Pille, HamburgJulge, Jari2021-03-172021-03-172017https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1893Hoonele on tehtud põhjalik analüüs visuaalsel vaatlusmeetodil, kirjeldatud on olemasolevat seisukorda, mida on toetatud fotodega. Leiti mitmeid niiskus- ja külmakahjustusi, lisaks veel bioloogilisi, korrosiooni ning päikese mõjust tulenevaid kahjustusi. Kahjustuste likvideerimiseks ning edaspidiste kahjustuste vältimiseks on tehtud analüüsi vastavates peatükkides omanikele ettepanekud ja lisaks antud soovitusi põhjalikemate uuringute tegemiseks. Hoone rekonstrueerimisettepanekud on jagatud kolme erinevasse paketti. 0-paketis on rõhku pandud kõige enam remonti ja uuendust vajavatele hoone osadele. Selle paketi peamisteks töödeks nähtakse ette loomuliku ventilatsiooni vahetamist mehaanilise vastu, amortiseerunud vee- ja kanalisatsioonitorustike väljavahetamine, elektritööd, fassaadi parandused ning vihmavee äravoolu süsteemi ehitamine. Viimane on tähtis, et vältida edaspidi suuremaid niiskuskahjustusi väliskonstruktsioonidel, kuna paljud kahjustused tekkisid just vihmavee vabalt liikumise tulemusel. Esimene pakett näeb ette lisaks 0-paketi töödele hoone seinade välissoojustuse asendamise modernsema vastu. Uued lahendused parandavad tunduvalt antud konstruktsioonide soojuspidavust. 0-paketil on investeeringu tasuvus kiirem, kuid esimese paketi välispiirete soojustamisega, on peale 18-ndat aastat antud paketi tootlus suurem. Teises paketis on lisaks välisseina soojustamisele ettenähtud pööninglae lisasoojustamine ning hoone vanade avatäidete väljavahetamine uute vastu. Teises paketis installeeritakse soojustagastusega mehaaniline ventilatsiooni süsteem, mille tulemusel on hoonel palju madalam kütteenergiakulu ning nüüdisväärtuse arvutused näitavad investeeringute tasuvust ligikaudu kaheksa aasta jooksul. Lõputöö viimases osas on tehtud ehitusplatsi ja tööde lühikirjeldused teisele rekonstrueerimispaketile ning lisaks lahendatud ehitusplatsi asendplaan ning kalendergraafik töömeeste vajadusega platsil.The title of the thesis is The Analysis of the State of the Building at the Address Heltermaa mnt 6 and Proposals of the Reconstruction. The research object of the thesis was the building located in Kärdla, Hiiumaa, where the first-floor surfaces were used for shops and the second-floor surfaces were used for offices. The building also had two separate warehouse spaces. The research was based on the draft project of the year 1991. The project had saved the explanatory memorandum and the different basic plans, views, site plan and the building section. The object of the thesis had new owners and due to this, they had a desire to get a good overview of the current condition of the building and an overview of the reconstruction possibilities. The main aim was to determine the damage to the building, to describe the condition of the existing structures and utility systems, provided with photographs. A comprehensive analysis was made by visual observation method. A number of humidity and frost damages were found, along with biological corrosion and the effects of sun damage. The building is currently under review and the analysis is based on the results of the solutions offered to liquidate damages, and suggestions on how to reduce or avoid further damages to the building. In addition, reconstruction solutions were offered, which will improve the overall thermal resistance of the building, as well as indoor climate. The aim of the thesis was also to find the estimated building cost of the heating energy to the offered reconstruction packages and the return of the investment calculations based on the present value method. For the return calculations of the packages were found estimated costs. Reconstruction proposals were divided into three different packages. Package 0 placed more emphasis on the need of renewal and repair of the building components. The main purposes of this package foresaw the replacement of natural ventilation with the mechanical one, the replacement of the depreciated water and sewer pipes, electricity works, facade improvements and the construction of drainage system of the rain water. The last one was important in order to avoid further major humidity damages on the external structures, since many damages occurred as the result of free running of the rainwater. The first package foresaw, in addition of the 0-package, the replacement of the external insulation of the walls with the more modern ones. New solutions improved the insulation structures. According to the 0-package, the return on investment was quicker, but thanks to the insulation of the external borders of the first package, the performance after 18 years in this package was higher. The second package introduced in addition to the external wall insulation - additional insulation of the ceiling of the attic and the replacement of the old hole fillings with new ones. The second package foresaw the mechanical heat recovery ventilation system. Due to the lower heating energy, the annual income and higher net present value calculations showed a return on investment in about eight years. The last part of the thesis made brief descriptions of the building site and the works about other reconstructions packages, and also the site plan and calendar schedule, along with the need to workers on the site, were additionally provided.Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Renovation and reconstruction workEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Remont- ja rekonstrueerimistöödHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionHeltermaa mnt 6 hoone seisukorra analüüs ja rekonstrueerimise ettepanekudThe Analysis of the State of the Building at the Address Heltermaa mnt 6 and Proposals of the Reconstructionthesis