Mill, TarvoOja, Simon2023-05-242023-05-242023-05-15äesoleva lõputöö eesmärk oli käsitleda eskiisi staadiumis ehitusprojekti koostamist, mida saab tulevikus kasutada sisendina põhiprojekti koostamisel. Töös kasutati näitlikustamiseks riigitee nr 15124 Kapu-Rakke-Paasvere km 12,0–14,4 Rakke aleviku lõigu rekonstrueerimise põhiprojekti koostamise projekti. Lõputöös kirjeldatakse erinevaid tee ehitusprojekti staadiumeid, ehitus- ja remondiliike, millele saab koostada projekti, ning projekteerimisel kasutatavaid põhilisi lähteandmeid, milleks on tellija ning projektiga seotud osapoolte esitatavad dokumendid ning standardid, määrused ja juhendid. Töös on üksikasjalikult välja toodud objekti iseloomustus. Eskiisi koostamise käigus loodi lahendused ristmikele, põhimõttelisele liikluskorraldusele ning bussipeatustele koos neid ühendatavatele jalgteedele, täiendavad kergliiklus- ja teeületuskohad liiklusohutuse tõstmiseks, mahasõitude sulgemine ja/või ümberehitamine, sademevete ärajuhtimise põhimõtteline lahendus ning eeldatavad äralõiked kinnisasjadest. Töös on arvestatud erinevate juhenditega, olemasoleva olukorraga ning valla poolsete soovide ja ettepanekutega. Kogu objekti lõikes käsitleti leiduvaid teekatte defekte, mille üheks põhjustajaks on külmakerked, kirjeldades loodusilmingu olemust ja potensiaalseid lahendusi – mitteioonsete polüakrüülamiidide või põlevkivituha kasutamine teede-ehituses. Kuna süsinikujalajälje jälgimine teede-ehituses muutub järjest populaarsemaks ning vajalikumaks, on tähtsaks peetud kirjeldada selle olemust, suurimaid tegureid, lähiaja ja pika perspektiivi lahendusi, potensiaalseid printsiipe tee madalsüsinikuehituse korral ja soojalt segatud asfaldi kasutust kuuma asfaldi asemel. Töö koostamise peamisteks takistusteks olid ehitusgeoloogiliste uuringute kokkuvõtte puudumine, mistõttu ei olnud võimalik täpsemalt hinnata pinnase iseärasusi ning pakkuda välja konkreetne konstruktiivne koosseis, ja eskiisi staadiumis projekti koostamise kajastamine lõputöös, sest lahendus konstantselt muutus.The following thesis „Principal Building Design Documentation for the Reconstruction of a Secondary Road“ is to prepare the draft plan of construction work documentation that could serve as input for the preparation of principal building design in the future. For illustration purposes, principal building design project for the reconstruction of the 12.0–14.4 km section of national road No 15124 Kapu-Rakke-Paasvere in Rakke borough was used. The thesis outlines different stages of road building design documentation, including the draft plan, preliminary design, principal design and operational design. Additionally, the thesis discusses various construction and repair types, such as construction, reconstruction, conservative repair and restorative repair, which can serve as a basis for the design. Moreover, the thesis describes the primary base data used in the design, which comprises design documents from both the contracting authority and other related parties, such as technical specifications, topo-geodetic and geotechnical surveys as well as standards, regulations and guidelines in force in Estonia. The thesis provides a detailed description of site characteristics: it is a narrow roadway (average road surface width 6.2 m across the entire site), which according to requirements should be seven meters wide; the light traffic road on site is situated only on one side of the roadway and lacks continuity, which necessitates risky road crossings by users; the traffic management on site is sometimes inadequate. As part of the preparation of the draft plan, solutions were developed for intersections, basic road management measures, bus stops and the connecting footpaths, additional light traffic and road crossings, closure and/or modification of exits, storm water drainage and expected immovable property cuts. In order to calm traffic, a chicane was designed for the area at the beginning of the site, a speed bump for the area between the school and the prospective kindergarten to ensure the safe crossing of light road users, a raised intersection for the area where two T-shaped intersections are situated in close proximity to each other, and a roundabout for the area near the steep bend of the main road, where there is limited space for light road users and poor visibility. The thesis took into account the applicable guidelines in Estonia, the current situation on site as well as the wishes and proposals of the rural municipality. The thesis addressed road surface defects found throughout the site, with edge defects, narrow linear cracking and crocodile cracking constituting the largest proportion of the issues. Frost heaving is one of the factors contributing to these defects. This thesis provides a description of the SUMMARY 52 natural phenomenon and offers potential solutions to mitigate its effects, namely, through the use of nonionic polyacrylamides or oil shale ash in road construction. As carbon footprint monitoring in road construction gains popularity and importance, the thesis describes its nature along with the major contributing factors, such as the production and installation of asphalt, the production and use of cement and concrete, heavy transport, construction processes and the production and use of steel. In addition, the thesis also explores short- and longterm solutions, potential principles of low-carbon road construction and the use of warm-mix asphalt as a substitute for hot-mix asphalt. The main challenges faced during the preparation of the thesis included, first, the lack of geotechnical survey summaries, which made it difficult to accurately assess soil characteristics and propose a specific structural composition, and second, the recording of the preparation of building design documentation at the draft plan stage for the thesis, as the solution changed continuously.etEhitus::Teedeehitus::Tee ehituse kavandamineTeedeehitusKõrvalmaantee rekonstrueerimise põhiprojektPrincipal Building Design Documentation for the Reconstruction of a Secondary Roadlõputöö