Roots, RuuboJuhan TerasmaaVasserman, Kim2021-03-172021-03-172018äesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli lihtsa kasutuspõhimõttega keevitusrakise projekteerimine keevitusrobotile ABB IRB 2600 vastavalt ABB AS eettevõtte poolt esitatud nõuetele. Rakise ülesandeks on lihtsustada ning optimeerida tootmises teostavate keevitusoperaatorite ning protseduuride sertifitseerimisprotsesside läbiviimist. Täpsete rakise kriteeriumite väljaselgitamiseks tehti põhjalik ülevaade standardite ISO 14732 ja ISO 15614-1 olulistest nõuetest ning ka hetkel tootmises olevate toodete portfellist. Keevitusrakise projekteerimisel peeti silmas valmistamise lihtsust, kasutamise mugavust, funktsionaalsust, kõrgemat täpsust ning kvaliteetset tulemust rakise kasutamise käigus. Projekteeritud rakis võimaldab teostada sertifitseerimisprotsesse kuues erinevas keevitusasendis ja kolme erineva katsekeha paksusega. Rakise kere konstruktsiooni lihtsustamiseks ja omahinna vähendamiseks otsustati kombineerida rakis tootmises kasutuses oleva abivahendiga. Kasutatud abielemendid on kiirelt lahtivõetavad ja väljavahetatavad kasutuskõlbmatuks muutumise puhul. Rakise projekteerimise käigus arvestati tootmises rakendatud 5S süsteemiga, seega kõiki komplektis olevaid lisadetaile on võimalik mugavalt kinnitada rakise külge, vältides nende laialipildumist ja tootmise reostamist. Kasutatud materjalid ja ostetavad kopmonendid on kohalikul turul lihtsasti kättesaadavad. Tugevusarvutuse käigus sooritati lineaarne staatiline analüüs ja veenduti, et komponetidele tekkinud deformatsioonid langevate koormuste puhul ei ole rakise mitmekordseks kasutamiseks kriitilised. Majanduslikus osas oli arvutatud kogu rakise maksumus. Arvutus ei sisalda projekteerimis- ja koostamiskulusid. Turu-uuring analoogsete toodetega võrdlemiseks jäi teostamata tarviduse puudumise tõttu kuna projekteeritud rakis on unikaalne ja turul sellist lahendust hetkel ei pakuta. Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks seatud keevitusrakise projekteerimine sai täidetud. Projekteeritud rakis kiideti heaks ABB mootorite ja generaatorite tehase juhtkonna poolt ja telliti tootmisesse kasutamiseks. Rakise projekteerimiseks kasutati SOLIDWORKS 2018 3D CAD tarkvara.The aim of the following graduation bachelor’s thesis Designing a Welding Robot Jig to Certify Operators and Procedures is to design a simple and easy-to-use welding jig for a welding robot ABB IRB 2600 in accordance with ISO 14732, ISO 15614-1 and ABB Motors & Generators Factory requirements. The graduation thesis is composed of seven chapters, each of which is devoted to various aspects of the designed welding robot jig. Chapter 1 is introductory, which tells about the aim of the current thesis, as well as about ABB Motors & Generators Factory in Jüri, factory products, production structure and implemented ISO standards. Chapter 2 describes the current problem that is caused by the lack of the necessary welding jig in production, the proposed idea for solving this problem and the expected result. Chapter 3 defines the requirements for the welding jig being designed. There the most important requirements of ISO 14732 and ISO 15614-1 standards are considered as well as the requirements put forward by the production side, which must be met during the designing process. Chapter 4 concentrates on the description of the design of the welding jig, describing all the details and technical solutions that have been applied during the development process of this jig. Chapter 5 examines the process of producing the main jig components, describes all the requirements for the manufacture of components, as well as the final assembly process of the jig itself. Chapter 6 includes the linear static analysis of possible deformations of the designed jig, taking into account all possible loads on the basic components during the operation of the jig. Chapter 7 is the final part, where the financial value of the designed jig is calculated. Detailed information about possible suppliers and prices for all operations are also shown.The task of the robot welding jig is to simplify and optimize production processes during the certification of welding operators and welding procedures. ISO 14732 and ISO 15614-1 standards have been reviewed and studied to clarify more precise requirements for the welding jig. Current portfolio of the factory products was also analyzed. Ease of manufacture, ease of use, functionality, expected high accuracy and quality of result were considered during the design of the welding jig. The designed jig makes it possible to carry out the certification process in six different welded positions using three different thicknesses of metal. To simplify the design and reduce costs, it was decided to combine the designed jig with a tool already used in production. The components used are easily removable and can be easily replaced in case of failure. When designing the jig, the 5S methodology was taken into account - all the details that are included in the kit are easily and quickly fixed to the device itself. In this way eliminating the possibility of losing separate parts of the jig and contaminating production areas can also be avoided. The materials used and the components needed are readily available locally. A linear static analysis of the device was performed to ensure that the deformations of the main components under the influence of loads are not critical for the continuous use of the welding jig. The cost of the device was calculated in the financial part. The calculation does not include the costs of designing and device assembly. Market analysis for the search for similar products was not carried out for the lack of necessity. The designed device is unique and there are no similar solutions on the market. The aim of this thesis, designing the welding jig, was completed. Designed jig was approved by the ABB Motors & Generators Factory management and was also ordered to production for further use. SOLIDWORKS 2018 3D CAD was used as the modeling software.Mechanical Engineering--Production Engineering and Technology--Welding Technology and EquipmentMechanical Engineering--Production Engineering and Technology--Equipment and JigsMechanical Engineering--Product Development--Metal Construction Technology and JigsMehaanika--Tootmistehnika ja -tehnoloogia--Keevitustehnoloogia ja -seadmedMehaanika--Tootmistehnika ja -tehnoloogia--Seadmed ja rakisedMehaanika--Tootearendus--Metallkonstruktsioonide tehnoloogia ja rakisedMasinaehitusMechanical EngineeringKeevitusroboti rakise projekteerimine operaatorite ja protseduuride sertifitseerimiseksDesigning a Welding Robot Jig to Certify Operators and Proceduresthesis