Veetõusme, RainLehtma, Kätlin2021-03-172021-03-172014öö „Rahvusvahelise internetiturunduse baasmudel ja selle rakendamise võimalused India turul Gemhill AS-i näitel” põhiülesanne oli selgitada välja India e-turu hetkeseis, arengusuunad, turule sisenemise võimalused ning võimalikud sisenemisraskused, et teha kindlaks Gemhill AS-i toodete veebiturustamise potentsiaal India turul. BonBon Lingerie naistepesu tootja Gemhill AS plaanib peatselt avada rahvusvahelisele turule loodud ingliskeelse e-poe ning ettevõtte visioon näeb ette esmalt alustada oma toodete turustamist rahvaarvu suuruselt maailma teise riigi ehk India turult. Uurimistöö tulemusel selgus, et tänapäevane kiire infovahetus on loonud olukorra, kus müüjatel on kergem kindlaks määrata võimalikke ostjaid, laieneda turgudele, mis on seni jäänud füüsiliselt kättesaamatuks, ning kujundada ja vajaduse korral tagasiside põhjal kiirelt ümber kujundada turunduskampaaniaid. Põhitegurid, mis mõjutavad Indias e-poest ostmist, on saadavus, hind, toodete pildid, rikkalik teave ning toodete kommenteerimine ja arvamused. Kui kaupleja otsustab minna rahvusvahelisse e-kaubandusse, on tal e-poe loomisel valida kolme variandi vahel: • globaalne e-pood: ühe neutraalse veebikeskkonnaga üritatakse jõuda võimalikult paljude regioonide tarbijaskonnani; • lokaliseerimine: iga olulise sihtturu jaoks luuakse eraldi veebikeskkond, arvestades selle turu eripärasid ja vajadusi; • hübriid kahest eelnevast: veebikeskkond ise on kujundatud neutraalselt, aga veebi sisu – keel, kohalik valuuta ja logistikavõimalused – võib regiooniti muutuda. India puhul sobiks kõige paremini lokaliseerimine, sest Gemhill AS müüb eneseväljenduslikke tooteid: mida rohkem on veebileht kultuuriliselt lokaliseeritud, seda suuremad on klientide ostukavatsused. Kuid lokaliseerimine eeldab väga head kohalike olude, kultuuritausta, tavade ja arusaamade tundmist ning arvestada tuleb mahukamate investeeringutega. 1,2-miljardilise elanikkonnaga India on praegu eri tegurite tõttu maailma üks kiiremini linnastuvaid riike. Eeldatakse, et aastaks 2050 on see maailma juhtiv linnastunud riik. 137 miljonit internetikasutajat teeb Indiast ühe suurima veebikasutajaskonnaga riigi, mis jääb alla ainult Hiinale ja USA-le. Hoolimata suurest rahvaarvust on tarbija seisukohast e-kaubandust reguleerivad tarbijakaitseseadused Indias peaaegu olematud: privaatsus, rämpspostitus, garantii, tagastused, vaidluste lahendamine, varjatud kulud, eksitav teave ja muud seesugused küsimused on praegu täiesti reguleerimata. Seevastu müüjal tuleb India turule sisenedes kindlasti arvestada 2012. aastal kehtestatud FDI õigusaktiga, mis piirab kohalikku jaekaubandusse tehtavaid otseseid välisinvesteeringuid. Selle õigusakti kohaselt võivad otse tarbijale suunatud e-kaubandusega tegeleda ainult kohalikud ettevõtted. Uurimistööst selgus, et Gemhill AS-i parim lahendus India turule sisenemiseks on ikkagi internetipõhine e-pood. See annaks seni alla surutud ja nüüd pead tõstvatele India naistele suurema tootevaliku, privaatsuse ning võimaluse end harida ega tekitaks kelleski ebamugavustunnet. Seejuures tuleks kasutada ühtse standardse veebipoe mudelit, mida on võimalik lokaliseerida regiooni puudutava sisuga, näiteks keel, kohalik valuuta jne. Kohalike naiste teadmatust saaks parandada peale e-poe veel kindlasti ka klienditoe kaudu, kasutades Skype’i. Samuti ei tohiks ära unustada, et 20–30% India internetiostjatest on mehed, kellel puudub samuti veel arusaam naistepesust. Üks FDI õigusakti kohaselt lubatud turulesisenemise võimalus on leida kohalik partner, rakendades ettevõtetevahelise äri (B2B ehk business to business) mudelit.Internet access via computer devices and smartphones around the world gives today an excellent opportunity to companies with an international grasp or to companies emerging in that direction, to reach customers anywhere and sell products on the other side of the globe without making major investments. Small businesses have achieved bigger independence of dealers and can sell their products to the whole world instead of a limited area, thereat without having sales, marketing and customer service departments in target countries. The research topic "International Internet marketing base model and its implementation possibilities in India based on the example of Gemhill Ltd." was emanated from the creation of Gemhill Ltd. international e-store and the need, which arose from that, to find a way for faster and more efficient operations of Internet shops in other countries. Author's task was to review the research, in addition to the previous questions, and find answers on how to bring the e-shop, developed for international market, successfully to major markets: whether to approach on a country by country basis, taking into account different linguistic, cultural, economic, legal and taxation differences of the countries, or to standardize a website that is suitable for a number of countries? How important is for the e-store buyer to complete a transaction in their own language and to buy domestically produced products, to know the seller's background, to examine early the company's interests warranty and refund policies and pay either by credit or debit card, or even get the opportunity to use cash settlements? The basic task of this research paper "International Internet marketing base model and its implementation possibilities in India based on the example of Gemhill Ltd." was to find out the marketspace status quo, trends, opportunities for market entry and possible difficulties regarding market entry in India, in order to determine the potential of marketing Gemhill Ltd. products in India through Internet. The research revealed that the modern high-speed information interchange has created a situation, where it is easier for sellers to identify potential buyers, expand to markets, which have so far remained physically inaccessible, to design and where necessary quickly reshape marketing campaigns according to feedback. The main factors that affect an e-store purchase are the availability, price, pictures of products, rich product information, and comments and opinions on products. If the trader decides to enter the international e-commerce, then he/she has to make a choice between three options when designing the e-store: • global e-shop - in this case, the trader seeks to reach multiple clients of different regions with one single neutral web environment; • localization i.e. creating a separate web environment for every target market, taking into account the specific needs and peculiarities of that particular market; • a hybrid of the previous two, whereas the web environment itself is neutrally designed, but the web content may vary by region depending on the language, local currency, and logistic capabilities. India would be best suited for localization, because Gemhill Ltd. sells self-expressive products and the more the web page is culturally localized, the higher are the customers purchase intentions. However, localization requires a very good knowledge of cultural background in the local context, understanding of established practices and perceptions, and also major investments must be taken into account. Despite the large population, the consumer protection laws governing e-commerce from the point of view of the consumer in India are basically non-existent: privacy, spamming, warranty, refunds, dispute resolving, hidden costs, misleading information and other similar problems are today free from all kinds of regulations. On the contrary, the seller should definitely consider the FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) regulations imposed in 2012, which limit foreign direct investment in the local retail trade, when entering Indian market. According to the regulations, only local companies are allowed to deal directly with consumer-oriented e-commerce. The research revealed that Gemhill Ltd’s best solution to enter Indian market is e-commerce, which would give greater product selection, privacy and the opportunity to repressed Indian women who are now raising their heads, to educate themselves without causing any discomfort in others. A single standard online shop model is used for this and it can be localized throughout the region regarding region content such as language, local currency etc. The ignorance of the local women should also be improved in addition to web shop, through customer support and Skype. Nor should it be forgotten, that 20-30% of India's Internet buyers are men, who still today lack the understanding of women’s lingerie. One possible option for entry, that is allowed according to the FDI regulations, is to find a local partner using the B2B (Business to Business) i.e. business client model.Clothing and Textiles--Quality ManagementRõivad ja tekstiilid--KvaliteedikorraldusRõiva- ja tekstiiliala ressursikorralduseResource Management in the Clothing and Textiles IndustryRahvusvahelise internetiturunduse baasmudel ja selle rakendamise võimalused India turul AS Gemhill näitelInternational Internet marketing base model and its implementation possibilities in India based on the example of Gemhill Ltdthesis