Tõugjas, HannesMünt, Helen2021-03-172021-03-172021https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2986Aja möödudes on paljud kasutuses olevad hooned muutunud tänapäeva mõistes ebatõhusaks, ebamugavaks ja energiakulukaks. Seda probleemi saab parandada renoveerides vanad hooned. SmartEnCity projekti raames teostatud hruštšovkade renoveerimine on hea näide läbimõeldud ja nutikast lahendusest. SmartEnCity projekti raames renoveeritud hoonetes teostati terviklahendusena hoonete konstruktsioonide renoveerimine, tehnosüsteemide täiendamine või täielik asendamine, nutikodu süsteemi lahendus, päikesepaneelide paigaldamine ning hoone üldise esteetilisuse parendamine renoveerides trepikojad ja keldrid. Märkimisväärse ning uudse lahendusena kasutusele võetud nutikodu süsteem muudab hooned lihtsasti käsitletavaks ja mugavaks. Nutikodu süsteemi abil saavad elanikud jälgida oma energiatarbimist ning reguleerida kütet ja ventilatsiooni. Lisaks aitab süsteem tuvastada tulekahjuhäireid, jälgida päikesepaneelide tootlikust ning võrrelda korterite ja majade energiakasutust. Analüüsides renoveerimistulemusi selgus, et renoveerimise eesmärgi ehk energiasäästu, hoonete nutikaks, tänapäevaseks ning mugavaks muutmise nimel sai teostatud suur hulk töid. Seejuures näiteks nutikodu täisfunktsionaalsuse saavutamine on siiani käsil. Hetkel on käsil videofono süsteemi arendamine. Eesmärk säästa renoveeritud hoonetes energiat sai osaliselt kinnitust. Selgus, et Tähe tn. 2 hoone puhul on energiatarbimine kaugküttesoojuse tarbimiselt ning vee soojendamise kulult vähenenud ligi poole võrra ning Pepleri tn. 10 hoone puhul ligi 30% võrra. Pepleri tn. 10 puhul peaks energiatarbimine vähenema veelgi. Hetkel on hoones käimas küttesüsteemi häälestus ning seetõttu pole saavutatud maksimaalset energiasäästu. Tiigi tn. 3 puhul saab asjakohased andmed energiasäästu osas 2022 aastaks, kuna renoveerimine lõppes 2020 sügisel. Elanike rahuloluküsitlusest nähtus, et kohati on uute süsteemide ja tehnoloogiate kasutuselevõtt tekitanud hoone elanikes segadust ning arusaamatusi. Mõned elanikud ei olnud teadlikud süsteemi täpsest toimivusest ning seetõttu ei osanud reguleerida näiteks kütet ja ventilatsiooni endale meeldivaks. Seejuures peaks tegelema elanike ja hoonete kasutajate teadlikkuse tõstmisega uue keskkonna ning uute süsteemide osas. Renoveerimise puhul on väga oluline ka renoveerimisjärgne hooldus ning viimases peatükis välja toodud tehnosüsteemide hoolduskava annab teostamist vajavatest tegevustest hea ülevaate.The following thesis Renovation solutions of the renovation project SmartEnCity on the example of selected apartment buildings, is made to analyze the effectiveness of the renovation project in terms of both the technical side and the satisfaction of the residents. The main goal of the SmartEnCity project is to implement a comprehensive solution for a smart and sustainable urban environment that would inspire residents to make environmentally conscious decisions. Part of this goal is to renovate former Soviet era ’’kruštšovtka’’ buildings into modern smart houses, where in addition to modern technical systems, there is also a smart home system that allows building occupants to monitor their energy consumption and control the apartment's heating and ventilation. In the first part of the thesis, the author gives an overview of the general data of the investigated apartment buildings and the initial condition of the non-renovated buildings. In addition to the above, the first chapter also describes the nature of "kruštšovtka". In the second chapter of the thesis, the author gives an overview of the renovation project, describing the SmartEnCity project as a whole. The chapter also includes a description of the EnLife smart house system. The third chapter provides an overview of the work carried out within the renovation project, its cost and the financial support involved. The chapter also contains the results of a survey conducted by the author to analyze the satisfaction of residents with issues related to renovation results. The chapter also consists of results of a survey conducted by the Tartu Regional Energy Agency, which provides partial energy consumption of the buildings. In the fourth chapter of the thesis, the author has prepared a unified technical maintenance plan for buildings, which provides an overview of the necessary activities to ensure the systematic and proper functioning of technical systems. Analyzing the renovation results, it became clear that a large amount of work was done in order to achieve the goal of renovation- energy saving, making buildings smart, modern and comfortable. At the same time, for example, achieving the full functionality of a smart home is still in progress. A videophone system is currently being developed. SUMMARY 47 The goal of saving energy in renovated buildings was partially confirmed. It turned out that Tähe tn. 2 energy consumption from the consumption of district heating heat and the cost of water heating has decreased by almost half and Pepleri tn.10 by almost 30%. Residents' feedback from the survey showed that in some cases the new systems and technologies have caused confusion and misunderstandings among the residents of the building. Some residents were not aware of the exact operation of the system and therefore could not regulate, for example, heating and ventilation to their liking. Efforts should be made to raise the awareness of residents and building users about the new environment and new systems.OtherMuuKinnisvara korrashoidFacilities ManagementRenoveerimisprojekti SmartEnCity renoveerimislahendused valitud kortermajade näitelRenovation solutions of the renovation project SmartEnCity on the example of selected apartment buildingsthesis