Tamm, RalfTõns, Madis2021-03-172021-03-172015https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1255Käesoleva diplomitöö raames loodi Maarjamäe memoriaali ja klinti ühendav pühamu, mis pakub peavarju nahkhiirtele. Projektis arvestati, et mitte häirida mägi-kadakkaera ja püst-kiviriku kasvukohti paemurru seintel. Pühamu kontseptsioon on tuletatud lihtsast ühelöövilisest torniga kirikust. Pühamu põhimaht on peidetud klinti. Torn, milles paikneb nahkhiirte suvine varjepaik, on ehitatud puidust tagamaks suvisel pesitsusperioodil sobivat sisekliimat. Lisaks torni keskel rippuvatele pesakastidele on seeläbi võimalus nahkhiirtel kinnituda ka torni seintele. Inimeste juurdepääs nahkhiirte talvitumiskohta on piiratud. Nahkhiired pääsevad sellesse läbi tornis paikneva kaevu. Maapinnani ulatuvad pühamu valgussahtid ja pikk kaldtee ja torn. Loodav pühamu on mõeldud eelkõige mõtiskluste kohaks. Enne pühakotta jõudmist tuleb läbida teekond läbi memoriaali või paemurru. Samas saab selles pidada oikumeenilisi jumalateenistusi või ka kontserte. Pühamu laieneb paemurru kohale pakkudes kaitset nahkhiirtele. Pühamus ja selle ümbruses on võimalik ka nahkhiiri jälgida.The Maarjamäe Memorial, located in Tallinn, Estonia, is established during the Soviet Union occupation period. Currently, discussions on how to change this memorial into the Victims of Communism Memorial are very actual. The memorial is surrounded by the Maarjamäe Klint, which causes certain limitations due to the nature conservation rules in the area. Therefore, this project is on hold and the memorial continuously decays. The Maarjamäe Memorial has many symbols, where religious meanings can be assigned and therefore the extension with the Maarjamäe Sanctuary can be considered. Given thesis provides solution on how to connect the sanctuary with the memorial in such a way that it will provide protection for the bats and will not threat the areas where protected plants are located. The concept of the sanctuary is developed from the basic one aisle church type, except that the main part of the sanctuary is hidden under the ground. In order to provide a suitable indoor climate for the bats summertime shelter, wood is used as material in the tower Additionally, this provides extra spaces for bats, so that they can hang on tower walls as well as on the nest boxes that are hanging in the tower. Accesses to the bats hibernation areas are limited for the people, but well-ensured for the bats through the well in the tower. The Sanctuary can be accessed either by passing the route through the memorial or through the quarry. The main purpose of the sanctuary is to provide a peaceful place for people to think their thoughts. However, this sanctuary could be also used to organize the ecumenical worships or concerts. The sanctuary is expanded to the quarry in such a way that it will provide protection to the bats. Additionally, people are able to observe bats inside the sanctuary and also around surrounding areas. Proposed solution assures that that vanished vegetation in the quarry will be recovered.Architecture--Applied Architecture--Architectural DesignArhitektuur--Rakendusarhitektuur--Arhitektuurne projekteerimineRakendusarhitektuurApplied ArchitectureMaarjamäe PühamuMaarjamäe Sanctuarythesis