Laserskänneri arendus

dc.contributor.advisorMoor, Madis
dc.contributor.authorVahtriku, Rando
dc.description.abstractLõputöö eesmärk oli arendada laserskänner palgi kvaliteedi kontrollimiseks. Analüüsiti olemasolevat prototüüpi ja analoogseid ostutooteid, kus toodi välja miinused ja plussid. Uue laserskänneri projekteerimisel lähtuti prototüübi tagasisidest kus võeti arvesse prototüübiga tekkinud probleeme. Arendamise eesmärgiks oli luua laserskänner mille korpus oleks tulenevalt keskkonnast tolmu-ja niiskuskindel ja nagu iga toode, peab olema kaubanduslik välimus. Kaamera ja lasermooduli reguleerimis süsteemi arendamine, mis tagab kiire ja täpse seadistamise. Uue laserskänneri arenduse käigus projekteeriti laserskänneri korpus niiskus-ja tolmukindlaks, mis vastab IP54 nõutavatele tingimustele. Korpuse projekteerimisel lähtuti sellest, et korpust oleks võimalikult lihtne valmistada ja koostada. Arendamise käigus pandi rõhku toote kaubanduslikule välimusel. Laserskänneri kaamera reguleerimiseks kasutatakse KSP-256 reguleeritavat alust mis võimaldab kaamerat kiiremalt ja mugavamalt reguleerida ning täpsem reguleerimine on tagatud reguleeritava aluse küljes asetseva mõõteskaalaga. Lasermooduli kinnitus valmistati selliselt, et korpus juhiks lasermoodulist tekkinud soojust eemale mis tagab lasermooduli pikema eluea ning, et lasermoodulit oleks võimalik ümber oma telje reguleerida vastavalt kaamerale. Lasermooduli kinnituse projekteerimisel teostati täpsusarvutus, mille käigus leiti vajalikud korpuse ja puksi tolerantsid, et tagada lasermooduli fikseerimisel nõutav täpsus. Lasermoodul võimsusega 10mW asendati 20mW võimsuse lasermooduli vastu, mille tulemusena suudab kaamera laserjoont paremini tuvastada valgustatud ruumis tumedalt
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the thesis was to develop a laser scanner to control the quality of the log. The existing prototype and similar purchased products were analyzed, where the disadvantages and advantages were pointed out. The design of the new laser scanner was based on the feedback of the prototype, which took into account the problems that arose with the prototype. The goal of the development was to create a laser scanner whose body would be dust and moisture resistant due to the environment and, like any product, must have a commercial appearance. Development of a camera and laser module adjustment system that ensures fast and accurate setup. During the development of the new laser scanner, the laser scanner housing was designed to be moisture and dust resistant, which meets the requirements of IP54. The design of the housing was based on making the housing as easy to manufacture and assemble as possible. During the development, emphasis was placed on the commercial appearance of the product. The KSP-256 adjustable stand is used to adjust the laser scanner camera, which allows you to adjust the camera faster and more conveniently, and more precise adjustment is ensured by the measuring scale attached to the adjustable stand. The mounting of the laser module was made so that the housing would dissipate the heat generated from the laser module, which ensures a longer life of the laser module, and so that the laser module could be adjusted around its axis according to the camera. When designing the mounting of the laser module, an accuracy calculation was performed, during which the necessary body and bushing tolerances were found to ensure the accuracy required for fixing the laser module. The 10mW laser module was replaced by a 20mW laser module, which allows the camera to better detect the laser line from a dark surface in a lighted room.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationMechanical Engineering--Product Development--Industrial Designen
dc.subject.otherMechanical Engineeringen
dc.titleLaserskänneri arendus
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Laser Scanner
