Kendra, AinKempi, Antti2024-06-052024-06-052024-05-09 Baltic on lähiajaloo suurim taristuehitusprojekt Balti regioonis, valmima peaks üleeuroopalisse transpordivõrgustikku TEN—T kuuluv elektrifitseeritud raudteetrass 2030. aasta lõpuks, kuigi mitte täisfunktsionaalsuses. Projekti finantseerivas Balti riigid (Eesti, Läti ja Leedu) ja Euroopa Liit, mis kaasrahastab projekti kuni 85% kõigist abikõlblikest kuludest. Eesti osa maksumus on hinnanguliselt 3 miljardit eurot, mis on oluliselt kallim algsest hinnangust. Antud projekti puhul on oluline asjaolu, et tasuvusuuringutes ei kajastu ehitusaegsete massvedude mõju olemasolevatele ümbruskonna teedele. Arvestades tänast ja lähituleviku teehoiurahastamist, on hinnata ehitusaegsete massvedude mõju teedele, mis on kavandatud ajutiselt suuremat koormust arvestamata. Analüüsitakse varem kehtinud ja hetkel kehtivaid normatiivdokumente, juhendeid ning määrusi. Arvutati välja vajalikud materjali mahud ning leiti tõenäolised tarnekarjäärid ja veoteed. Lõputöö analüüsist selgus, et massvedude mõju teedele sõltub paljuski maanteede klassidest. Suurema klassi (suurema liikluskoormusega) teedele on mõju väiksem (1,5% ... 14%), kuna lisanduvate massvedude efekt ei oma liiga olulist kaalu juba olemasolevale tee projekteerimisel arvestatud koormussagedusele. Samas on suuremate vedude mõju väiksema koormusega teedele aga üsnagi arvestatav (24,2%—166,6%). Töös jõuti järeldusele, et massvedudeks saab nimetada neid vedusid, mis ületavad mõjult 5% tee projekteerimisel eeldatud koormusest. Kui kokku on Eestit läbiv Rail Baltica raudteetrass jaotatud kaheksaks erinevaks lõiguks siis käesolev analüüs keskendub ühele lõigule (Rail Baltica Raplamaa põhitrassi raudteetaristu esimene etapp). Analüüsist selgub, et vaadeldud raudteelõigu ehituse massvedudega kasutatud riigiteede ressursi maksumuseks on ca 0,7 miljonit eurot, kogu Eestit läbiva Rail Baltica raudteetrassi puhul aga ca 17 miljonit eurot. Arvestades kogu Rail Baltica raudtee ehituse Eesti osa maksumuseks ca 3 miljardit eurot, ei ole need kulud ülemäära suured, moodustades ainult ca 0,5% kogu Rail Baltica maksumusest. Ilmselt sama suurusjärgu kuludega on tegemist ka kohalikel ehk vallateedel. Samas pole nendega arvestatud Rail Baltica tasuvusarvutuses (CBA) ega ka riigiteede teehoiukavas. Teehoiu rahastamine on 2024-2025 väga kriitilises seisus ja teades, et Rail Baltica rahastamine EL vahenditest ei kata kogu eeldatud mahtu, ei ole lootust, et enne Rail Baltica täiemahulist valmimist (sh pealisehitus millest tähtajaks loodetakse valmis ehitada vaid üks rööpapaar, kohalikud peatused ja rongid), teede rahastamine taastuks. Lisaks nendele arvutustele avaldavad massveod mõju ka vallateedele, mis suurendab puudujääki veelgi. Töös on tehtud mitmeid lihtsustusi ja eeldusi, täpsem hindamine nõuaks rohkem infot kasutatavate materjalide ja veoteede kohta (Rail Baltic Estonia on eelistanud teemasid mitte tsentraalselt hallata vaid jättagi detailid ehitajate hooleks), seega tähendaks täpsem arvestus töö mahu olulist suurenemist.Rail Baltic is the largest infrastructure construction project in the Baltic region in recent history and the electrified railway line that will be part of the trans-European transport network TEN-T should be completed by the end of 2030, although not in full functionality. The project is financed by the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) and co-financed by the European Union that reimburses up to 85% of all eligible project costs. Estonia's funding in the project is estimated to amount to EUR 3 billion, which is significantly more expensive than the original estimate. An important aspect about this project is that the feasibility studies do not reflect the impact of mass freight transport on existing surrounding roads during the construction period. Considering today's and forthcoming road maintenance funding, it is possible to assess the impact of mass freight transport during the construction period on roads that has been planned temporarily without taking into account the increased load. The author has analysed previously and currently valid regulations, guidelines and documentation. The necessary material volumes have been calculated and likely supply quarries and freight transport routes have been determined. The analysis of the thesis revealed that the impact of mass freight transport on roads largely depends on the road class. Roads with higher class (higher traffic load) are less affected (1.5% ... 14%), because the effect of additional mass freight transport does not have excessive weight on the already existing load frequency taken into account in the design of the road. At the same time, the impact of larger freight transport on roads with lower loads is quite considerable (24.2% -166.6%). The work concluded that mass freight transport can be defined as freight transport that by its effect exceed 5% of the expected design load of the road. While the Rail Baltic railway line through Estonia is divided into eight different sections, this analysis focuses on one section (the first phase of the Rail Baltic's Rapla county main line railway infrastructure). The analysis shows that the cost of the resource of the state roads used in the mass freight transport as part of the construction of the railway section is about 0.7 million euros, and about 17 million euros in the case of the Rail Baltic railway line that crosses the whole of Estonia. Considering that the cost of the entire Estonian part of the Rail Baltic railway construction is about 3 billion euros, these costs are not excessively high, accounting for only about 0.5% of the total Rail Baltic's cost. Obviously, costs of the same order of magnitude are also incurred on local or rural roads. However, 41 they have not been taken into account in the Rail Baltic's cost-benefit analysis (CBA) or in the national road management plan. The financing of road maintenance in 2024-2025 is in a very critical state, and knowing that the financing of Rail Baltic from EU funds does not cover the entire expected volume, there is no hope that before the full completion of Rail Baltic (including the superstructure of which it is expected to be completed by the deadline only one pair of rails, local stops and trains), the financing of roads will be restored. In addition to these calculations, mass freight transport also affects rural roads, which further increases the deficit. Several simplifications and prerequisites have been made in the research, while a more accurate assessment would require more information about the materials and transport routes used (Rail Baltic Estonia does not manage the topics centrally, but has left the details to the construction companies), so a more accurate calculation would mean a significant increase in the volume of work.etEhitus::Teedeehitus::Teede ehitamine::Tee-ehitustöödTeedeehitusTeede massvedude mõjuanalüüsImpact Analysis of Mass Freight Transport on Roadslõputöö