V-lumesaha arendus Expert Baltic OÜ näitel



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöö eesmärgiks oli arendada välja uus 5 m lumesahk, mille käigus võeti aluseks eelnevalt tootmises olnud analoog, mis oli nii mõneski mõttes moraalselt vananenud. Projekti käigus analüüsiti saha olulisemaid koostusid leidmaks optimaalsemaid lahendusi. Töö käigus alandati saha massi võrreldes eelneva tootega 350 kg võrra, saades tulemuseks 1380 kg varasema 1730 kg asemel. Selle saavutamiseks leiti alternatiivsed lahendused siiani kasutatud massiivsetele profiilidele lehtmaterjale kasutades, võttes arvesse baasettevõtte laoseisus hoitavate lehtprofiilide valikut. Optimeerimise tulemusena alandati lumesaha ühe hõlma massi 105 kg võrra ning vaheraami massi 123 kg võrra. Konstruktsioonide vastupidavuse kontrollimiseks teostati tugevusanalüüs olulisematele koostudele. Ühes vaheraamiga muudeti täielikult ka ujuvasendi ehitust, sest varasemalt lahendatud sõlm ei andnud soovitud tulemusi. Selleks eemaldati kontaktsed metallpinnad, minnes üle teras/plast lahendusele, mis tähendas rohkema plastpindade kasutamist kuludetailidena. Lisaks varasema lokaalse keskelt toestatud süsteemi asemel hajutati toetuspunktid laiali raami äärtesse, saavutades suurema toetuspinna. Projekteerimise käigus muudeti terahoidja kinemaatikat, mille käigus muudeti selle pöörlemistsentri asukohta, viies selle saha hõlma esiküljele. Muudatuse tulemusel saavutab saha tera pööratud asendis suurema kõrguse sahatavast pinnast ning ei hakka esmajoones tervet konstruktsiooni tõstma, kui peaks toimuma kokkupõrge mõne madalama objektiga pinnal. Kui tera on pööratud maksimaalselt, saavutatakse kõrguseks 43 mm varasema 5 mm asemel. Terahoidjate paremaks toimimiseks vahetati välja survevedrud, saavutamaks suurem kokkusurumise siire ning terade piisava liikumise ulatus uue kinemaatikaga. Vedrude jõu kontrollimiseks viidi läbi füüsiline testimine selleks ehitatud spetsiaalse abinõuga. Saadud tulemustele toetudes tehti läbi arvutused ning leiti, et laaduri liikumisel 35 km/h suudab vedru võtta vastu löögi maas lebavalt kehalt, mille mass on 409 kg. Projekteeritud lumesahk vastab püstitatud eesmärkidele. Varasema tootega võrreldes saavutati märgatav massi erinevus, kasutades bassettevõtte laomaterjale, konstruktsiooni tugevuses järeleandmisi tegemata tema sihtotstarbeliseks kasutamiseks.

The purpose of this graduation thesis was to develop a new 5 m snow plough, which was based on an analogue that had previously been in production and was morally outdated in some ways. In the course of the project, the most important assemblies of the snow plough were analyzed in order to find more optimal solutions. During this thesis, the weight of the snow plough was reduced by 350 kg compared to the previous product, resulting in 1380 kg instead of the previous 1730 kg. To achieve this, alternative solutions were found to the massive profiles used so far using sheet material, taking into account the choice of sheet profiles held in stock by the base company. As a result of the optimization, the weight of one snow plough was reduced by 105 kg and the weight of the midframe by 123 kg. To check the durability of the structures, a strength analysis were performed for the most important assemblies. Along with the midframe, the construction of the floating position was completely changed, because the previously solution did not give desired results. To achieve this, the contacted metal surfaces were removed by switching to a steel / plastic solution, which meant using more plastic surfaces as wear components. In addition, instead of the previous center-supported system, the support points were spread to the edges of the frame, achieving a larger support area. During the design, the kinematics of the blade holder was changed by moving the position of its center of rotation and bringing it to the front of the plough panel. As a result of the change, the wearblade reaches a greather height from the contactsurface in the angeled position and will not start lifting the entire structure at first, if a collision with an object occurs on the surface. When the blade is rotated to the maximum, the height is 43 mm instead of the previous 5 mm. For better performance of the blade holders, compression springs were replaced to achieve greater compression displacement and sufficient blade movement with the new kinematics. To check the strength of the springs, a physical test was performed with a special tool built for this purpose. Based on the results obtained, calculations were performed and it was found that when the loader moves at 35 km / h, the spring can receive a kick from a body lying on the ground with a mass of 409 kg. The designed snow plow meets the set goals. Compared to the previous product, a significant difference in weight was achieved by using the warehouse materials of the base company without compromising the strength of the structure for its intended use.



TTK Subject Categories::Mehaanika::Tootearendus
