Kesler, HindrekJõekallas, Carl Deion2024-05-302024-05-302024-05-24 eesmärk oli siduda tervikuks linnaruum, mis ajalooliste kihtide ja otstarvete tõttu on muutunud eklektiliseks. Selleks läheneti probleemile erineval skaalal. Võtmekohad planeeringu lahendamisel on olnud planeeritava ala ühendamine suuremasse linnamustrisse, olemasoleva hoone kasutuselevõtt tänapäevases kontekstis ning avaliku ruumi mõtestamine. Laiemaks ühenduseks linnaga on loodud sild, mis võimaldab mugavama ligipääsu planeeritavale alale. M-hoone rekonstrueerimisettepanekuga näidati viisi, et on võimalik massiivne, suuremas osas kasutuseta olev hoone võtta kasutusele osaliselt avaliku linnaruumina. Lahendusega ühendati kokku varasemalt M-hoone massiivsuse tõttu osadeks jaotatud linnaruum. M-hoonest moodustustus perimetraalne kvartal, ning kvartali keskele tekkis atraktiivne linnaväljak, mida toetavad hoonesse kavandatud raamatukogu, erinevas suuruses galeriipinnad ning kohvikud. Tähtsat keset uue moodustunud kvartali keskel tähistab väljakule uue rajatisena planeeritud rohetorn ning tähtsasse keskpunkti viivad kollased teed – tajutav märgistussüsteem, mis muudab linnaruumi intuitiivselt läbitavaks ning seob kogu planeeringu kokku.This project is the graduation thesis of the applied architecture curriculum of the Institute of Architecture of Tallinn University of Technology. The graduation thesis consists of an analysis of urban planning and a spatial planning solution for the Telliskivi creative city in Tallinn. The aim of spatial planning was to connect the urban space, which has become eclectic due to historical layers and purposes, into a whole. To do this, the problem was approached on a different scale. The key points in resolving spatial planning have been the integration of the planned area into the larger urban pattern, the use of the existing building in a modern context, and making sense of the public space. A bridge that allows more convenient access to the planned area has been created for a wider connection with the city. The proposal for the reconstruction of the M building showed how it is possible to use a massive, largely unused building as a public urban space. With the solution, the urban space, which was previously divided into parts due to the massiveness of the M building, was connected together. The perimeter block was formed from the M-building, and an attractive town square was created in the middle of the block, which is supported by the library planned for the building, gallery spaces of different sizes, and cafes. The important center in the middle of the newly formed quarter is marked by a green tower planned as a new facility on the square, and yellow roads lead to the important center - a perceptible marking system that makes the urban space intuitively traversable and ties the entire plan together.etArhitektuurRakendusarhitektuurTelliskivi 60: äri- ja kultuurikvartalTelliskivi 60: The Quarter of Business and Culturelõputöö