Kiis, HelenKontram, Oliver2021-03-172018äesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada ertarbijatest pakiautomaadi teenusekasutajate eelistused, valikukriiteriumid, teadlikkus ning tarbijate kogemuse hinnangud teenusele. Antud teema on DPD Eesti jaoks aktuaalne, kuna ettevõtte sisenes pakiautomaatide turule ning soovitakse tõsta oma turuosa. Teenuse arendamisel on vaja aga rohkem teadvustada ja arvestada eratarbijatest teenusekasutajate soovidega. Antud lõputöö raames viidi läbi kvantitatiivne uuring, kus uuriti pakiautomaatide teenusekasutajatelt nende eelistusi, valikukriteeriumeid, teadlikkust ja hinnanguid kogetud teenusele. Lähtuvalt antud töö eesmärgist, viis autor läbi küsitluse pakiautomaatide teenusekasutajate hulgas. Eesmärgi täitmiseks püstitas autor järgmised uurimisküsimused: • Millised on teenusekasutajate eelistused pakiautomaatide teenuste valikul? • Millised on teenusekasutajate valikukriteeriumid erievate teenuste osas? • Milline on teenusekasutajate teadlikkus erinevate pakiautomaatide teenusepakkujate osas? • Milline on teenusekasutajate hinnang erinevate teenusepakkujate osas? Autor analüüsib küsitluse tulemusi läbi erinevate klastrite. Esimeses analüüsis jaotati kõik teenusekasutajad kaheks sootunnuse järgi ning vaadeldi eraldi meessoost ja naissoost kliente. Teises analüüsis rühmitati kliendid vanuse järgi noorteks, keskealisteks ja eakamatest. Kolmandas ja viimases analüüsis jaotati teenusetarbijad rühmadesse vastavalt sellele, kas nad on sagedased, aegajalt või harva pakiautomaadi teenusekasutajad. Analüüsist selgus, et meessoost ja naissoost tarbijad ei erinenud oluliselt oma valikutes ja hinnangutes. Samas vanuse või teenusekasutamise tiheduse järgi on klientidel erinevad eelistused, teadlikkus ja hinnangud pakiautomaadi teenusele. Antud lõputöö tulemuste põhjal võib öelda, et Eesti tarbijad peavad pakiautomaatide ja pakipunktide teenuseid kasutades kõige olulisemateks kriteeriumiteks - teenusepakkuja tarnelubadusest kinni pidamist, paki saabumisest teavitustööd, tarne kiirust ning teenusepakkuja töökvaliteeti. Kõige vähem oluliseks valikukriteeriumiteks osutus klienditeenindus, tarne ümbersuunamine ja sama päeva tarne. Uurigu tulemuste analüüsimisel selgus, et teenusekasutajate teadlikkus on DPD Eesti konkurentide osas väga kõrge (98-99,5%) samas kui DPD Pickup pakiautomaadi osas 60,5% ja pakipoe osas vaid 48%. Veelgi suurem vahe on teenusekasutajate kogemuse osas, kus konkurentide teenuseid on kasutanud 75,5-84,5% klientidest, samas kui DPD Pickup pakiautomaati on kasutanud 13,5% ja pakipoodi vaid 12% küsitluses osalenutest. Lõputöö tulemustest selgus ka tarbijate hinnang erinevatele teenusepakkujatele. Hindamine toimus palli skaalal, kus 5-väga rahul. Kõige kõrgema hinnangu sai Itella Smartposti pakiautomaadi teenus, mida hindasid erinevad kliendigrupid 5 palli skaalal 4,4-4,5 vääriliseks. Omniva pakiautomaadi teenusele anti hindeks 4,1-4,2. DPD Pickup pakiautomaadi teenust hinnati erinevate kliendigruppide poolt vahemikus 3,9-4,5 ning DPD Pickup pakipoe teenust 3,7-4,4. Lõputöö autor tegi antud töö tulemuste põhjal DPD Eestile kokku üheksa ettepanekut. Ettevõte juhtkond lubas autori poolt esitatud ettepanekuid arvesse võtta ning seega on lõputööl ka praktiline väärtus. Rakendades töös tooduid ettepanekuid on ettevõttel parem võimalus saavutada püstitatud eesmärgid saada seitsme aastaga pakiautomaaditeenuse turuliidriks Eestis.The subject of this thesis is “Private consumers preferences, awareness and ratings about parcel locker station services on the example of DPD Estonia”. The subject is appropriate because the company has entered the market of parcel locker station services and they have an ambitious plan to raise their market share. To achieve the goal, the company needs to understand and to take more into account about the needs and wishes from the private consumers. This thesis was carried out a quantitative study. The focus was to explore private consumers about their references, selection criteria’s as well as awareness and ratings about parcel locker station services. Given the purpose of this thesis, the author conducted a survey among users of parcel locker stations. To reach the goals set for the author, the following research questions were used: • What are the consumer’s preferences in the selection of parcel station locker services? • What are the selection criteria’s of the consumers about different services? • What is the service users awareness about various parcel station locker providers? • What is the assessment of the various users of the service providers? The survey results were analyzed through different clusters. In the first analysis the author separated male and female consumers. In the second analysis consumers were grouped according to age – the young, middle aged and older. In the third analysis the consumers were divided according to whether they are continuous, occasional or rare parcel station service users. The analysis showed that the male and female consumers did not differ significantly in their choices and assessments. However, dividing consumers by age or frequency, the results differ significantly and the consumer segments are having different preferences, awareness and ratings to parcel locker station services. Based on the results of this thesis it shows that Estonian consumers value the most important factors in the parcel locker station services as following: • reliable and accurate information about arrival of the package, • keeping the delivery promise, • delivery speed, • quality of work. Results of the survey also showed that for consumers less valuable factors were customer service, same-day delivery and redirected delivery. Analysis of the results revealed that the service users awareness was very good among competitors (98-99,5%) but was as low as 60,5% among DPD Pickup parcel locker stations and 48% among DPD Pickup parcel shops. The difference between the competitors and DPD Estonia is even bigger when we look at how many consumers, by this study, have used competitor services (75,5-84,5% of all consumers) and in the case of DPD Pickup parcel locker stations it was only 13,5% and in the case of DPD Pickup parcel shop the result was 12%. Results of the thesis also showed the consumers assessment on various service providers. The highest result was given to Itella Smartposti parcel locker station service, where all consumers groups total value was in 4,4-4,5 in the scale of 5 to 1. Omniva parcel locker station service was valued 4,1-4,2 and DPD Pickup parcel locker service was valued by all consumers groups in the range of 3,9-4,5 as well as DPD parcel shop in the range of 3,7-4,4. Author made to the DPD Estonia nine different proposals to reach the goals set. The management of DPD Estonia promised to take into account the proposals submitted by the author and therefore final thesis has practical value of the work. Applying those proposals, the company has a better chance to achieve the goals set and to become the market leader in the parcel locker station services.Transport--Logistics--Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementTransport--Logistika--Logistika ja tarneahela juhtimineTransport ja logistikaTransport and LogisticsEratarbijate eelistused, teadlikkus ja hinnangud pakiautomaatide teenusele DPD Eesti näitelPrivate consumers preferences, awareness and ratings about parcel locker station services on the example of DPD Estoniathesis