Hayashi, TomomiKaur TalpsepVooglaine, Maren2021-03-172021-03-172018https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2078Antud lõputöös on lahendatud eskiisi tasemel Paide riigigümnaasium, kus on kokku sobitatud vana ning uus hoone. Antud projekti krunt asub Paides, linna keskosas. Täpsemalt Paide Vallimäe, vallikraavi künka all. Projekti tehes on proovitud arvesse võtta nii krundi eripärasid kui ka ümbritsevat. Kuna Paide linnas puudub veel riigigümnaasium, tundub parim valik taastada vana olemasolev koolihoone ning luua sinna juurde seda toetav juurdeehitus. Projekti eesmärk on väärtustada vana olemasolevat arhitektuuri, seetõttu on projekt lahendatud niimoodi, et Posti 12 vana historitsistlik koolihoone oleks vaadeldav kõikidest külgedest. Seda soodustab ka krundi asukoht, sest Vallimäelt on koolihoone ideaalselt näha. Juurdeehituse fassaadiks on valitud must tellis ning mustad aknaraamid, et sobituda kokku olemasoleva punase tellisega. Hoonemahtude vahele tekib hingamisruum, kus asub sisehoov nii vabaaja veetmiseks kui ka aktuste pidamiseks. Sisehoovi pääseb nii vanast kui ka uuest osast. Samuti on olemas välitundide pidamiseks nii astmelised istumisalad kui ka otse klassidest pääsetavad terrassid. Hoone ruumiprogramm on lahendatu moodsa kooli põhimõttetega. Palju on multifunktsionaalseid alasid, näiteks suur aatrium, mida saab kasutada nii rekreatsiooni kui aula alana. Igapäevaselt leiab üks osa sellest ruumist kasutust hoopis kohvik-sööklana. Seda ala laiendab ka suur trepp ning istumiastmed, kus on võimalik nii õppida kui ka süüa. Samuti on koridorides palju aktiivseid ning mitte-aktiivseid tegevusi õpilastele. Koolimaja projekteerimisel on lähtutud sellest, et kooliruum oleks mõnus, multifunktsionaalne ning kõikidele kasutajatele meeldiv. Proovitud on luua erinevaid keskkondasid, mis on mitmeti kasutatavad vastavalt oma vajadustele ning fantaasiale.This final paper offers a solution for the state-owned high school in Paide at a draft plan level, which combines the old and the new building. The plot of the project is located in the central part of the town of Paide, more specifically at the foot of the moat of Paide Vallimäe. While drafting the project, the author strived to take account of the features of the plot and the surroundings. Since there is no state-owned high school in Paide yet, the best option seems to be to restore the existing old schoolhouse and add an extension to it. The project is aimed at valuing old architecture. Therefore, the project is designed the way that the old historical schoolhouse at Posti 12 could be seen from every angle. Facilitated by the location of the plot, there is a perfect view on the schoolhouse from Vallimäe. The façade of the extension would be of black bricks and black window frames to match the existing red bricks. The space between the buildings form an inner courtyard for leisure time and holding school assemblies. The inner courtyard can be entered from both the old and the new building. In order to teach outdoor lessons, it has also ascending seating areas as well as terraces directly accessible from the classrooms. The layout of the rooms in the building follows the principles of a modern school. There are many multifunctional areas, such as a large atrium, which can be used either as a recreation area or as an assembly room. Part of the room can daily be exploited as a café or canteen. The area is extended by a big staircase and ascending seating steps, where students can study and eat. In addition, there are plenty of physical and mental activities for students in the corridors. The design of the schoolhouse strives to create a school area that is enjoyable, multifunctional and pleasant for every user, involving different environments for various uses depending on the needs and fantasy.Architecture--Applied Architecture--Architectural DesignArchitecture--Art--Architectural GraphicsArhitektuur--Rakendusarhitektuur--Arhitektuurne projekteerimineArhitektuur--Kunst--Arhitektuurne graafikaRakendusarhitektuurApplied ArchitecturePaide RiigigümnaasiumPaide state high schoolthesis