Paap, LeenaRoode LiiasSarapuu, Ingo2021-03-172021-03-172021änapäeva kiirenevas elutempos otsivad paljud linnainimesed väljundit linnakärast puhkamiseks, soetades omale vana maakodu. Eestis on palju möödunud sajandi algusaastatel ehitatud taluhooneid, mida on võimalik veel taastada. Vana maja soetamisel peab tekkima visioon, mis arvestab vanade taluhoonete iseloomu ja iseärasusi. Ajalooga hoonet renoveerima hakates on oht hoone surnuks remontida, tehakse liiga kiireid otsuseid kasutades mitte sobivaid materjale ja teostusvõtteid. Et säilitada hoone ainulaadne ilme, saab kaasaegset mugavust taluhoonetesse tuua ka nii, et see silma ei riivaks. Lõputöö eesmärk on leida ühtne kontseptsioon vana talukoha taastamiseks ja säilitamiseks. Kaasajastada rehielamu, rikkumata selle arhitektuurilist pärandit, kasutades kinnisvara haldamise ja hooldamise professionaalseid teadmiseid. Valitud objektiks on Velise jõe ääres asuv Rebase talu, asukohaga Kurevere küla, Märjamaa vald, Raplamaa. Maakodu valikul oli otsustavaks teguriks säilinud esialgne arhitektuuriline lahendus ja koheselt tekkinud emotsionaalne side. Eluhoone on rehielamule omaselt jagatud kolmeks. Ida poolses otsas on kambrid ja teise otsa jääb rehealune. Hoone keskel on kõrge parrelaega rehetuba , mille keskel on suur reheahi. Maaüksuse üle vaatamise käigus selgitati välja hoonete seisukorrad ning kahjustuste ulatused. Olemasolevate tehnosüsteemide olukorrad ja puudused. Uuriti hoonete ehitusaluse pinnase geoloogiliste kihtide omadusi, pinna- ja põhjavee taset. Ehitusaluse uuringu aluseks võeti 600 meetri kaugusel, lääne suunal asuva puurkaevu projekti andmed. Hoonete seisukorra hindamisel ja analüüsimisel lähtuti kinnisvara korrashoiu tehnilistest KH kartoteegi juhend kaartidest ja Joosep Metslangi poolt koostatud 2018 aastal ilmunud raamatust „Vana Maamaja Käsiraamat“. Töös on kirjeldatud rehihoone konstruktiivsete osade rekonstrueerimise ettepanekud koos hoone vajalike tehnosüsteemide kaasajastamisega. Eeltoodu põhjal teostati energiatõhususe arvutused, eesmärgiga parandada hoone kasutusmugavust ja kuluoptimaalsust. Eesmärk on taotleda eluhoonele B energiamärgist. Abi-hoone ait-sauna renoveerimise soovitus on säilitada hoone võimalikult algupärasena, muutes kasutusotsarvet sauna likvideerimise näol ja ruumid kasutusele võtta tööruumidena. On kirjeldatud kõrg- ja madalhaljastuse olukorda ning lahendusena kasutada maastiku arhitekti poolt koostatud haljastuse projekti. Käsitletud on kinnisvara korrashoiuga seotud kasutusea ja eluhoone eluea strateegia kujundamist koos korrashoiu kava määratluse ja koostamisega. Töös on kirjeldatud kinnisvaraüksuse kapitalikulude ja ülalpidamiskulude mahud ning koostatud on lühi- ja pikaajalise perioodi eelarve. Kokkuvõttena saab öelda, et hajaasustuses asuva kinnisvaraüksuse korrastamisel on kasulik leida professionaalne kinnisvara haldamist ja hooldamist tundev usaldusisik (konsultant), et saavutada kõige kuluoptimaalsem ja positiivsem lahendus maakodu rajamisel.In today's accelerating pace of life, many city dwellers are looking for a way out of the city noise by purchasing an old country house. There are many farm buildings built in Estonia in the early years of the last century, which can still be restored. When purchasing an old house, a vision must be created that takes into account the nature and peculiarities of the old farm buildings. When renovating a building with history, there is a risk of repairing the building to its demise when decisions are made too quickly using inappropriate materials and construction techniques. In order to preserve the unique look of the building, modern comfort can also be brought into the farm buildings in a way that does not offend the eye. The aim of the thesis is to find a unified concept for the restoration and preservation of the old farm building. Modernize the barn house without compromising its architectural heritage, using professional knowledge of property management and maintenance. The selected object is Rebase Farm located by the Velise River, located in Kurevere village, Märjamaa parish, Raplamaa. The decisive factor in the choice of the country house was a well preserved original architectural solution and the immediate emotional connection. The residential building is divided into three parts, typical for a barn house. At the eastern end there are chambers and at the other end there is a barn. In the middle of the building there is a high-ceilinged barn with a large kiln in the middle. During the inspection of the land unit, the condition of the buildings and the extent of the damage were determined. Situations and shortcomings of existing technical systems were evaluated. The properties of the geological layers of the soil under construction of the buildings, surface and groundwater levels were studied. The study under construction was based on the data of a borehole project located 600 meters to the west. The condition of the buildings was assessed and analyzed on the basis of the technical maps of the KH file catalog and the book “Old Country House Handbook” compiled by Joosep Metslang and published in 2018. The work describes the proposals for the reconstruction of the structural parts of the tire building together with the modernization of the necessary technical systems of the building. Based on the above, energy efficiency calculations were performed with the aim of improving the building's usability and cost-effectiveness. The aim is to apply for an energy label B for residential building. The recommendation for the renovation of the barn-sauna of the auxiliary building is to keep the building as original as possible, only by changing the purpose of use in the form of liquidation of the sauna and to use the room as work premises. The situation of high and low landscaping has been described and the landscaping project prepared by the landscape architect has been used as a solution. The development of a service life and residential building’s lifecycle strategy related to the maintenance of real estate has been discussed, together with the definition and preparation of a maintenance plan. The volumes of the real estate unit's capital costs and maintenance costs are described in the work, and a short- and long-term budget is prepared. In conclusion, it can be said that when renovating a sparsely populated real estate unit, it is useful to find a professional consultant who knows the management and maintenance of real estate in order to achieve the most cost-optimal and positive solution for building a country house.Economy and Management--Construction EconomicsEconomy and Management--Project ManagementEconomy and Management--Economic AnalysisEconomy and Management--Strategic ManagementMajandus and ärijuhtimine--EhitusökonoomikaMajandus and ärijuhtimine--ProjektijuhtimineMajandus and ärijuhtimine--MajandusanalüüsMajandus and ärijuhtimine--Strateegiline juhtimineKinnisvara korrashoidFacilities ManagementRebase Rehielamu Rekonstrueerimine ja Korrashoiu Kava KoostamineReconstruction of the Traditional Residential House on Rebase Estate and Compiling the Maintenance Planthesis