Lõiketöötlustehnoloogia parendamine ettevõttes Threod systems

dc.contributor.advisorPiiritalo, Janis
dc.contributor.advisorLeinberg, Vahur
dc.contributor.authorTamkivi, Mikk
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva lõputöö käigus teostatati ettevõttes Threod Systems lõiketöötluse tehnoloogia parendamist. Parendamine on läbi viidud, et parandada suuremate tootmismahtudega ruuter pingipargi efektiivsust ja toota kulusäästlikumalt. Lõputöös käsitletakse kolme eesmärki, mida peatükkide kaupa on parendatud. Lehtmaterjalide standardiseerimisel viidi läbi lehtmaterjalist detailide koguste ja lõikekaartide standardiseerimine. Standardiseerimist jätkati ja võrreldi eelnevalt ettevõttes läbiviidud lehtmaterjali standardiseerimisega. Autor täiendas detailide nimekirja, peale mida koostati uued lõikeprogrammid. Standardiseeritud lehtmaterjalide lõikeprogrammid parandasid materjali kasutust 42%, mille tulemusel säästeti ühe komplekti jagu detailide tootmiseks 69.3 eurot, mis on eelnevalt läbiviidud standardiseerimisest 62,34% soodsam. Samuti koostati seadistuslehed lõikeprogrammidele, mistõttu operaatorid saavad mugavalt ja ilma CAM programmi kontrollimata pinki seadistada. Lõikeprogrammide optimeerimisel viidi läbi rakistega töödeldavate detailide lõikeprogrammide optimeerimine. Optimeerimisel muudeti siirete järjekorda, ohutut kõrgust kiirliikumisel, lõike parameetreid ja vabastati detaili ümbrus operaatorile puhastamiseks. Lõikeprogrammide optimeerimine säästis nelja detaili peale 25 minutit, mis on 13.94% kiirem varasemalt kasutatud lõikeprogrammidest. Viimase eesmärgi saavutamiseks projekteeriti SM6090ATC ruuterpingile keredetailide töötlemiseks rakis. Rakis sisaldab alusplaati, mis kinnitatakse 0-punkt süsteemiga vaakumlauale ja alusplaadile saab rakistada kahe erineva keredetaili töötlemiseks rakised, millest lõputöös käsitletakse detail BOOM rakise projekteerimist. Rakis projekteeriti spetsiaalselt ruuterpingi kogu töölaua kasutamiseks, mistõttu on võimalik töödelda maksimaalselt kaheksat detaili korraga projekteeritud rakises. Detaili rakistamine muudeti lihtsaks läbi keeratava poldipea detaili fikseerimisel ja käpphaaratsite kasutuse. Eeldatavate tööaegade järgi tekib suurele ruuterpingile nädalas 9.14 tundi vaba aega ja projekteeritud rakis võimaldab töödelda nelja detaili 46minutit kiiremini ja säästab operaatori seadistusele kuluvat aega 42 minutit. Lõputöö käigus täideti püsitatud eesmärgid ja saavutati soovitav tulemus. Tuleviks CNC portaalpingi pargi lõiketöötlemise tehnoloogiat arendatakse edasi, et saavutada kiirem ja kulusööstlikum töötamine.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this thesis is to improve the cutting technology of the portal CNC machine park in the company Threod Systems, where abrasive materials are processed. Due to the increasing production volumes, the CNC router milling machines must be capable of more efficient and cost-effective production. Glass and carbon fiber sheet materials are cut in this company with router CNC machine. At this point, the parts have been machined with a large router machine. A small router machine has been used to cut prototypes of parts. In this company, jigs are processed only on a large router machine, which is why the cutting of sheet materials is delayed and a queue is created with the processing of drone parts. Based on the thesis, the following problems have been set: 1. The company's production volume increases, so the CNC routers must produce more with the same machines; 2. Due to the processing with the jigs, the cutting of sheet materials is postponed and there is a queue in the processing of drone parts; 3. When cutting sheet materials, there is a large surplus of materials that cannot be recycled. The following goals have been established from the problems of this thesis: 1. To standardize the cutting of sheet materials to minimize material consumption; 2. Optimize the processing of drone parts; 3. Use a small router machine to process drone parts. During the standardization of sheet materials, the quantities of sheet material parts and cutting cards were standardized. The standardization was continued and compared with the standardization of sheet material previously carried out in the company. The author supplemented the list of details, after which new cutting programs were prepared. Standardized cutting programs for sheet materials improved the use of material by 42%, resulting in savings of 69.3 euros for the production of one set of parts, which is 62.34% cheaper than the previously performed standardization. Setup sheets for cutting programs were also prepared, leading to which operators can conveniently set up the machine without checking the CAM program. 30 Optimization of the cutting programs of the parts to be processed with jigs was carried out during the optimization of the cutting programs. During the optimization, the order of the transitions, the safe retract height during rapid movement, the cutting parameters were changed and the area around the part was freed for the operator to clean. Optimization of the cutting programs saved 25 minutes for four parts, which is 13.94% faster than previously used cutting programs. To achieve the latter goal, a jig was designed for SM6090ATC to machine drone parts on the small router. The jig contains a base plate that is attached to the vacuum table with the 0-point system, and jigs for processing two different drone parts can be fixed on the base plate, from which the design of the BOOM jig is discussed in the thesis. The jig was specially designed to use the entire table of the router, leading to which it is possible to process a maximum of eight parts at the same time in the designed jig. The fixing of the part was made easy by fixing the part through the screwable bolt head and using claw grippers. According to the expected working hours, 9.14 hours of free time is created for the large router per week, and the designed jig allows processing of four parts 46 minutes faster and saves 42 minutes of operator setup time. During the thesis, the predetermined goals were fulfilled and the desired result was achieved. For the future, the cutting processing technology of the CNC router park will be further developed to achieve faster and more cost-effective working.
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subjectMehaanika::Tootmistehnika ja -tehnoloogia
dc.titleLõiketöötlustehnoloogia parendamine ettevõttes Threod systems
dc.title.alternativeCutting Technology Improvement at Threod Systems
