Väljaots, EeroRuubo RootsSulavee, Helmet2021-03-172021-03-172020https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2746Lõputöö eesmärgiks oli servatöötluspingi ümberehituseks parima lahenduse leidmine, lähtudes kasutusergonoomika ning tööohutuse põhimõtetest. Välja selgitamaks optimaalne lahendus puuduste eemaldamiseks ja parenduste tegemiseks suheldi operaatoritega ning hinnati kriitiliselt pingi ülesehitust ning seeläbi töötati välja erinevad variandid seadme ümberehituseks. Põhiprobleem seisnes detailide pinki sisestamise osas, mis oli raskendatud halva konstruktsioonilise ülesehituse pärast. Vana konstruktsioon eemaldati, alles jäi seadme töölaud ja lõikepea. Lahendusena konstrueeriti uus kandevraam. Töölaud ja lõikepea pöörati 90 kraadi võrra, mille tulemusena kaotati eelnenud piirangud detailide pinki sisestamiseks. Teine, kuid mitte vähem tähtis kitsaskoht puudutas tööohutuse aspekti. Seadme liikuvad osad olid katmata ning igal hetkel ligipääsetavad, tekitades ohuolukorra vigastuste tekkimiseks. Vältimaks tööõnnetuste võimalikkust, on seadme liikuvad osad uuel konstruktsioonil ehitatud kinnisesse ruumi ning seade on ümbritsetud katteplekkidega. Majanduslikud kulud on küllaltki tagasihoidlikud, ostutoodete hinnaks kujunes 1290,94 eurot, mis on selgelt madalamad võrreldes allhanke korras samaväärse seadme ehituse suhtes. Investeering on ettevõttele igati kasulik, kuna turul puudub samalaadne seade, millega oleks võimalik detailide ots- ja külgpindu töödelda ning mis oleks vastavuses ettevõttes toodetud detailide gabariitmõõtudega. Lõpptulemusena on pingi kasutamine mugavam ning ohutum.The aim of the thesis CNC Edge Processing Machine Development is to improve the ease of use and safety of the machine. The further development of the edge milling machine, which has been rebuilt from a horizontal milling machine, has been carried out in a workplace-based company, the result of the project is to come up with a rebuilding solution that leads to the best result and keep the rebuilding costs as low as possible. In order to find out the optimal solution for eliminating the shortcomings and making improvements, the operators were contacted and the structure of the machine was critically evaluated and different variants for the reconstruction of the device were developed. The machine has previously been rebuilt, but later use has revealed bottlenecks and solutions to improve operating ergonomics and safety. The device is rebuilt from an S-1000 T type router, on which a base frame is built for fastening plate parts in order to perform drilling and milling operations on the edge or on the end surface. In particular, parts that are too high to be mounted on a conventional vertical milling centre can be machined. The device is necessary to reduce manual processing and allows repetitive operations to be performed on larger batches. Compared to manual machining, the parts machined in the bench have a higher accuracy and higher quality, ensuring a correct crossover with respect to the operations performed and the base surfaces of the part. The bench allows to process details with a length of 800 mm, a width of 1050 mm and a height of 500 mm. In the case of processing with the hatch open, there are no restrictions on the length of the workpiece, the previously stated restrictions on height and width are maintained. The main problem was inserting the workpieces into the machine, which was complicated by the poor construction. The old construction was removed, leaving the device's desk and cutting head. As a solution, a new support frame was designed. The workbench and cutting head were rotated 90 degrees, which removed the previous restrictions of inserting parts into the machine. Another, but not less important, bottleneck concerned the aspect of occupational safety. The moving parts of the machine were uncovered and accessible at all times, creating a risk of injury. To prevent the possibility of accidents at work, the moving parts of the device have been built into an enclosed space on the new design and the device is now surrounded by cover plates. As a result, the edge processing machine is more comfortable and safer to use.Mechanical Engineering--Production Engineering and Technology--Machine ElementsMechanical Engineering--Production Engineering and Technology--Equipment and JigsMehaanika--Tootmistehnika ja -tehnoloogia--MasinaelemendidMehaanika--Tootmistehnika ja -tehnoloogia--Seadmed ja rakisedMasinaehitusMechanical EngineeringCNC servatöötluspingi arendusCNC Edge Processing Machine Developmentthesis