Kangru, TavoErnits, MartinRang, Ruudi2023-05-122023-05-122023-05-12https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/4712Lõputöö ,,Harjadeta alalisvoolumootorite rakendamine pakiroboti’’ eesmärk oli olemasolevate ajamite hinna optimeerimine uute ajamite leidmise kaudu ning nende implementeerimine pakirobotisse. Hinna optimeerimise minimaalne maht oli 40%. Mootorite implementeerimise osa hõlmas mootoritele uute kinnituste ning olemasolevale kontrollerile korpuse projekteerimist. Lõputöö esimeses pooles on kirjeldatud pakiroboti Cleveron 405 tööpõhimõtteid, et lahti selgitada millised ülesanded erinevatel ajamitel on. Kokku on 5 ajamit ning igal on oma ülesanne. Kaardistatud sai ka vana olukord ja komponendid, mis robotis pesitsevad. Pärast olukorra kaardistamist sai otsida vanade ajamite põhjal sarnased harjadeta alalisvoolumootorid, mis oleksid võimelised sama ülesannet täitma. Uuete ajamite valik tuli asukoha lõikes mootorite võrdlusega. Uute mootorite kinnitused muutusid ning pärast seda vajasid üle vaatamist mootorite klambrid. Seal, kus võimalik, kasutati projekteeritud adapterit ning kohtadesse, kus adapterit kasutada ei saanud projekteeriti uued klambrid. Klambrite töökindlust kontrolliti FEM simulatsioonis välja arvutatud jõududega. Uute mootoritega muutus ka juhtimismoodul, millele projekteeriti korpus ja mis sai 3D-printimise teel välja prinditud ja koostatud. Mootorite vahetusega tõsteti pakiroboti töökindlust, kuna BLDC mootorite redukorid on mootori küljes kindlamalt kui vanadel ajamitel. Ajamite süsteem on vanast lihtsam, sest koosneb vähematest komponentidest. Hinna osas saadi terve ajamite süsteem võrreldes vana süsteemiga 44% soodsamaks.The aim of the thesis "Application of Brushless DC Motors to a Parcel Robot" was to optimize the price of existing drives by finding a cheaper alternative and implementing them into the parcel robot. The minimum price optimization volume was 40%. The implementation part of the motors included the design of new mounts for the motors and housing for the new controller. In the first part of the thesis, the operating principles of the Cleveron 405 parcel robot are described in order to explain the tasks of different drives. There are 5 drives in total and each has its own task. The old situation and the components located in the robot were also mapped. After describing the situation, it was possible to search for similar brushless DC motors that would be able to perform the same task as the old motors. The choice of new drives came with a comparison of engines by location in the parcel robot. Mounts on the new motors changed and after that the engine clamps needed a revision. Where possible, the designed adapter was used, and in places where the adapter could not be used, new clamps were designed. The reliability of the clamps was checked with forces calculated in the simulation. With new motors, the control module also changed, for which the housing was designed and was printed by 3D-printing and then assembled. Aim of the thesis was to reduce the price by more than 40%, simplify the drives and increase reliability. By changing the motors, we increased the reliability, because the gearboxes of the BLDC motors are more securely attached to the motor than on the old drives. The drive system is simpler than the old one, as it consists of fewer components. In terms of price, the entire drive system was 44% cheaper compared to the old system.etMehaanika::Robotitehnika::Elektriajamid, elektriajamite juhtimineMasinaehitusHarjadeta alalisvoolumootorite rakendamine pakirobotisBrushless Direct Current Motor Implementation in a Parcel Robotlõputöö