Uueküla, KatrinTeearu, Priit2023-05-242023-05-242023-05-17https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/4837Tee-ehitusprojekti mahtude arvutamisele on Civil 3D programmiga võimalik läheneda mitmel erineval moel ning peamisteks määravateks faktoriteks efektiivseimate töövõtete valimisel on projekti iseloom ja projekteerija pädevus. Lõputöö käigus on toodud esile ka korrektsete lähteandmete olulisus nii mahtude arvutamisel, kui ka projektekteerimise muudes etappides, ning analüüsitud milliseid samme projekteerija saab kasutusele võtta, et tagada maksimaalselt täpne lõpptulemus. Käesoleva lõputöö raames võrreldi Civil 3D programmi võimalusi mahtude arvutamisel. Analüüsi tulemusel selgus, et kuigi programmiga kaasas olevad alakomponendid võimaldavad võrdlemisi täpset tulemust saavutada, on neil kõigil teatavaid puudujääke. Vaatamata sellele, kuidas projekteerija mahtude arvutamisele läheneb, on võimalik saavutada väga täpne tulemus. Ka lihtsamate ühekihiliste alakomponentide kasutamisel on võimalik väga täpselt arvutada väljakaeve ja täite mahud, kuid see nõuab lisa tööd erinevate abi pindade loomise näol. Lisaks on selle meetodi kasutamisel vaja käsitsi arvutada katendikihtide mahud, mis nõuab lisatööd ja aega iga kord, kui projektis toimuvad muudatused. Keerukamate mitmekihiliste alakomponentidega on võimalik mahtude arvutamist suuremal määral automatiseerida ning tagada kogu projekti vältel parem ülevaade ehitusmahtudest. See meetod nõuab projekti algetappides suuremat eeltööd ja lahenduste täpsemat läbitöötamist. Lisaks võimaldavad mitmekihilised alakomponendid ka kiiret lõigete toestamist kogu projekteeritava tee ulatuses ning annavad täpsema ülevaate teekonstruktsiooni paiknemisest teiste objektide (rajatised, tehnvõrgud, jne) suhtes. Selleks, et mahuarvutuste töövoogu veelgi kiirendada, tasub kaaluda erinevaid edasiarendusi, mida on käitletud käesoleva töö viimases peatükis. Esile on toodud Civil 3D Dynamo liides, mille rakendamisega on võimalik automatiseerida mitmeid tööprotsesse, seal hulgas mahtu väljavõtte eksportimist Exceli tabelitesse. Lisaks on kirjeldatud potentsiaalseid alternatiivseid meetodeid mahu väljavõtete eksportimiseks. Kõigi mainitud edasiarenduste eelduseks on väga heal tasemel koostatud tee koridori mudel ja suure tõenäosusega ka käsitsi loodud alakomponentide lahendused, mis sobituvad paremini mahu väljavõtte automatiseeritud lahendustega.The following graduation thesis Using Autodesk Civil 3D to Calculate Material Volumes for a Road Construction Project is composed of five chapters. The goal of this graduation thesis is to analyse and compare different methods of using Autodesk Civil 3D to calculate material volumes for a road construction project. In the first chapter the essence of volume calculations is explored, emphasising the importance of correctly made volume calculations and the value of being able to quickly extract accurate volumes from a project. Furthermore, the history and future trends are explored, with the latter briefly describing how Building Information Management is tied to volume calculations. The second chapter of the thesis focuses on the source materials of the project which are required for volume calculations, more specifically topographic surveying and geological investigations. As it pertains to topographic surveys, emphasis is put on the necessity of verifying that the 3D surface models don’t have any flaws. Under the Geological investigations subchapter the importance of accurate data is analysed. Secondly the information derived from geological investigations is reviewed, pertaining to how they are used in Estonia according to the requirements set by the Estonian Transport Administration. Finally, the creation of 3D surfaces based on geological data is explored and explained. In the third chapter the example project used in the thesis is described. This includes the layout plan, the cross sections and the 3D surface models for the existing ground and crumbled limestone. The fourth and main chapter of the thesis first describes the basics of creating a road corridor in Civil 3D using assemblies and subassemblies. Then different approaches to volume calculations are compared and analysed. Firstly generic single layer subassemblies are explored. The main advantage of such assemblies is their simplicity, allowing engineers to quickly produce the contours of the project road and adjacent surfaces. The largest drawback being the requirement of calculating many of the volumes by hand, since the structural layers of the road are not contained within the subassemblies. Secondly multilayer subassemblies are analysed. Compared to single layer subassemblies, the main benefit of using subassemblies with multiple layers is that volume reports can be automatically generated and they will include all the surface layers of the road and cut and fill surfaces. While using this method has many benefits, like being able to evaluate the material volumes throughout all the stages of the project and the ability to easily generate cross sections, it also requires more time investment in the early stages of the project and more know-how from the engineer. When comparing those two methods it is concluded that both have value in different circumstances and can be very accurate. The determining factor of which method should be used comes down to the specific road project and the competence of the engineer. In the final chapter of the thesis further development of volume calculation methods is explored. The main goal of those being further automation of the workflow. Firstly the use of Civil 3D’s Dynamo visual programming extension, and its potential possibilities, are analysed. Secondly different methods of exporting volume data from Civil 3D to Excel are explored. In order to take full advantage of these methods more percise and custom made subassemblies are likely required.etEhitus::Teedeehitus::Tee ehituse kavandamineTeedeehitusTee-ehitusprojekti mahtude arvutamine Civil 3D programmigaUsing Autodesk Civil 3D to Calculate Material Volumes for a Road Construction Projectlõputöö