Ramjalg, AnneliBachmann, Jürgen2021-03-172021-03-172016https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1619Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli lahendada Vesse tänav 8 büroohoone ehitustööde organiseerimise projekt. Tööde ajamahukuse määramiseks kasutati EKE NORA andmebaasist saadud väärtusi, mida korrigeeriti vastavalt konsultandi märkustele ning soovitustele. Sellest lähtudes saadi ehitustööde kestvuseks koondkalendergraafiku järgi 125 päeva. Vastavalt graafikule on ühel päeval maksimaalsete tööliste arv 59. Maksimaalse tarbimise järgi on arvutatud peakilbi võimsus. Kasutades EKE NORA andmebaasi, on büroohoonele koostatud ehitusmaksumuse tabel. Selle põhjal on saadud ehitustööde kogumaksumuseks 1 941 521 € + KM. Lisaks on eraldi välja toodud ehituse organiseerimise maksumus, milleks on 103 803 € + KM ehk 5 % eelarvelisest kogumaksumusest. Töös on lahendatud ehitusplatsi maa-ala põhimõtteline kasutamine, mille kohta on koostatud ehitusplatsi üldplaan, kus on näidatud masinate liikumisskeemid, kraana tõstetsoonid, laoplatside ning soojakute asukohad. Plaan on lahendatud nii, et oleks võimalik teostada samal krundil ehitatava laohoone ehitustöid. Käesolevas töös on lähemalt käsitletud hoone kandekonstruktsiooni monteerimise töid, mille all on lähemalt kirjeldatud raudbetoonpostide, seinaelementide, raudbetoon treppide, raudbetoontalade ning õõnespaneelide montaažitöid. Kõigi kolme korruse montaažitööde teostamiseks kulub 18 päeva. Teema kohta on koostatud seletuskiri ning kaks tehnoloogiakaarti koos erinevate sõlmedega. Teise tehnoloogiakaardina on lahendatud büroohoone peafassaadi kaunistav monoliitsest raudbetoonist firma logo. Arvestades logo mõõtmeid, siis logo ehitamine peab toimuma kahes järgus ning töövuuk lahendada kolmnurkliistu abil, et tagada elemendile viimistlusklass A. Konstruktsiooni ehitamise kohta on seletuskiri, mida toetab tehnoloogiakaart. Seletuskirjades on välja toodud tööde kvaliteedi ja tööohutuse nõuded.The topic of this final thesis is the organization of construction works of the office building at Vesse 8. The objective of this thesis was to prepare a general plan of the construction site, consolidated calendar schedule, construction costs and time requirement table and two technology cards. For better performance of works the author was able to use a main project of Projekteerimisbüroo Dialoog OÜ, engineering-geological researches by REIB AS and explanatory reports on the main project of special parts. Preparation of the building's budget was facilitated by the volume of works table prepared by the budgeting specialist of AS Maru Ehitus. In addition, the budget preparation included the regulatory base of EKE NORA, the values of which were adjusted according to the consultant's recommendations. The final thesis is constructed so it starts with the description of the existing situation. The author also reflects the architectural and constructive solution of the building and describes the special parts. Thesis determines the number of machines required for lifting works and their necessity. The occupational safety requirements on the construction site have been described in more detail. Based on the recommendations by EKE NORA and the consultant, the total cost of the building to be constructed was 1 941 521 € + VAT, out of which 5% i.e. 103 803 € + VAT were the construction organization costs. The percentage values of other parts are detailed in the contents of this thesis. According to the consolidated calendar schedule the time required for construction works is 125 days and during that period there are maximum 59 people on the site. Based on this the calculated power of the main circuit breaker is 80A. The general plan of the construction site prepared for this thesis describes the general use of the construction site and its size. The general layout of the site, temporary roads, work zones, location of the first aid equipment and the position of the boundary fence are shown in more detail. The final thesis required preparing a technology card for the assembly of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements and the construction works of the monolithic concrete logo, which are described in detail. Explanatory reports have been prepared on both topics supported by drawings, work zones and time schedules. The prefabricated element card describes the construction works regarding elements, floors, stairs and reinforced concrete posts and beams. According to the time schedule the performance of works takes 18 days and requires up to 4 people. The technology card for monolithic company logo works focuses on building concrete logo with surface finishing class A, which is the most difficult part of this work. For this purpose concrete will be poured in two stages, plywood with high quality surface will be used for constructing formwork and then firmly compressed. Performance of works takes 8 days and requires up to 5 people. Details about the quality and occupational safety requirements are provided in the description of works.Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionBüroohoone ehitustööde organiseerimineOrganization of Construction Works of an Office Buildingthesis