Kuusk, MargitKõiv, Nele2021-03-172021-03-172014https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1036Kevad-suvi 2015 mudelite kavandamise protsessi tulemusena valmisid kaks mudelite perekonda, kus ühes perekonnas on mudelid „Siret“ ja „Piret“ ning teises perekonnas on mudelid “Merilin“ ja „Merike“. Mudelite perekonnad on sihtgruppe arvestavad ning hooaega järgivad. Mudelite tegumoed on sellised, mida ettevõte pole eelnevalt kasutanud ning vastavad esitatud nõudmistele. Mudelid on kooskõlas ettevõtte missiooni ja visiooniga ning ülesanne täitis ettevõttes püstitatud eesmärki. Mudelite valmimiseks tehti algselt kavandid, kogudes inspiratsiooni etteantud kangastest, moest ja ettevõtte tootekataloogist. Peale sobilike kavandite välja valimist koostati mudelitele selgitavad tehnilised joonised, tehti mudelitele lõiked , lõigete põhjal tehti lekaalid ning teostati paljundusskeemid mudelite suurendamiseks. Lõpuks kontrolliti lõikelist istuvust suurustele C38 ja C50 3D-mannekeeni seljas. Kui istuvus oli kontrollitud, siis tehti mudelitele programmiga Optitex paigutused ning õmmeldi tooted valmis järgides õmblusoperatsioonide järjekorda. Mudel “Piret“ ja „Siret“ on tootmiskõlbulikud, kuna vastavad ettevõtte kriteeriumitele. Mudelid “Merilin“ ja „Merike“ on tootmiskõlbulikud, kuid paigutuse efektiivsuse parendamiseks võib kasutada mudeli „Merike“ puhul väiksema mustriga kangast, ühevärvilist kangast või siis lõimejoon diagonaali asemel vertikaaliks muuta. Selline lähenemine aitab kokku hoida kanga kulu ja aega. Eesmärk oli kavandada 2015. aasta kevad-suve näidismudelite kollektsioon ning käesolevas töös kirjeldati näidismudelite tootmistsüklit, kus eraldi peatükkides on etapid lahti kirjutatud selgitavate tekstide, tabelite ja jooniste näol.Written work is based on the base company's collection development stages. Based on the corporate vision (the production process must be motivating and the needs of employees are met to assure the quality of the manufacturing process) and the mission (to produce quality trendy apparel for the right audiences where value for money is in place ), one was supposed to reach the aim of creating dresses for the spring-summer 2015 season. The company plans to increase the assortment of dresses, because it has become clear that the upcoming spring-summer season has an increased demand for dresses. When designing the collection it has been taken into account that company desires for the apparel to be quickly and easily sewn and the dresses should be developed to fit as many different body types as possible. When creating the first production designs the fabrics for the four dresses were selected by the production committee, also it was made clear what the direction of fashion design and the cuts would be chosen and the technology of the production was discussed. Design had to base on the company's request that two of the dresses have sleeves and two are sleeveless , one model out of four would definitely have to be long. It was taken into account when planning the make of the designs that products have to be based on the technology of unification by creating two design families, that designs would be styled for summer, would look feminine, would fit sizes ranging from C36 to C50 and addressed for women age group 30+. When creating the collection the company was interested in testing different cuts, which they had not used before and to extend the choice of products. The creation process from conception to final finishing products of demonstration collection for the company is described in the main part of the written work along with illustrative and explanatory tables and figures. The chapters are in the order of the product manufacturing process from start to finish. Planning process for the collection for spring-summer resulted with the creation of two families of designs, where there were two designs in each of the family. One of the families consisted of designs "Siret” and “Piret” and family of "Merilin" and "Merike". Product families take the target consumer groups into account and follow the season. Makes of the designs are such that the company has not been previously been using and meet the set requirements. The designs are consistent with the company's mission and vision, and fulfill the goal set by the company . Designs were initially planned as sketches, gathering inspiration from predetermined fabrics, from fashion and from the company's product catalog. After when the suitable designs were selected the explaining technical drawings were created and the cuts were made. Based on the cuts the curves and duplication schematics were done to increase the size of the designs. Finally, the fit control was done for sizes C38 and C50 on the digital 3D-mannequin. After the fit was checked the layouts were created within the Optitex program and the products were sewn in compliance with the order of sewing operations. The goal was to design 2015 spring- summer collection. In this work the production cycle for the designs is described. Separate chapters include detailed descriptions of the production steps along with the explanatory tables and figures.Clothing and Textiles--Product DevelopmentRõivad ja tekstiilid--TootearendusRõivaste tehniline disainTechnical Design of ApparelKevad-suvi 2015 kleitide kollektsiooni kavandamine ettevõtteleSpring-summer 2015 dress collection design for companysthesis