Toyota GT86 külgkaldeplaadi valmistamise tehnoloogia ja rakistuse projekteerimine

dc.contributor.advisorPiiritalo, Janis
dc.contributor.advisorHirson, Jaanus
dc.contributor.authorRõõs, Martin
dc.description.abstractLõputöö viidi läbi ettevõttes Wisefab OÜ, kus projekteeriti rakistus Toyota GT86 külgkaldeplaadile ja parendati töötlustehnoloogia. Projekteerimiseks kasutati Solid Edge 2020 ja töötlustehnoloogia parenduseks Mastercam 2023 programmi. Neljast erinevast projekteeritud rakistusest valiti välja sobivaim rakistus, milleks oli neljas versioon. Töötlusradade modifitseerimisega vähendati masinaaega 34 sekundit ja sellega tõsteti masinaefektiivsust 4%. Kogu rakistuse projekteerimisega tõstis autor detaili tootmisefektiivsust 40%, masinaaeg langes 21 minutilt, 15 minuti peale. Efektiivsuse tõstmisega säästab ettevõte aastas, ühe külgkaldeplaadi seeria pealt, 578,4€. Lihtsustus ka operaatorite töö, sest vähendati tootmispaigaldusi. Pehmete pakkide vahetamisega on teised sama tüüpi tooted sarnaselt tehtavad nagu ka Toyota Supra A90 ning BMW E36 külgkaldeplaadid. Rakistus tasub ennast ära 80 detaili tootmisega.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this thesis was to develop a vice system for the Toyota GT86 camber plate with a modified CAM system, this was achieved by using the Mastercam 2023 and Solid Edge 2020 software. The project was carried out at Wisefab OÜ, who is one of the leading manufacturers for custom suspension parts. Wisefab OÜ is mainly focused on making drift suspension parts but they also produce track and rally parts alongside this. In this thesis the author developed four different variants of vice systems with analysis, the fourth variant being chosen as the final design. The fourth variant uses single station vices and soft jaws to manufacture the part. The author had to modify the CAM system to work with the new manufacturing technology, by doing this 34 seconds were saved which is 4% more efficient than the previous system. In the next stage the author removed the third fixing using soft jaws to help improve efficiency. This removal meant that they got machining time down from 21 minutes to 15 minutes, improving the machines efficiency by 40 %. If Wisefab OÜ adopts this new vice system, they would save 578,4€ per batch just for the GT86 Camber Plate. This vice system is universal and will be used for similar camber plate products for the Toyota Supra A90 and the BMW E36. The savings from these two additional products will add up to 1735 € per year assuming every batch is 100 Camber Plates. The vice system will cost 554,33€ which means Wisefab OÜ would start producing a net-gain after 80 parts.
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subjectMehaanika::Tootmistehnika ja -tehnoloogia::Seadmed ja rakised
dc.titleToyota GT86 külgkaldeplaadi valmistamise tehnoloogia ja rakistuse projekteerimine
dc.title.alternativeProduction Technology and Jig Design of Toyota GT86 Camberplate
