Alt, AivarsJagor, Renet2023-08-252023-08-252023-06-20 lõputöös organiseeriti kolmekorruselise korterelamu ehitust. Esimesena tutvustati hoone arhitektuurseid ja konstruktiivseid lahendusi ning ka esiosasid. Järgnevalt koostati detailne koondeelarve ning tööajamahukuse arvus millele järgnes kalendergraafiku koostamine. Edasi kirjeldati põgusalt teostatavaid ehitustöid ehitusobjektil, koostati ehitusplatsi üldplaan ja valiti välja sobilik tõstemehhanism teostavateks montaažitöödeks. Üheks lõputöö osaks oli ka koostada kaks tehnoloogiakaarti milleks oli müüri- ja montaažitööde tehnoloogiakaardid, kus kirjeldati müüri- ja montaažitööde tehnoloogiaid detailselt, valiti välja vajalikud masinad tööde läbiviimiseks ning arvutati välja töö- ja materjalide mahud. Antud lõputöös koostati kokku neli graafilist joonist, kalendergraafik, ehitusplatsiplaan, müüritööde tehnoloogiakaart ja montaažitööde tehnoloogiakaart. Viimasena kahe peatükina kirjeldati detailselt kuidas tagatakse töö- ja tuleohutus. Lõputöö raames koostatud detailest ehituseelarvet analüüsides saadi ehitustööde omahinnaks ilma käibemaksuta 1 459 071,62 €, millest kulud ehitustegevuse organiseerimiseks moodustasid kokku 187 718 €. Koostatud kalendergraafiku järgi alustatakse ehitustöödega 20.09.2022 ja lõpetatakse 22.06.2023. Kõige rohkem töölisi töötab objektil jaanuari kuus, kui käivad hoones sise-ja välitööd. Lõputöö koostamine aitas arendada autori teadmisi ehitusjuhtimises, mõista paremini ehituseorganiseerimist ja sellega kaasnevat tervikut detailselt ning valmistada paremini ette tulevikus objektijuhi kohustusi täitma.The subject of this final thesis is the organisation of construction works of an apartment building, for which a project of organising construction works is prepared. The object of construction is a threestorey apartment building located in Tallinn, Haabersti city district, on Aaslina street. This is a new residential development by the sea, which, in addition to the building in question, will also include various other houses, both apartment buildings and terraced houses. The final thesis is prepared using a preliminary design, work projects, and documents of special parts. The first part of the paper provides an overview of the architectural and structural solutions of the building. In addition, the utility systems of the building are introduced and the construction works to be carried out are described. Next, the construction budget of the building is calculated, highlighting the cost of organising construction. After identifying construction volumes, the timespan of works is calculated, which is used to compile the time schedule of the works. Two technology maps are prepared in the course of this work. The first is the technology map of masonry and the other of assembly works. Technology maps describe the work situation via graphics and the explanatory memorandum describes the works necessary to achieve the final result. The explanatory memorandum also includes quality requirements, safety requirements, and the machinery needed to conduct the works. As a part of the final thesis, the comprehensive plan of the construction site is also drawn up, allowing to organise construction works in a safer and easier manner. In addition, the methods of ensuring work safety, fire safety, environmental protection, and the manner of contracting are described. The apartment building in question is designed as a three-storey building with a flat roof. A stairwell with stairs and an elevator is in the centre of the building for movement between floors. The exterior and interior walls are built of hollow concrete blocks which are armoured and then filled with concrete. Exterior walls are insulated with insulating boards on the outside and then finished. The façade is finished with fibre cement boards in three different colours as well as with dark grey horizontal tongued weatherboards. The ground floor of the building is equipped with terraces, the second floor with balconies and the third floor with roof terraces. 47 According to the compiled schedule, construction works begin on 20 September 2022 and end of 22 June 2023. The majority of workers are engaged on the site in January when both interior and exterior works are ongoing in the building. Upon the analysis of the detailed construction budget prepared in the course of the final thesis, the own cost of the construction works without VAT is 1,459,071.62 EUR, of which the costs of organising construction works comprised 187,718 EUR in total. Preparing the final thesis supported the development of the author’s knowledge of construction management, better understanding of construction organisation and the details of the resulting comprehensive whole, and preparations for future tasks as a construction site manager.etEhitus::Hoonete ehitus::Ehitamine::Ehituse organiseerimineHoonete ehitusKorterelamu ehitustööde organiseerimineOrganising the Construction Work of an Apartment Buildinglõputöö