Ojangu, JaanusRein MetsKubbi, Janar2021-03-172021-03-172020https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2732Vastavalt Elektrilevi OÜ poolt tellitud remondiprojektiga projekteeriti valmis remondiprojekt, mis võimaldab hetkel parema kvaliteedi kogu F1 (fiider 1) ulatuses. Arvestades, et remondiprojektis ei anta kaasa dokumente nagu ehitusprojektiga, oli vaja palju mõõtmisi ja arvutamisi ise teha. Vastavalt sellele sai käidud objektil vaatamas mis seisus tarbija liin on ja kui pikk õhuliin antud objektil oli ja arvutatud ka olemasoleva liiniga tarbija lühisvoolud ja pingekaod. Esialgsete arvutuste järgi ei andnud F1 esimeses lõigus viimase tarbija lühisvoolud välja. Kahjuks antud juhul ka lihtsalt liini asendamisest ei aidanud, et lühisvool alajaamas rakenduks, sellepärast sai paigaldatud paar mastilülitit. F1 teises lõigus ei olnud vaja liiniga midagi teha kuna seal olnud eelenevalt juba õhuliin asendatud polnud muud midagi teha kui paigaldada ühele tarbijale mastilüliti, sest lühisvool ei rakendunud alajaamas. Objektile paigaldati AMKA 3x70+95, AMKA 3x120+95 rippkeerdkaablid ja SZ 160.3 mastilülitid, et Fiidris oleks nõuetekohasus tagatud. Ideaalis oleks võinud terve liini välja vahetada AMKA 3x120-ga, aga antud olukorras poleks olnud see majanduslikult vastuvõetav. Remondiprojekt võeti Elektrilevi poolt vastu 30.02.2020 ja pole veel teada, kas on projekt töösse pandud või mitte. Paberi peal sai nõuetekohasus antud objektil tagatud, lühisvoolud annavad välja ja mastilülitid vastavalt vajadusele (rikke korral) lülitavad voolu välja antud mastilülitite asukohtades.According to the repair project order by Elektrilevi OÜ a completed repair project was designed which currently enables better quality throughout F1 (Feeder 1). Considering the repair project does not include documents as per the construction project, it was necessary to do a lot of measurements and calculations myself. Thus accordingly the object was visited to get an understanding on the condition of the customer electrical line and how long the overhead electrical line is and the short-circuit currents and voltage losses of the customers were also calculated. According to preliminary calculations in the first half of the F1 the last customer couldn’t get a short-circuit reaction. In this case a simple replacing of the line did not help the short-circuit current to be applied in the substation, therefore a couple of mast switches were installed aswell. In the second half of F1 there was no need to do anything with the line, because the overhead electrical line had been already replaced, but a mast switch had to be installed for the short-circuit current to apply at the substation for a client. AMKA 3x70+95, AMKA 3x120+95 twisted-pair cables and SZ 160.3 mast switches were installed on the site to ensure compliance with the feeder. Ideally the entire feeder could have been replaced with the AMKA 3x120+95 but in this situtation it would have not been economically accaptable. The repair project was accepted by Elektrilevi on 30.02.2020 and it is not yet known whether the project has been put into operation or not. On paper, compliance with the object was guaranteed, short-circuit currents are output and the circuit breakers switch of current at the locations of the output mast switches as required (in the event of a fault).OtherMuuElektritehnikaElectrical EngineeringAlajaama piirkonna remondiprojektSubstation Area Repair Projectthesis