Alt, AivarsVillemson, Danel2023-05-262023-05-262023-05-08 lõputöös organiseeriti Viljandi päästekomando ehitust, mille ehitusega alustati 16 jaanuar 2023 ja mille eeldatav lõpukuupäev on 15 detsember 2023. Lõputöö esimeses pooles tutvustati hoone arhitektuurset ja konstruktiivset lahendust ning tehnosüsteeme. Selleks, et saaks koostada ehituse kalendergraafikut, oli vaja koostada detailne eelarve ja tööajamahukuse arvutus. Lõputöös kirjeldati ehitusobjektil teostatavaid ehitustöid ja ehitusplatsi üldskeemi. Et oleks kõigile arusaadav, kus kohas asuvad soojakud ja muu ehituseks vajalik, tuli lõputöös valmistada ehitusplatsi üldplaan. Montaažitöödeks valiti autokraana, millega saab teostada kõik tõstetööd. Lõputöö üheks osaks oli tehnoloogiakaartide koostamine. Tehnoloogiakaartidel on välja toodud töö- ja materjali mahud, määrati tööde läbiviimiseks vajalikud mehhanismid. Tehnoloogiakaartideks olid katuslae õõnespaneelide montaaž ja sandwich välisseinade montaaž. Montaažitöödeks valiti 70 tonnine autokraana, millega saab teostada õõnespaneelide ja välisseinapaneelide tõstetööd. Autor tegi lõputöö raames objekti kalendergraafiku, ehitusplatsi üldplaani ja kaks graafilist tehnoloogiakaarti. Et saaks töid turvaliselt teostada, kirjeldati, kuidas tagada töö- ja tuleohutus objektil. Ehituse eelarveks kujunes 3 433 905 eurot. Kui lisada sinna ka peatöövõtja kasum, tuleb ehitustööde hinnaks 3 674 279 eurot. Ehituse organiseerimiskulud moodustavad kogukuludest 6,5%. Lõputöös sai autor kasutada kõiki koolis õpitud väljundeid ja kindlasti andis lõputöö koostamine tulevasteks objektideks suure õppetunni kuidas ehitusega tervikuna hakkama saada.This thesis focuses on the general organisation of a construction site, which helps to minimise the costs associated with the construction of the Viljandi Rescue Station. The author chose this topic because they believe that it will establish a strong foundation for future work in the construction sector and offer valuable experience in the organisation of the construction of a site. Taking into account that early planning saves money in the construction process, the aim of this thesis was to prepare a work schedule and resource plan to construct the object within the allocated budget and timeframe. This thesis covers the preparation of a work schedule, on-site work, construction site layout and two technology maps. The budget and schedule also include the details of the auxiliary building and training tower to be built on the same plot. The master plan of the construction site must be easy for everyone to understand and indicate the location of the constructed building on the plot, site entrances, portable cabin locations, fence locations, material storage areas, lifting equipment arrangement and working zones. The technology maps for the assembly of hollow-core roof slabs and exterior wall sandwich panels include the time required for specific work, crane locations and necessary assembly drawings. This thesis was prepared using the detailed design drawn up by KUU OÜ as well as projects and term papers completed in the following courses: Building Design + Course Project, Cost Estimation and Construction Economics + Course Project, Technology I and Technology II. The building is designed to be built in the city of Viljandi at Metsküla tee 1. The plot, which is not yet built on, is located at the junction of Raua and Piiri streets in the city of Viljandi. A suitable builder has been contracted through procurement at an appropriate price for the construction of the designed building. The contracting authority is Riigi Kinnisvara AS and the construction procurement method is general contracting. With this method, all parties are bound by contractual agreements that define the quality, deadlines, specific work sections and other related aspects of the project. The expected outcome has also been agreed upon between the contracting authority and the involved parties. Construction on site began on 16 January 2023 and the estimated completion date is 15 December 2023. In the first part of the thesis, the architectural and structural solution of the building and the utility systems are introduced. In order to draw up a construction schedule, it was first necessary to prepare a detailed budget and calculate the time required for the works. The author provides an overview of the construction work carried out on site. The main part of the thesis focuses on the creation of technology maps, which involved the calculation of the volumes of work and materials as well as the selection of the mechanisms necessary for carrying out the work. In total, two technology maps were drawn up: one for the assembly of hollow-core roof slabs and the other for the assembly of exterior wall sandwich panels. The author prepared a master plan for the construction site to clearly indicate the locations of portable cabins and other necessary construction items. To carry out assembly work, a 70-tonne mobile crane was chosen to lift the necessary panels. In total, the author created four graphic drawings, including a schedule, a master plan of the construction site and two technology maps. The thesis also describes the measures taken to ensure occupational and fire safety on site. According to the author’s calculations, the construction budget amounts to 3,433,905 euros. If the profit of the general contractor is included, the total cost of construction is 3,674,279 euros. The costs of organising the construction on this site account for 6.5% of the total cost. In the thesis, the author was able to apply all the knowledge and skills acquired during their studies. The preparation of the thesis provided valuable lessons on how to effectively organise construction projects in the future, including aspects such as budgeting and scheduling.etEhitusHoonete ehitusViljandi päästekomando ehituse organiseerimineOrganization of the Construction of the Viljandi Rescue Stationlõputöö