Legal Aspects of Supply Chain Management II

dc.contributor.authorSuursoo, Jüri
dc.descriptionThe aim of the second part of the supply chain management textbook is to give an overview of the theme of cargo contract and charter party that is essential for executing purchase-sale contracts of goods. The purpose of the textbook is to make an introduction to various contracts. In order to gain further knowledge on the subject additional materials should be consulted. References to relevant literature are given in the footnotes or in the sources used. The legal environment is characterised by the author within general principles where only the necessary information and documentation is described. One reason for that is that the document describes previously contracted agreement in a concentrated way – with minimal information and details. As the legal regulations of the field of customs is at all times under fast changes only the general principles of work are described taking into account the public materials made available by FIATA Customs Affairs Institute (CAI), World Customs Organization (WCO), European Commission Taxation and Customs Union, Estonian Tax and Customs Board. Explicit examples are presented only to characterise the general pictureet
dc.identifier.other65/SUU [kohaviit]et
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Transport Economicsen
dc.subject.otherTransport ja logistikaet
dc.subject.otherTransport and Logisticsen
dc.titleLegal Aspects of Supply Chain Management II

