Daniel, KarliStimmer, Lauri2021-03-172021-03-172014https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/797Hetke majandusolukorras tuleb pöörata ehitustööde planeerimisele ja töökorralduslikule küljele oluliselt suuremat tähelepanu, kui seda tõusva majandustsüklis ja olukorras, kus Eestis on töömahud teedeehituses sõltuvuses eurorahadest ning valitsuse otsustest. Samas on tee-ehitusettevõtete hulk hankes olevate mahtude teostamiseks ilmselgelt liiga suur. Eelnevast tulenevalt on etteaimatavate ehitusprobleemide ärahoidmine ettevõtete jaoks küllaltki suurte majandusliku kaaluga ning iga eksimus ehituses omab suuremat või väiksemat rahalist kahju ettevõttele. Käesolevas lõputöös on käsitletud tee-ehitusobjektide ehitusprotsessi korduma kippuvaid tüüpvigasid, ning vigasid, mis on ilmsiks tulnud objektide garantiiperioodide ajal. Vead on tingitud eelkõige ehitusobjekte juhtivate inimeste lühikesest tööstaažist, valedest töövõtetest ja sellest, et objektide juhid ei pööra vigade edasisele kordumisele piisavalt tähelepanu. Töö autor on täheldanud enda poolt läbi kogetud ehitusvigade kordumist ettevõttesse hiljem tööle asunud inimeste poolt. Seega on kirja pandud materjaliga soovituslik tutvuda eelkõige objektil ehitustöid juhtival vähemkogenud töö- või objektijuhil, kuna neist on otseselt sõltuv objektide ehituskvaliteet ja finantstulemus. Lõputöö tulemuseks on näitlik juhendmaterjal autori enda kogetud ja läbielatud ehituslikest situatsioonidest, millest suuremat osa ei ole võimalik leida normdokumentidest ega juhenditest. Samuti on tuvastatud ja süstematiseeritud põhilised tee-ehitusprotsessi tüüpvigade tekkimise faktorid ning välja toodud võimalused ehituseelarve kulude vähendamiseks juhtimissüsteemi efektiivsel rakendumisel. Kõik tüüpvead on jaotatud ehitusprotsessi erinevateks etappideks, mis võimaldab juba tööde ettevalmistusperioodil suurendada objektimeeskonna juhtimispotentsiaali kõikvõimalike riskide arvelt.The author of the thesis has participated in different levels of executing and managing road construction processes during relatively long period of time and has gained professional knowledge by experientially going through different situations in reality. Consequently frequently observed structural typical faults have been recorded during a longer period of time and started to consciously avoid their repetition in the future. This has inspired the choice of the thesis “Typical Faults in Road Construction Process and the Prevention of these”. The purpose of the thesis is to compile a classification based on technical descriptions of road construction processes of more frequently occurring typical faults, which are based on the aesthetic deficiencies on the one hand, and on the other hand, on a larger than average proportion of the economic share that is accompanied by the elimination of the faults. Typical situations of deviations have been described in the thesis and analysed accordingly the nature of the causes as well as suggested prevention and possible elimination of the consequences based on the author’s experience. Primary attention in the thesis has been given to construction of the overburden and excavation works as these form the most expensive part of road construction. Also lifespan and ease of use of roads and streets are depending mostly on the quality of these. In addition more typical faults in installation of traffic control devices and special works have been outlined and analysed its causes. Faults are caused mostly by the short working experience of the construction site managers, wrong practices and by the fact that construction site managers do not pay enough attention to the further recurrence of the faults. The author has noted that construction faults experienced by him were recurring and experienced by later recruited staff in the company. Therefore, it’s suggested for the less experienced construction site managers to get familiar with the material, as they are directly responsible for the construction quality and financial outcome of the projects. The content of current thesis is only related to the construction projects connected with the author and has been recorded from the point of view of the contractor and construction company. Projects concerned remain anonymous for most cases, as a lot of these have valid warranty periods during writing the thesis. The result of the thesis is exemplary instruction material of construction situations experienced by the author; most of these situations cannot be found in standard regulations and instructions. Also main factors for occurrence of typical faults in road construction processes have been identified and systematized as well as outlined the possibilities to decrease construction budget costs by implementing efficient management. All typical faults have been divided by different phases of construction process, which enables to increase construction team’s managing potential already during preparatory period by reducing all kinds of risks.Construction--Road Construction--Road Building--Road Building WorkEhitus--Teedeehitus--Teede ehitamine--Tee-ehitustöödTeedeehitusRoad ConstructionTee-ehitusprotsessi tüüpvead ja nende ärahoidmineTypical Faults in Road Construction Process and the Prevention of thesethesis