Tukmann, IndrekViik, VaanoPivtsov, Robert2024-05-102024-05-102024-05-10https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/5081Antud lõputöö eesmärk oli kaardistada Elektrilevi jaotusvõrgus esinevaid defekte ning pakkuda välja uusi lahendusi ja ennetusmeetodeid. Kaardistamise käigus otsiti seoseid defektide tekkimisel, mis aitaksid lahenduste otsimisel. Lahenduste otsimisel lähtuti ettevõtte kasumlikkusest. Töö alguses tehti ülevaade võrgu elementidest, mis olid valitud selle töö jaoks. Lisaks anti elementide kirjeldus. Kuna töö jaoks valiti kilbid, alajaamad ja visangud, siis esimene kaardistamise etapp oli eemaldada kõik defektid, mis polnud seotud valitud elementidega. See andis uue ülevaate defektidest ning võimaldas neid veelgi jagada. Defektid jagati aastate järgi, et saada ülevaade defektide avastamise trendist, mille tagajärjel oli näha, et perioodil 2019-2021 tehtud muutused olid positiivsed. Lõpuks jagati defektid nende tekkimise põhjuste alusel, mille järgi edaspidi otsiti lahendusi. Välja valiti viis defekti, milleks said: vigased kontaktühendused, oksad visangus või selle läheduses, halb välimärgistus, kilpide ja alajaamade välimuse rikkumine, kergkruusa puudus. Välimuse rikkumine ja oksad visangus defektide lahendused ei sobinud ettevõttele, kuna nendes polnud vajadust või polnud neid võimalik ellu viia. Vigased kontaktühendused ja kergkruusa puudus ühendati kokku, kuna nende defektide lahendus kattus. Vigaste kontaktühenduste ja puuduva kergkruusa defektide tekkimise vähendamiseks pakuti teha brigaadi põhiseid ülevaatuseid enne garantiiaja lõppu. Lisa lahendusena töös soovitatakse luua uued nõuded piltidele tehtud töödest. Tulemuseks vähendatakse tulevikus nende defektide tekkimist. Lisaks väheneb suuremate rikete tekkimise risk, kuna paljud rikete põhjustajad tehakse korda enne kui midagi jõuab juhtuda. Kui rakendatakse ka pakutud lisa lahendus, siis saab ettevõte säästa raha ülevaatuste tegemiste pealt. Välimärgistuse puhul leiti, et kõige probleemsem oli ohukolmnurk. Leiti, mis ettevõte toode see on. Otsiti alternatiivseid lahendusi ning nende seast valiti välja toode kõige parema hinnaga ja kvaliteediga. Kvaliteedi eeldus tuleneb sellest, et hetkel on kasutuses sama ettevõte märgistus, mis samades tingimustes on vastu pidanud vähemalt kaks ülevaatus vahemikku. Uue toote hind oli kõrgem kui vanal tootel, aga arvestati ka aja ja rahaga, mis oli säästetud vähemast töö vajadusest. Tulemuseks oli uus toode odavam ning säästis suurel hulgal aega, mida saab kasutada teiste tööde teostamiseks. Töö tulemused olid rahuldavad, kuna mitmele defektile leiti potentsiaalselt soodsamad ja tõhusamad lahendused, mis panustavad ettevõte arengule.Aim of this work was defect mapping and proposing preventive methods for defects in the distribution network equipment of Elektrilevi OÜ. The source used in this work was defect database of Elektrilevi OÜ [2]. Database contains defects of all elements of distribution network. Defects were filtered out based on what elements were used in this work. Filtered data was used to map defects based on year of appearance. This indicated that changes made in years 2019-2021 were effective and lowered number of defects appearing. Then author divided data based on the causes of the defect. That helped in finding solutions to problems based on origin. In the first part of this work were described elements of distribution network equipment that were used to search defects from. That was done to give a better perspective to defects described later. Defects to use in this work were chosen based on their appearance rate, and potential of solving them within this work. Chosen defects were lack of gravel filling, faulty electrical connections, tree branches in cables or in direct proximity, low quality labeling materials, equipment’s violation of appearance. Due to irrelevance to the company and legal impossibility, violation of appearance and tree branches in cables defects weren’t used as end results for this work. These defects were mentioned as additional with proposed solutions. Defects that were left were analyzed. Author found causes of these problems and based on that proposed new solutions to problems. For low quality labeling material defects, the proposed solution was to use materials from a different manufacturer. Defective element that author focused on was electrical hazard triangle label. At the moment of writing, materials used were manufactured by company named Ekar Trükk OÜ [4]. As these materials were overwhelmingly defective and didn’t meet the requirements, they were in main focus for solving this problem. By comparing different labeling elements author found out that materials used by different manufacturer were already used in this work and were of a much higher quality. Manufacturer of better materials were Hammarprodukten, a German company [6]. The author found required label, manufactured by Hammarprodukten sold in local shops. The new product was reasonably priced, but more expensive than the old product. In calculations, the author considered the saved time and the cost of work, as new the product needed less replacement. As a result, the new product is cheaper and has a higher quality than the old product. 35 Solutions for the lack of gravel filling and the faulty electrical connections were fused in one, because they have a similar origin. Main issue with those defects, is that they can cause critical failures of equipment, depending on situation. Both are caused by mistakes made in the process of installing electrical equipment. Result of these defects can vary from small problems such as a minor electrical short circuit, to a whole substation burning down. Proposed solution for this problem, was brigade-based follow-up check before work guarantee expiration. In the long run, it will push workers of partner companies to increase their work quality. Main change, is that now most of these defects would be corrected in the guarantee period, cutting company cost of fixing defects themself. In addition, it was proposed to create new requirements for photos taken of completed work, so it could be easily checked from distance. Better pictures would lower the need for on-site checks, therefore lowering cost of transportation and cutting work time needed for checks. In the authors opinion, overall results of this work were satisfactory. The author proposed different solution to problems, and they would positively contribute to company’s overall development.etMehaanika::Elektrotehnika ja elektriseadmedElektritehnikaElektrilevi OÜ jaotusvõrgu seadmete defektide kaardistamine ning ennetusmeetodite väljapakkumineDefect Mapping and Proposing Preventive Methods for Defects in the Distribution Network Equipment of Elektrilevi OÜlõputöö