Ševtšenko , EduardLaanemets, HendrikZaitseva, Uljana2024-01-052024-01-052024-01-05https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/4939Lõputöö „Ettevõtte x äriprotsesside kaardistamine ja tarneahela kohandamine suurklientide vastavaks“ eesmärgiks oli on kaardistada, optimeerida, parandada ettevõtte x ja kliendi äriprotsessid. Digitaliseerimine on transpordisektoris tõusutrendis ning tänu digitaalsetele lahendustele ettevõtted on võimelised saavutada turueelise konkurentide ees, luua protsesse, mis toetavad nende ärieesmärke ning parandavad koostööprotsesse klientidega. Autor kasutas lõputöös nii kvalitatiivset kui kvantitatiivset uurimismeetodit. Ettevõtte töötajate hulgas viidi läbi intervjuu, et kaardistada tööprotsessid. Teoreetiliseks aluseks valiti digitaalse ärianalüüsi metoodika, lähtuvalt ettevõte x ja kliendi soovist parendada oma ja kliendiga seotud äriprotsesse. Valitud teooria alusel loodi töö struktuur ning äriprotsesside modelleerimise keele valik, milleks on VACD ja EPC, uuriti ettevõte x konteksti, sisemist ja välist, mis omakorda toetab äriprobleemi konteksti. Ettevõtte x ja kliendi hetkeolukorra ja tulevikuolukorra kaardistamisel ARIS connect tarkvara abil oli esitatud jooniste kujul terve väärtusahel, mis omakorda võimaldas tuvastada probleemsed valdkonnad ning luua lahendusi. Lõputöös ARIS connect tarkvara ühildatakse SCOR mudeliga, mille alusel mõõdetakse ettevõtte ja klienditeekonna tarneahela üsaldusväärsus mõõdikut, et hinnata ja lahendada äriprobleemid kahe ettevõtte konteksti arvestades. Võttes kasutusele pakutud lahendused ja uued infosüsteemid parendatakse kommunikatsiooni, andmevahetust, protsesside ajalist kestvust läbi alternatiivsete teede kaotamise või ajalise kestvuse mahu leevendamisega ettevõtte x ja kliendi vahel. Lõputöös on kirjeldatud ka vajadus luua uus probleemide analüüsimise protsess ja määrata protsessi eest vastutava isiku, et oleks konkreetne probleemsete tellimuste haldamise protsess, mis hetkeolukorras puudub. Kirjeldatud lahendused ning kaardistatud tööprotsessid on esitatud ettevõttele x ja kliendile ning neid kaalutakse vastutuse, mõõdikute ja ühiste töövoogude ülevaatamiseks.The digitalisation of processes is an inevitable future for the transport sector, and one that all companies will face at one point or another. Choosing an enterprise methodology is the initial phase of business process analysis and development work. In the context of digitisation, digital business analysis theory is used, based on a body of business analysis knowledge. When digitalisation solutions are successfully implemented, companies are able to gain market advantage over competitors and create processes that support their business objectives. Company x has adopted a range of digitisation solutions, but the need has arisen to improve the management of work processes with a key client they have worked with for many years. The problem has arisen in terms of maintaining transparency of work processes, segregation of responsibilities and management effectiveness, which creates difficulties in collaborating effectively with the client. The thesis maps the business processes of company x and the client and creates a model for future collaboration. The objective of this thesis is to map, optimize, improve the business processes of company x and the customer. The aim of the thesis "Mapping the business processes of company x and adapting the supply chain to large customer" was to map, optimize and improve the business processes of company x and the main customer. Digitisation is on the rise in the transport sector and digital solutions enable companies to gain market advantage over competitors and create processes that support their business objectives. The author used both qualitative and quantitative research methods. An interview was carried out with the company's employees to map the work processes. A digital business analysis methodology was chosen as the theoretical basis, based on the desire of company x and the client to improve their own and their client's business processes. Based on the chosen theory, the structure of the work was established and the choice of business process modelling language, VACD and EPC, was explored to examine the context, internal and external to company x, which in turn supports the context of the business problem. The mapping of the current and future situation of company x and the customer using the ARIS connect software provided the whole value chain in the form of drawings, which in turn enabled the identification of problem areas and the creation of solutions. In the thesis, the ARIS connect software is combined with the SCOR model to measure the reliability metric of the company and customer supply chain in order to assess and solve business problems in the context of the two companies. By adopting the proposed solutions and new information systems, the communication, data exchange, process time duration will be improved through the elimination of alternative paths or the alleviation of the time duration between company x and the customer. The thesis also outlines the need to create a new problem analysis process and to assign a person responsible for the process, so that there is a specific process for managing problem orders, which is currently lacking. The solutions described have been presented to Company x and the customer and will be considered to review responsibilities, metrics and common workflows.etTransport::LogistikaTransport ja logistikaEttevõtte x äriprotsesside kaardistamine ja tarneahela kohandamine suurklientide vastavaksMapping the business processes of company x and adapting the supply chain to large customerlõputöö