Valgepea, RaudoKõva, Meriliis2021-03-172021-03-172016äesolevas lõputöös on kirjeldatud T1 kaubandus- ja meelelahutuskeskuse ehitusgeodeetilist teenindamist. Objekti asukohaks on Peterburi tee 2, Lasnamäe linnaosa, Tallinn. Hades Geodeesia OÜ jaoks kestis töö objektil T1 alates septembrist 2015 kuni jaanuarini 2016. Hoone valmib aastal 2017. Eelnevalt oli teiste ettevõtete poolt juba alusvõrk ning hoone kaevik rajatud, kuid alusvõrk tuli uuesti luua. Lõputöö annab ülevaate osadest huvitavatest ja erinevatest objektil T1 tehtavatest ehitusgeodeetilistest teenindamistest. Töös tutvustatakse ehitatavat objekti ja instrumente, millega mõõtmistöid tehakse. Kirjeldatakse ka kuidas rajatakse alusvõrku ning tehakse märkimistöid ja teostusmõõdistamist. Käsitletakse ka seda, kuidas märgiti ja teostusmõõdistati vundamente, poste, ankrupolte ja seinu. Tuuakse välja kameraaltööde käigus tehtavate ettevalmistuste ja teostusjooniste iseloomulikud küljed. Pööratakse tähelepanu sellele, kuidas luuakse süsteemseid kokkuleppeid järgnevate kameraal- ja mõõdistustööde lihtsustamiseks. Lisaks analüüsitakse ühte probleemset seina väljamärkimist ja sellest tulenevaid asjaolusid. Teoreetilise ja praktilise poole pealt on enamjaolt aluseks võetud Vello Kala õpik „Ehitusgeodeesia“.The present thesis “Geodetic maintenance of the T1 shopping and entertainment centre“ describes the services of the engineering servey which were made at the construction site. The building is located in 2 Peterburi Road, Lasnamäe district, Tallinn. For Hades Geodesy OÜ, the work lasted from September 2015 to January 2016. The building is going to be completed in 2017. The ditch and the geodetic subnetwork were previously made by other companies but the subnetwork had to be recreated. The thesis provides an overview of some interesting and different services of the engineering survey which were made at the T1. The thesis introduces the building and the instruments used for the surveying works. In addition, it is described how the geodetic subnetwork has been established and how the stakeout and the survey work have been done. The stakeout and the surveying works for the foundations, the poles, the bolts and the walls are observed. The characteristics of the drawings and the preparation are also brought out. The attention has been paid to making agreements to ease the following drawings and the surveying works. Also the stakeout of one problematic wall, which arose from the survey work, is analyzed together with its circumstances. The theoretical and practical side is mostly based on Vello Kala’s textbook Ehitusgeodeesia (Construction geodetics).Construction--Building Construction--ConstructionConstruction--Applied GeodesyEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--EhitamineEhitus--RakendusgeodeesiaRakendusgeogeesiaConstruction GeodesyT1 kaubandus- ja meelelahutuskeskuse ehitusgeodeetiline teenindamineGeodetic maintenance of the T1 shopping and entertainment centrethesis