Plastpudelite eelpressimise sõlme projekteerimine

dc.contributor.advisorTiidemann, Mart
dc.contributor.authorLebedev, Artjom
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli plastpudelite eelpressimise sõlme projekteerimine vastavalt tellija poolt püstitatud nõuetele. Antud sõlme peaeesmärgiks on suurendada pakkepressi saabuva materjali mahtu selle eelneva pressimise läbi. Lõputöö käigus oli projekteeritud kaks seadet – perforaatori ja eelpressimise seade, milliste abil oli saavutatud plastpudelite sõlmele püstitatud eesmärk. Perforaatori seadme abil tehakse plastpudelitesse auke. Eelpressimise seadme abil – pressitakse plastpudelid lapikuks. Tootmise lihtsustamiseks on nende seadmete konstruktsioonid projekteeritud maksimaalselt sarnaselt. Mõlemates seadmetes on kasutatud silindrilise hammasülekandega mootorreduktoreid. Teostatud teoreetiliste arvutuste alusel on saadud perforaatori seadme tootlikkuseks 3 t/h ning eelpressimise seadme – 2,4 t/h, mis vastab täielikult tellija poolt püstitatud nõuetele. Projekteeritava plastpudelite eelpressimise sõlme realiseerimishinnaks on saadud 21197,0 €, millest võib järeldada, et võrreldes konkurentide toodetud seadmetega on sõlme hind konkurentsivõimeline. Kokkuvõtteks saab öelda, et lõputöös püstitatud eesmärgid on edukalt
dc.description.abstractThe main thesis of present diploma project was the designing of pre-pressing unit for processing of plastic bottles that would meet all customer’s requirements. The main purpose of this unit is to increase the amount of material which goes to the baler at the expense its prior pressing. The main goal of the present project was achieved by means of two devices designed. These are the perforator and the pre-pressing device. The perforator makes holes in plastic bottles. The pre-pressing device presses plastic bottles before sending them to the baler. Both devices were designed with helical geared motors with parallel shafts and have similar constructions to simplify the production process. The theoretical calculations made during the project showed that the capacity of perforator device is 3 t/h and capacity of pre-pressing unit is 2,4 t/h, which completely satisfies customer's requirements. The calculations made in the economical part of present project showed that selling price of projected pre-pressing unit is 21197,0 €. That is absolutely competitive in comparison with the selling prices of perforator devices made by competitive companies. To conclude, all of the present project's goals where successfully achieved as the projected pre-pressing unit fully meets all customer’s requirements.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationMechanical Engineering--Product Development--Dies and Stampsen
dc.subject.classificationMehaanika--Tootearendus--Stantsid ja pressvormidet
dc.subject.otherMechanical Engineeringen
dc.titlePlastpudelite eelpressimise sõlme projekteerimine
dc.title.alternativeDesigning of Pre-Pressing Unit for Processing of Plastic Bottles
