulutusi hoones ning teine majanduskava, mis põhjendab potentsiaalseid kulutusi äripindadel. Haldamisteenus on jagatud kaheks, mille moodustavad haldamine ja raamatupidamine. Hoone tehnosüsteemidega seonduvate tegevuste alla on liigitatud kõik tehnohooldusega seonduvad tegevused. Kuna hoone on uus, siis on ka palju kaasaegseid seadmeid, mis vajavad hooldust. Tehnohooldusega seonduvate tegevuste hinnastamine on keeruline, kuna iga-aastaselt hinnad nii materjalidel kui ka tehnikutel muutuvad. Selletõttu ei ole võimalik edasi anda täpset kuluprognoosi aastate lõikes. Tehnohooldus tegevuste all ei ole välja toodud tegevused, mida on võimalik vaid tehnikutel teha. Tehnohooldus hõlmab endas ka hoone haldaja poolt läbiviidud ülevaatusi, mille abil on võimalik ennetada suuremahulisi kulutusi. Tõnismägi 11A hoone tehnohoolduse alla on liigitatud kõik tegevused, mis seonduvad hoone tehnosüsteemide korrashoidmisega, sealhulgas ka eriseadmed äripindade tehnosüsteemide osas. Heakorratööde tagamine Tõnismägi 11A hoones on tähtis, kuna lisaks sealsetele elanikele külastavad hoonet ka mitmed kliendid, kes soovivad külastada hoones äripindadel tegutsevaid ettevõtteid. Hoone heakorra tööde maht on suur, kuna hoones on kaks trepikoda kogu mahuga ligikaudu 1000 m², lisaks on hoones kaks maa-alust korrust autode parkimiseks, mis on suurusjärgus 3000 m². Hoone väline krundi suurus on samas suurusjärgus trepikodade mahuga. Kuna Tõnismägi 11A hoone asub täpselt kesklinnas, siis on oluline, et tagatud oleks kvaliteetne teenus nii sise- kui välikoristuse näol. Hoone omanikukohustuste all on autor välja toonud ühe kulurea, milleks on omanikukohustused. Omanikukohustus hõlmab endast hoone kindlustust, millega oleks võimalik omanikul kaitsta oma vara ettearvamatute kulutuste eest. Hoone tarbimisteenuseid hõlmav grupp sisaldab kõiki teenuseid, mille kulu sõltub hoone kasutajate tarbimis vajadustest. Antud rühmas ei ole võimalik kulu prognoosida, kuna tegelik kulu arvutatakse vastavalt tarbimisele. Tarbimisteenuste all on jäätmekäitlus, küte, vesi, kanalisatsioon ning elekter. Hoone tulude alla kuulub reservfondi kogumine, mis aitab ettearvamatuid kulutusi hüvitada kui selleks on vajadus ning tegemist ei ole kindlustuse kaasamisega. Tõnismägi 11A hoone on toimib korteriühistu ning reservfondi kogumine on kohustus nii korteriomanikele kui ka äripindadele. Reservfondi määr on paika pandud üldkoosoleku otsusega, milleks on 0.05eur/m². Lisaks reservfondi kogumisele on äripindade puhul välja toodud kulureana rent.Author bachelor`s thesis title is „Preparation of maintenance plan and economic plan for Tõnismägi 11a apartment building“. The preparation of a maintenance plan for the Tõnismägi 11A building is necessary because it is a relatively new building and therefore the convenience of all users and the owner must be taken into account. The building at Tõnismägi 11A is unique in that it is a residential and commercial building, where the first two floors have only commercial premises and apartments start from the third floor. The building was completed at the end of 2019. All apartments in the building have been sold out and more than half of the commercial premises are covered by lease agreements. Based on the maintenance plan prepared for the building, it is possible to assess and characterise the building-related activities better. In addition to the general maintenance activities of the building, the prepared maintenance plan also outlines the activities belonging to the commercial premises, which help to manage commercial premises better and more cost-effectively. Activities outlined in the maintenance plan are based on the potential services for commercial premises as the business activities of companies located in commercial premises are different. The following are located on the commercial premises of the Tõnismägi 11A building: gym, dental clinic, grocery store, clothing store, beauty treatments and IT software company. The standard EVS 807: 2016 has been created for the preparation and better understanding of the maintenance plan "Management and Maintenance of the Real Estate Environment". This standard simplifies the preparation of a maintenance plan and makes the identification of activities easier. The author has used this standard in order to compile a maintenance plan, which addresses the following issues: ● management; ● maintenance; ● maintenance work; ● ownership obligations; ● consumer services; ● support services; ● revenue. Only the building-based activities are listed in the maintenance plan, followed by the content of the activities. At the end of each topic, the author has compiled a short summary of the description of these topics, by which the author expresses the content of the activities on the basis of the Tõnismägi 11A building. In addition to the maintenance plan, the author has prepared an economic plan for the building consisting of two parts. The first part represents the overall cost of the building, and the second is an economic plan justifying the potential expenditure on commercial premises. The management service is divided into two, consisting of administration and accounting. All activities related to maintenance are classified as activities related to the technical systems of the building. Since the building is new, there is also a lot of modern equipment and devices that need maintenance. The pricing of the maintenance-related activities is difficult as prices for both materials and technicians change from year to year. As a result, it is not possible to provide an accurate cost estimate from one year to the next. The list of activities under maintenance activities does not only include the work that can be performed by technicians. The maintenance list also includes the building inspections carried out by the supervisor in order to prevent a large-scale expenditure. All activities related to the maintenance of the building's technical systems are classified under the technical maintenance of the Tõnismägi 11A building, including the special equipment for commercial utility systems. It is important to carry out maintenance work in the Tõnismägi 11A building because in addition to the residents there, the building is also visited by a number of customers who wish to visit the several business premises located in the building companies. The volume of maintenance work on the building is large, as the building has two full staircases in the size of approximately 1000 m². In addition, the building has two underground floors for car parking, which are in an approximate size of 3000 m². The external plot size of the building is of the same size as the volume of the stairwells. As the Tõnismägi 11A building is located right in the city centre, it is important that the quality service in the form of both indoor and outdoor cleaning is ensured. Under the ownership obligations of the building, the author has pointed out one important cost line – the ownership obligations. This list of obligations also includes the insurance of the building which would enable the owner to protect his property from unforeseen expenses. The list of consumption services of a building includes all services, the cost of which depends on the consumption needs of the users of the building. It is not possible to predict the actual cost in this group, as the real cost is calculated according to the consumption. The consumer services include the waste management, heating, water, sewerage and electricity. The income of the building includes the collection of a reserve fund which helps to compensate against unforeseen expenses, when necessary and at the same time it is also not a question of involving insurance. The Tõnismägi 11A building is a functioning housing cooperative, therefore, raising a reserve fund is an obligation for both the apartment owners and the commercial premises. The rate of the reserve fund is set by the resolution of the general meeting, which is 0.05eur/m². In addition to the collection of the reserve fund, rent is also shown as one of the cost items for commercial premises.etTTK Subject Categories::Ehitus::Kinnisvara korrashoid::Kinnistu ja hoone tehnohooldus ja heakordKinnisvara korrashoidTõnismägi 11a kortermaja korrashoiukava ja majanduskava koostaminePreparation of maintenance plan and economic plan for Tõnismägi 11a apartment buildinglõputöö