Ramjalg, AnneliLampmann, Johannes-Aksel/JA2021-03-172021-03-172020https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2932Lõputöö raames lahendas autor korterelamute ehitusetööde organiseerimise projekti, mille aadressiks on Veerenni 36/2. Kokku on arenduses kaheksa hoonet, kuid autor lahendas ära kolme erineva hoone näitel oma projekti. Sellega sai läbi vaadatud viilkatusega kolmekorruseline kortermaja, neljakorruseline lamekatusega kortermaja ja kuuekorruseline lamekatusega kortermaja. Peale üldiste ehituse organiseerimist puutavatele küsimustele keskendus autor katuse- ja montaažitöödele, mille kohta koostas tehnoloogiakaardid. Katusetööde osas selgitab autor protsesse, mida tuleb läbida lamekatuse ja viilkatuse ehitusel. Katusetööde puhul kirjeldab autor katusetöid ning mis nõutele peavad katused vastama ning kirjeldatud on ka tööohutuse osa. Lamekatuse töö protsessi aitavad paremini selgitada autori lisatud fotod, mis said katusetööde ajal tehtud. Montaažitööde tehnoloogiakaart annab hea ülevaate, kuidas toimub laepaneelide ning seinaelementide paigaldus objektil, mida tuleb tööde sooritamisel kontrollida ning kuidas tagada töötamine ohutus keskkonnas. Tehnoloogiakaardil on näidatud tüüpkorruse monteerimist puudutav ajakulu, ressursid ja tähtsamad sõlmed. Kogu projekti maksumuseks on 6,879,347 eurot + KM 20% mis sisaldab kolme hoone ehitust koos maa aluse parkla ehituse, haljastuse kui ka väljaminekuid, mis võivad ette tulla garantiitööde ning muude tööde sooritamiseks (haljastuse hooldus, koristus jne). Ehitusplatsi kulud moodustavad 830,848 eurot, mis on 12% kogu ehituse maksumusest. Antud arenduse ehitustöid teostati samaaegselt autori lõputööga, mis andis hea ülevaate erinevatest ehitusprotsessidest ning nende tähtsusest objektil.The goal of this thesis was to solve the organisation project of the construction of three different apartment buildings to be built at Veerenni 36/2 which is the II stage of development called Uus- Veerenni. There will be eight new apartments built on the same place, but author concentrated on three different types of apartments: three store, four store and six store apartments, other five houses built on the same ground will be the exact copy of one of the three different types. Planning and preparation started 25.06.2018 and future owners will be ready to move in 07.09.2020. Total area of II stage of Uus-Veerenni is 5181 m² and eight apartment buildings will be built on this ground. Two apartments will be built with six floors, two will be with four floors and four houses will have three stores with total of 64 apartments. Future owners will park their cars underground with 86 parking places. Veerenni is the biggest residential development area in central Tallinn. In his thesis author consecrated on describing assembly works of hollow-core slabs of floors, walls and roof works together with machines and equipment used for this kind of works, safety, materials and installation. For this description, technological charts were created to describe each stage of work in detail. Assembly work charts were created to describe how hollow-core slabs of floors and walls are put together. Using help of technological charts reader can easily understand the complex system of assembly works, their requirements, possible threats and quality control. With the creation of technological charts for the roof works author was able to describe difference between building a gable roof and flat roof. The differences between works, resources, duration and the more important joints. Everything can be seen and read about in this thesis. Luckily construction works were performed at the same time the thesis was written and by this author had opportunity to describe everything in detail and add pictures from process. Budget to build this project is 6,879,347 eur + tax 20% which was based on the charts of construction company, what includes construction of three apartment building, underground parking and 53 landscaping of the area and many more. Organisational costs of the construction site are valued at 830,848 eur + tax 20% which is 12 % of the total cost.Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionKorterelamute ehituse organiseerimineOrganization of Construction of Apartmentsthesis