AS Eesti Liinirongid rongijuhtide valvsusele reageerimine

dc.contributor.advisorKuusk, Martin
dc.contributor.authorHaugas, Mart
dc.description.abstractElroni eesmärgiks on pakkuda oma klientidele kiiret, mugavat, turvalist ja keskkonnasõbralikku ühistransporditeenust. Käesolev diplomitöö annab ülevaate Elroni raudteeveeremijuhtide valvsuse kontrollile reageerimisest sõltuvalt kahe töövahetuse vahele jäävast puhkeajast. Lõputöö põhiosas on välja toodud Elroni iseloomustus ja Stadler FLIRT rongide tehnilised parameetrid. Lähemalt on selgitatud rongijuhtide töökorraldust, millistest osadest see koosneb ja mis toiminguid raudteeveeremijuht teeb tööaja käigus. Töös on kirjeldatud VEPS programmi võimalusi ja funktsioone ning kuidas see aitab rongijuhte liinil. Ülevaade on antud ka kuidas rongijuhtide valvsuse kontroll toimib Elronis ja meie lähiriikides. Lõputöö eesmärgi saavutamiseks võeti vaatluse alla rongijuhtide valvsuse kontrolli reageerimise tulemused, mille andmed on saadud VEPS depooprogrammist. Kontrolliti rongijuhtide valvsusele reageerimist, kelle kahe töövahetuse vaheline puhkeaeg on 6 tundi või vähem ning rongijuhte, kelle kahe töövahetuse vaheline puhkaeg on 8 tundi või rohkem. Kokku uuriti 20 raudteeveeremi juhi valvsusele reageerimise kiirust nii töövahetuse alguses kui ka töövahetuse lõpus. Selgub, et Elroni rongijuhtide valvsusele reageerimise kiirus on heal tasemel, seda olenemata kui pikk on kahe töövahetuse vaheline öine puhkeaeg, valvsusele reageerimise kiirus oli keskmiselt alla 1,5 sekundi. Töövahetuse alguses reageerivad rongijuhid, kellel on töövahetuste vaheline öine puhkeaeg 8 tundi või rohkem paremini, kuid vahe on ainult 0,1 sekundit võrreldes rongijuhtidega, kellel on öist puhkeaega 6 tundi või vähem. Töövahetuse lõpus ajad võrdsustuvad, vahe on üheksa tuhandiku rongijuhtide kasuks, kellel on rohkem öist puhkeaega. Analüüsitavate andmete kogumise käigus ühtegi negatiivset valvsuse kontrolli ei esinenud. Seega leidis kinnitust ka tööle seatud hüpotees, et raudteeveeremijuhid kellel on öist puhkeaega 8 tundi või rohkem reageerivad valvsuse kontrollile kiiremini kui seda teevad rongijuhid kellel on öist puhkeaega 6 tundi või vähem. Tulenevalt rongijuhtide valvsusele reageerimise tulemustest teeb töö autor järgmised ettepanekud: • Jätkata praeguse rongijuhtide tööajakorraldusega, kuna Elroni rongijuhtide valvsusele reageerimise kiirus on heal tasemel. • Lubada rongijuhtidel, kellel on kahe töövahetuse vaheline puhkeaeg vähem kui 8 tundi ja töövahetuse jooksul tuleb teenindada rohkem kui ühte reisi, väljuda infrastruktuurile, kus puuduvad rongijuhte kontrollivad automaatsed turvanguseadmed. • Teha valvsusele reageerimise kiiruse analüüse perioodiliselt, näiteks korra kvartalis, et ohutus raudteel oleks tagatud ka tulevikus. • Uurida rongijuhi põhiselt, kuidas muutub valvsusele reageerimise kiirus sama tuuri põhiselt erinevatel pä
dc.description.abstractPassenger train traffic has become more and more popular thanks to the new Stadler FLIRT type multiple unit trains. Due to that the traffic of passenger trains has become busier on Estonian railway, the travelling speed has increased and more attention has to be drawn to the traffic safety on the railway. This final paper analyses the alertness response testing demonstrated by the train drivers of AS Eesti Liinirongid. Train drivers, who have only 6 hours or less rest time between night shifts, and train drivers, who have 8 hours or more rest time at night, are observed. The aim of the final paper is to find out the speed of the alertness response demonstrated by the railway vehicle drivers of AS Eesti Liinirongid and its possible alterations during the work time. The paper provides an answer to the question: will the current work arrangement of the train drivers of AS Eesti Liinirongid be sustainable in the future? In order to accomplish the aim of the paper, it is necessary to establish the speed levels of the alertness response and the tasks performed by train drivers during the work time. The diploma paper consists of six chapters, which are divided into subsections. The first part of the paper describes the enterprise AS Eesti Liinirongid. The railway lines and directions operated by trains today and the used railway vehicles are described. In addition, the management of the enterprise and the activity policy and structure are featured. The second chapter of the paper discusses the train drivers’ routes. The activities performed by the driver during the work time and an overview of the routes in the survey part are presented. The third chapter focuses on the automated device VEPS. The chapter describes the structure of VEPS, the kind of data delivered to the train driver in the cabin and the kind of data received from the VEPS depot program. The forth chapter describes two alertness monitoring devices one of which is VEPS alertness control and the other TSKBM, used by our close neighbours. The fifth chapter deals with the results of the alertness monitoring tests in AS Eesti Liinirongid. The sixth last chapter includes conclusions and recommendations proceeding from the analysis of the alertness response testing. It appears that the response time demonstrated by AS Eesti Liinirongid train drivers is on a good level irrespective of the length of the rest time at night between two shifts. At the beginning of the shift the train drivers, whose night rest between shifts is 8 hours or more, respond only 0.1 seconds faster than the train drivers, whose night rest is 6 hours or less. At the end of the shift the response time becomes equal; the difference is only nine thousandths in favour of the train drivers, who have a longer night rest. During the collection of data analysed, no cases of negative alertness in testing was detected. Hence – the hypothesis established in the paper is confirmed that the railway vehicle drivers, whose night rest time is 8 hours and more, react better to the alertness test than the train drivers, whose night rest is six or less hours. Proceeding from the train drivers’ results of the response time testing the author makes recommendations as follows: • To continue with the current train drivers’ work arrangement as the AS Eesti Liinirongid train drivers have shown good response time in alertness testing. • To allow the train drives, whose break between shifts is less than 8 hours and who service more than one route during a shift, to come out on infrastructure, where there are no automated safety facilities monitoring the train drivers. • To make such analysis periodically for example once per quarter, to secure safety on railways also in the future.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Rail Transporten
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Rail Transport--Rail Trafficen
dc.subject.otherRailway Engineeringen
dc.titleAS Eesti Liinirongid rongijuhtide valvsusele reageerimine
dc.title.alternativeTrain drivers response to vigilance control in AS Eesti Liinirongid
