Pöörmete sulatuskütte automatiseerimine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöö koostati vastavalt ülesandele, üherajalises piirkonnas asuva Türi raudteejaama pöörangute sulatuskütte arenduse projektina, koos jaama tehnilise iseloomustuse kirjeldusega. Üldise raudteearengu taustal Baltikumis, ei saa tähelepanuta jätta ka arenguid kohalikel töötavatel raudteetaristutel tagamaks seeläbi energiasäästlikuma ja ökoloogiliselt puhtama reisi- ja kaubaveo riigis. Selles plaanis on Türi jaamas juba 2016 aastal kasutusel võetud uus elektritsentralisatsiooni süsteem, mis töötab PLC tehnoloogial. Pöörmete sulatuskütte süsteem on jäänud aga kaasajastamata, mistõttu vajab see lähitulevikus uuendamist, energiatõhusama ja säästlikuma lahenduse vastu. Vaja on olemasolev pöörmete sulatuskütte süsteem välja vahetada, mis võimaldab pöörmete soojendamist vastavalt vajadusele, tagades nii energiasäästu eesmärgid. Türi jaama sulatuskütte arenduse projekt on kulukas, aga siiski mõistlik ja vajalik, energia tarbimist vähendava meetmena. Üleminek autonoomse ja SCADA süsteemis töötavale pöörme sulatuskütte süsteemile loob võimaluse eesmärgi saavutamiseks. Türi jaama sulatuskütte arendus 2020-2021 projekti seletuskirjas on koostatud: • jaama paiknemine ning tehniline iseloomustus; • jaama sulatus kütte olemas olevast olukorrast; • majandusliku tulu hindamine; • lahenduste võrdlus ja maksumus; • projekteerimis nõuded; • jaama sulatuskütte maksumus; • sulatuskütte katsetamine ja testimine. Majanduslike arvestuse osas on välja arvutatud Türi jaama pöörmete sulatuskütte maksumus. Graafilises osas on koostatud: • jaama skemaatiline asendiplaan; • isolatsiooni paiknemine rööpal; • kütteelementide asetus pöörangul; • tööpõhimõte SPK-SCADA-ETS/PLC; • ilma ennustus EMHI; • süsteemiprotokoll SIS; • TIA portal; • PLC skeemid; • elektriskeemid. Juhtimise süsteem, mis on spetsiaalselt välja arendatud pöörmete sulatuskütte juhtimise jaoks nii avalike kui ka tööstuslike raudteede tarvis. Käesolevas töös käsitletud sulatuskütte lahendus on tänapäevane, energiat säästev, mugav ja ohutu süsteem ja sobib kasutamiseks Türi raudteejaamas. Majanduslikus mõttes on antud süsteem väga ökonoomne, kuid raudteel omab suurt tähtsust ka töökindlus ja ohutus. Töökindluse tagab seadme monitooring igal ajahetkel, saamaks informatsiooni seadme töö kohta.

The topic of this diploma thesis is the automation of defrosting systems for switches in Edelaraudtee AS railway stations 2021–2023. The final paper is written according to an individual task to design a new defrosting system for switches, including a technical description and cost-effectiveness ratio calculation. Due to the environmental sustainability of rail transport, it is seen as having great potential in Europe and elsewhere in the world. Therefore, investments in railway infrastructure are becoming more frequent. With the support of the European Union, the Baltic States will also receive a new railway connection by 2026, Rail Baltic, which will connect the Baltic capitals with Western Europe via Poland. Hence, the railway within Estonia also needs to be modernised, as the increasingly busy traffic schedule and faster trains set higher requirements for safety on the railway infrastructure. In order to ensure the development of national rail transport, the construction and modernisation of the existing railway infrastructure must be continued. The stations of Edelaraudtee AS – Tallinn-Väike, Kiisa, and Türi – have been modernised using PLC technology. In 2021, a prototype of a defrosting system for switches will be developed and installed at the Türi station for testing. In 2022–2023, the existing old defrosting system for switches at the Türi, Võhma, and Viljandi stations will be replaced and upgraded to the new system. Defrosting the switches is expensive but crucial to ensure the smooth operation of the switches in difficult weather conditions during the winter. In order to achieve the effect of saving electricity, the plan is to switch to autonomous and SCADA-utilising defrosting system for switches, partially abandoning the currently operating, but manually controlled, system. Transformers and heating elements from the existing defrosting system for switches will be used. The thesis also compares the designed defrosting system with the solution provided by SAN Elektro Heat A/S. The switch is heated by six heating elements, which ensures the necessary defrosting effect even in difficult weather conditions during winter. The defrosting system for switches monitors the temperature of the rail, receiving preliminary information for the selection of the defrosting mode from the weather service. The upgrade will save up to 20% of the electricity used to defrost the switches. The reasons for the Türi station defrosting system project are: • location and technical description of the Türi station; • description of the current situation of the defrosting system for switches at the Türi station; • assessment of the economic benefits; • comparison and cost of the solutions; • design requirements; • the cost of defrosting at the Türi station; • testing the defrosting system; The financial planning chapter consists of the calculation of the price of the equipment and components of the Türi station’s defrosting system for switches and the total renovation cost. The calculations have been made with Microsoft Excel. The graphical part contains: • schematic layout plan of Türi station; • location of insulation on the rail; • location of defrosting system on the switch; • operating system SPK-SCADA-ETS/PLC; • weather forecast EMHI; • system protocol SIS; • TIA portal; • PLC diagrams; • electrical circuit diagrams; A control system specially designed to control the defrosting system for switches on both public and industrial railways. The defrosting solution is suitable for use in Türi and other railway stations; the system is modern, energy sustaining, convenient, and safe. Reliability is ensured by monitoring the device at all times to obtain information about the operation of the device.



TTK Subject Categories::Transport
