Nõuakas, KatiAaslaid, Kauri2021-03-172021-03-172016https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1382Käesoleva lõputöö uuritavaks probleemiks oli Greencarrier Freight Services Estonia OÜ kontseptsioon olla roheline ja turustada ennast kui rohelist logistika teenusepakkujat, kuid kuna ise ühtegi veovahendit ei omata, siis ei saa ettevõtte 100% kontrollida, kas teenust osutati võimalikult loodussäästlikult ja ei jäetud kliendile valet muljet. Väga kerge on kliendile jätta muljet, et talle müüdi hoopis õhku ning teenus, mis on turustatud kui roheline ja loodustsäästev, on võrdeline konkurendi omaga, kes ei väärtusta loodussäästlikust esmajärjekorras ning võib olla pakub isegi odavama hinnaga. Töö eesmärgiks oli koostada Greencarrier Freight Services Estonia OÜ alltöövõtjatele kriteeriumid, et ettevõtte saaks pakkuda oma klientidele rohelisemat logistikateenust ning olla selles vallas üks suunanäitajaid. Kuna transport on üks neljast suurimast kasvuhoonegaasi tekitajast, siis tuleb suhtuda rohelisse transporti väga tõsiselt, et hoida kliimamuutuseid talutaval tasemel. Loodustsäästev teguviis on tähtis meie järgnevate põlvede jaoks, et säilitada neile samasugune maailm nagu ta on hetkel meil ja hoida kliimasoojenemine minimaalsel tasemel. Õnneks on üldsus sellele probleemile lõpuks reageerinud ja ette on võetud suuremad sammud ja koosviibimised, et arutada, kuidas saaksid kõik riigid oma panuse anda, et vähendada kliimasoojenemist. Kehtestatud on väga palju erinevaid norme ja reegleid ning nende kallal töötatakse igapäevaselt. Suuremad transpordiettevõtted on hakanud selle peale mõtlema ning toonud oma töö rutiinidesse sisse rohelisemaid mõtteviise. Turundusmaterjalides on hakatud serveerima kliendile, et transport on loodusele kahjulik ning neid teavitama selle kahjulikkusest. Üldsus on laiemalt probleemist teadlik ning on tekkinud teatud trendid nagu näiteks ökonoomsem ja rohelisem elamine. Transport on muidugi ka valdkond, kus on võimalik mingil määral oma kasumit kasvatada kui ollakse rohelised. Nagu eelnevalt DSV juhatuse liige ütles, et ekspedeerimisettevõttele on kasulik olla loodustsäästev ja roheline, kuna siis ka majanduslikud näitajad paranevad. Mida efektiivsemalt veokorraldaja veovahendit töös hoiab ja kaupasid peale planeerib, seda suurem on veoringi kasum ja seda paremad on lõpptulemused. Töö autor kirjeldas töös kolme osapoolt, kellega tuleb transpordi ettevõttes igapäevaselt suhelda ja koostööd teha. Autor uuris nii alltöövõtjaid, konkurente kui otsekliente, kellest transpordiahel algab. Need uuringud aitasid kaasa peamiste kriteeriumite väljatöötamisele. Kokku töötati välja kuus peamist kriteeriumit, mis aitab ettevõtte mainet tõsta ning teenust hoida tasemel, mida ka kliendile turustatakse. Greencarrier grupp on Rootsi päritolu ettevõte ning peakontori poolt on surve suur ning uuritakse erinevaid süsteeme, kuidas teha asja efektiivsemalt, kiiremalt ja loodussäästlikumalt. Töö suurim ettepanek on muuta vedajate tasustamine emissiooniklassipõhiseks ja koostatud on ka uus hinnakiri, mida saaks koheselt rakendada. Selline hinnakiri aitab kaasa vedaja masinapargi uuendamisele ning sel juhul ei ole vanema veovahendiga enam otstarbekas tööd teha, kuna aastas kaotab vedaja liiga palju raha. Ettevõtte peaks kindlasti jätkama teavitustööd klientidele, kuna ollakse rohelise vedaja ja kliendi kokkuviijad. Tulevikus tuleb kindlasti klientidele korraldada koolitusi, sest transpordiahel algab neist ning nemad on see tegur, kes tellib vastava transpordi. Kindlasti tuleks luua ettevõttes ka väga roheline teenus, mis viiakse läbi kõige modernsema tehnikaga ja väga väikese loodusliku jalajäljega. Teenuse hind on küll kõrgem kui tavateenusel, kuid see eest antakse loodusliku keskkonna säästlikkusele ja kliima säilimisele panus ning transpordi ettevõtte klient saab näiteks seda ka vabalt edasi turustada oma klientidele.Cooperation Partners Selection on the Basis of Company Activity Conception and Principles of Green Logistics as Greencarrier Freight Services Estonia OÜ Example This thesis theme selection comes from thesis author job experience and engagement with transport company which offers green logistics solutions and it´s named as a Greencarrier Freight Services Estonia OÜ. Global warming and greenhouse gas production is global problem and reflected everywhere more and more. Nature saving behaviour is important to current generations and also for future generations. We all have heard that global average temperature is grown to critical level and polar areas are melting and raising slowly the global water level. All this causes extreme weather like tornadoes and big storms which have destroyed hundreds of houses and it`s the reason why lots of people have had to move somewhere else or have been even killed by storm. To hold the climate on the same level and condition, we have to hold the average temperature in long term under 2 degrees celsius. Transport is one of four biggest greenhouse gas producers. If all transport companies would start using greener solutions, they would reduce air pollution, therefore greenhouse effect will decrease. The topic of this thesis is conception, what company advertises to its customers. Greencarrier Freight Services Estonia markets itself to customers as a green transport company and who creates greener and sustainable transport solutions to his customers. There are one question, because Greencarrier Freight Services Estonia dont own none of trucks and that´s why company can not control 100% if service have been made certainly green and with modern fleet or customer got same service like offers competitor for whom green logistics is not so important. When company markets to customer as a very green logistics company but in real life at loading place will be old EURO 3 or older truck, then customer will feels like he have buy only air and pay more about that. For him its dissappointment. The purpose of this thesis is to assemble certain criteria for cooperation partners, on the basis of Greencarrier Freight Services Estonia OÜ activity conception and green logistics principles. Criteria helps in the future to select cooperation partners and subcontractors. To pass and to work with Greencarrier Freight Services certain terms have to be met. This way the company can ensure that the environment friendly service quality is offered as they have advertised to their customers. Thesis contains three bigger parts, first is theory, then practical part and final part contains of results, conclusions and proposals. Theory handles overall green logistics principles, which are eco-friendly means of transport, future trends and also there are talk about green logistics implementings. In practical side have investigated three parts – subcontractors, customers and competitors. At subcontarctors side have been made different kinds of calculations like how much CO2 and NOx will make different emisson class truck on the same route, why subcontractors are motivated to change their equipment to newer in one country but in second country they don want to change their trucks so easily. In customers part the most important is that Greencarrier Freight Services Estonia OÜ customers got questionnaire with 15 questions, where questions about green transport and overall knowledge had been asked. Questionnaire was sent to 50 customers, 31 have answered. The most important information what author was looking for was customers overall knowledge about green logistics principles and if customers are willing to pay more for eco-friendly transportation. In competitor side author investigated another master thesis, which have been made last year ago. In this master thesis author investigated how competitors feel about green logistics and reducing footprint to the environment. Maybe they develope some new techniques to reduce the footprint to the environment or they have some routines to reduce the nature pollution. Maybe some competitors have also green transport service. Is environment important to them and questions like that. Transport is field where is possible to grow your profit being green and economy. DSV chairman of the board have said that for shipping company is profitable to be green and nature saving, because then also company economy indicators will grow. When freight forwarder plan trucks and goods very efficiently, the more will be transport circle gross profit and final results. The purpose of this thesis is change the Greencarrier Freight Services Estonia OÜ subcontractors price list as a emission class based. When trucker have newer machine then he will get more money per kilometre. This price list can help and motivate to improve trucker fleet and it´s not so expedient to drive with old truck anymore, because trucker will lose a lot of money per year. Greencarrier Freight Services should continue to inform customers about transport and footprint reducing, because transport is one of fourth biggest greenhouse gases producers and transport chain will start from customers. Greencarrier Freight Services brings together forwarder and customer and have responsibility to control forwarders fleet and driving routines and inform customer about transport necative effects. Definetly Greencarrier Freight Services can make new service which called the greenest way. This solution is little bit expensiver but company will make transport from point A to point B the most greener and effective way. Service price will be little higher but this solution will reduce economical footprint to its minimum and customer who will buy this service can also market this forward to its customers.Transport--Tansport of GoodsTransport--KaubaveduTransport ja logistikaTransport and LogisticsKoostööpartnerite valik lähtuvalt ettevõtte tegevuskontseptsioonist ja rohelise logistika põhimõtetest ettevõtte Greencarrier Freight Services Estonia OÜ näitelCooperation Partners Selection on the Basis of Company Activity Conception and Principles of Green Logistics as Greencarrier Freight Services Estonia OÜ Examplethesis