Kreek, SvenUhle, Melissa Mai2024-01-052024-01-052024-01-05äesolev töö teostati Transpordiameti kompleksuuringu raames, mis viidi läbi Raasiku vallas. Töö uuritavaks aspektiks oli koolibussi peatuste ohutuse hindamine. Töö eesmärgi täitmiseks uuriti, milline on Raasiku valla poolt pakutav õpilasvedu. Bussipeatuste ohutuse hindamist toetas autori jäädvustatud pildid, riiklikud nõuded peatuste rajamisele ning riskianalüüsi meetodid bussipeatustele. Empiirilist osa toetas lastevanemate seas läbi viidud rahulolu-uuring. Töö esimeses osas seletati lahti töös põhiliselt kasutatavad mõisted. Sellele järgnes teoreetiline osa õpilasveo korraldamisest Eestis ning peatuste rajamise nõuded. Kuna õpilasveoks kasutatavad peatused jäävad suures osas asulavälistele teedele, siis selliste peatuste rajamisel tuleb lähtuda maantee projekteerimise nõuetest. Esimeses pooles tutvustati ka uuritavat piirkonda ehk Raasiku valda ja seal asuvaid koole. Raasiku valla õpilasveo kohta saadi esmast informatsiooni valla kodulehelt, kus on leitavad kehtivad õpilasliinide sõidugraafikud. Lisaks sellele tutvustati kompleksuuringu raames varasemalt valminud lõputööde ühiseid jooni tulemustes. Töö teine osa algas metoodika selgitamisega. Praktiline osa koosnes õpilasliini number 1 peatuste jäädvustamisest, lastevanemate rahulolu-uuringu läbiviimisest ning riskianalüüsi teostamisest. Täpsete peatuste asukoha leidmisele aitas kaasa õpilasveoga kaasa sõitmine. Seejärel sõitis autor läbitud peatused veelkord isikliku sõidukiga läbi ning jäädvustas need. Lastevanemate rahulolu-uuring viidi läbi Google Forms keskkonnas ning vastajaid oli vaid 20. Tänu avatud küsimustele laekus vastuseid lastevanemate muredest ning arvamustest peatuste korrashoiule ja lapse jalgsi käimise teekonnast peatusesse. Lastevanemate rahulolu-uuringu käigus selgus, et lapsevanemad on rahul õpilasveoga. Enim teeb muret ootepaviljonide ja valgustuse puudumine. Samuti turvaline jõudmine peatusesse, sest tuleb liikuda mööda sõiduteed, millel kiiruspiirang on 70-90 km/h. Riskianalüüsi tulemusel hinnati liini number 1 läbitavatest peatustest 5 kõrge riskiga, 1 keskmise riskiga ning 9 madala riskiga bussipeatusteks. Enim esines valgustuse puudumist. Neljal kõrge riskiga peatusel puudus ka ohutu ligipääs kõnnitee või teepeenra kaudu. Nendel peatustel oli teepeenar olematu või liiga kitsas arvestades seal kehtivat kiiruspiirangut sõidukitele. Ettepanekud ohutuse parandamiseks esitati peatustele, mis vajasid seda enim. Viimases peatükis on autor teinud järeldused peatustele võttes arvesse riskianalüüsi ja lastevanemate rahulolu-uuringu tulemusi.This work was carried out within the framework of a comprehensive study by the Estonian Transport Administration. The study was conducted in the Raasiku municipality. The aspect under investigation was the assessment of the safety of school bus stops. In order to achieve the goal of the work, the student transportation offered by the Raasiku municipality was examined. The assessment of bus stop safety was supported by pictures captured by the author, national requirements for the establishment of stops, and risk analysis methods for bus stops. The empirical part was supported by a satisfaction survey conducted among parents. The first part of the work explained the main terms used in the work. This was followed by a theoretical part on the organization of student transportation in Estonia and the requirements for the establishment of stops. Since the stops used for student transportation are mostly located on rural roads, the requirements for road design must be taken into account when establishing such stops. The first half also introduced the study area, namely the Raasiku municipality and its schools. Initial information about student transportation in the Raasiku municipality was obtained from the municipality's website, where the current schedules for student lines can be found. In addition to this, common features in the results of previous theses completed as part of the comprehensive study were discussed. The second part of the work began with an explanation of the methodology. The practical part consisted of capturing the stops of student line number 1, conducting a satisfaction survey among parents, and performing a risk analysis. Riding along with the student transportation helped in finding the exact locations of the stops. The author then drove through the stops again in a personal vehicle and captured them. The satisfaction survey among parents was conducted using the Google Forms platform and there were only 20 respondents. Thanks to open-ended questions, responses were received regarding parents' concerns and opinions about the maintenance of the stops and the child's walking route to the stop. During the satisfaction survey among parents, it was found that parents are satisfied with the student transportation. The lack of waiting pavilions and lighting is the biggest concern. Safe access to the stop is also a concern, as it requires walking along the road with a speed limit of 70-90 km/h. As a result of the risk analysis, 5 bus stops along student line number 1 were assessed as having high risk, 1 with medium risk, and 9 with low risk. The most common issue was the lack of lighting. Four high-risk stops also lacked safe access through a sidewalk or road shoulder. On these stops, the road shoulder was either non-existent or too narrow considering the speed limit for vehicles. The proposals were presented for stops that need improvement the most. In the final chapter, the author drew conclusions about the stops, taking into account the results of the risk analysis and the satisfaction survey among parents. The proposals resulting from the conclusions were presented at the end of the chapter.etTransport::Liikluskorraldus::LiiklusohutusTranspordi- ja liikluskorraldusKoolibussipeatuste ohutus Raasiku vallasSafety of school bus stops at Raasiku municipalitylõputöö