Vaab, EvelinKarma, Hanna-Kristel2021-03-172021-03-172020 õputöö teemaks on brändi jätkusuutliku kuvandi uurimine ja Reformation ’ ning Eesti tarbija vastuvõtlikkus Monki i näitel. Töös uuriti nii jätkusuutliku tootmise arengut kui põhimõtte id. Jätkusuutliku kuvandi mõjust tarbijatele kasutati näitena kaht rõivabrändi: Monki ja Reformation. Brändide jätkusuutlikkust hinnati Good on you süsteemi kasutades. Mõlemad brändid on suunatud noortele naistele ning mõlema suunitlus on jätkusuutli k e too dete valmistamine. Monki on Rootsi emafirma H&M grupp all ning on oma imago üheks osaks teinud jätkusuutlikkuse koos inimõiguste ning vähemuste kaitsmisega. Reformation on Ameerika Ühendriikide rõivabränd, mis valmistab peamiselt kleite jätkusuutlik est mat erjalidest ning brändi põhi reklaamipunkt on just jätkusuutlikkus. Et teada Eesti tarbijate arvamust antud teemast, viidi läbi ankeetküsitlus, mi llele vasta s Küsitluse tulemused näitasid, et inimesed, kes olid teadlikud jätkusuutlikust tootmis 54 osalejat. est, olid rohkem huvitatud selle tõstmisest , kui need, kes ei olnud nii teadlikud. Samas edasised võrdlused tõid välja, et inimesed ei ole päris kindlad, mis on jätkusuutlikkus. Positiivsest Good on you antud hinnanguga, kui küljest ühtis tarbijate arvamus d tarbijatel on siiski raske anda hinnanguid ainult lähtudes kuvandist. Antud lõputöö raames läbiviidud küsitlus täitis autori arvates oma eesmärki, saades teada, et kuigi tarbija on kohati teadlik jätkusuutlikkuse põhimõtetest, siis puhtalt brändi kuvand i järgi on raske teha järeldusi antud ettevõtte jätkusuutliku tootmise kohta. Kindlasti on vaja jätkusuutlikkuse valdkonnas teha edasisi uuringuid, arvestades just rõivatööstuse reostustaset, et jälgida tarbijate teadmiste muutumist ning arengut. Autori seisukohalt on jätkusuutlik tarbimine tähtis, kuid sama tähtis on ka tunnistada ettevõtete jätkusuutmatust. Ühiskonna muutumi ne jätkusuutlikumaks ei saa olla ainult tarbija kohustus. Tarbijate haritus vastaval alal on murepunkt ning jätkusuutlik ja eetiline tarbimine peaks olema teemana sisse toodud juba alates algharidusest. Üldiselt peaks kodu ja kool toetama üksteist lapse haridusteel. Seega peaks haridussüsteem õpetama juba lastele teadliku tarbimise põhimõtteid, et tulevikus oleks sellealane teadlikkus juba inimese loomuses.The following thesis is Estonian consumer's receptivity to a sustainable image on the example of the brands Monki and Reformation. Sustainability as a fashion term has gained more attention in recent years. The planet’s resources are running out and consumerisms’ biggest problems have become trash, pollution and the lack of human rights in manufacturing. In today's consumer culture there is a rising consciousness involving sustainability and moral issues in the production of clothes. However, the word “sustainable” is emerging as a way for brands to market themselves and the consumer may not be immersed in whether a brand is in fact producing clothes sustainably. There lies the problem for the consumer, who may not be able to distinguish a truly sustainably produced garment from green washing by the company. This problem is particularly acute in the clothing industry, which is one of the world’s biggest polluters. This, this thesis deals with the principles of sustainable production, consumer awareness, interest and awareness of the brands Monki and Reformation. These two brands were taken as an example to show how seemingly fast fashion brands use sustainable marketing techniques to add value to a company. Both companies also target young people who are impressionable, especially given that Generation Z is highly motivated to solve social and political problems. The aim of this thesis is to give an overview of the impact of the brand image on Estonian consumers on the example of the brands Monki and Reformation in order to assess their sustainability. The objectives to achieve the goal are: • To research the history and principles of sustainable production; • To give an overview of the brands Monki and Reformation; • To analyse the sustainability assessment of the brands Monki and Reformation by using Good on you assessment system; • Conduct a consumer survey examining Estonian consumer’s awareness and interest in sustainable production and example o the awareness and impression of the sustainable image on the f brands Monki and Reformation ; In order to understand the opinion of Estonian consumers on this topic conducted, to which 54 participants , a questionnaire survey was responded. The results of the survey showed that people who were aware of sustainable pro duction were more interested in raising it than those who were not so aware. However, further comparisons showed t production is. On the positive side, con hat people are not quite sure what sustainability in sumers perceptions were in line with Good on you of the two brands. assessment But it is still difficult for consumers to judge only on the basis of their image. According to the author, the survey conducted in the framework of this thesis fulfilled its purpose, finding out that although the consumer is sometimes aware of the difficult to draw conclusions about the sus principles of sustainability, it is tainability of a given company. There is a clear need for further pollution in the research clothing industry , of sustainability , especially in the light of the level of in order to monitor changes in consumer knowledge and developments. impo From the authors point of view, sustainable consumption is important, but it is equally rtant to acknowledge the unsustainability of companies.Clothing and Textiles--Technology and Textile Science--Production of Textile MaterialsRõivad ja tekstiilid--Tehnoloogia ja materjaliõpetus--Tekstiilmaterjalide tootmineRessursikorraldusResource ManagementEesti tarbija vastuvõtlikkus jätkusuutlikule kuvandile brändide Monki ja Reformation näitelEstonian consumer's receptivity to a sustainable image on the example of the brands Monki and Reformationthesis