Pulbervärvimise jaoskonna roboti projekteerimine
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Antud töös uuriti ettevõtte AQ Components Kodara OÜ värviliini tootmisparameetreid, mis tehnoloogiaid kasutatakse erinevates värvimise tööetappides ja kui efektiivne on värviliin. Analüüsiti hetkel toodetavate detailide mahu ja kuju eelistusi ühe aasta jooksul toodetavate detailide hulgast. Tehti uuring, et mis võimalused on robotiseerimiseks tänapäevases tootmiskeskkonnas ja mida saaks olemasolevas värvikeskuses rakendada. Võrreldi robotite tüüpe ja erinevate tootjate pakutavaid värviroboteid. Lisaks võrreldi pakutavaid lineaartelje võimalusi. Leiti, et roboti tüübi parameetrite järgi tuleb kasutada tööstusrobotit. Pakuti välja kaks lahendust värvikeskuse robotiseerimiseks. Seati tähelepanu alla olulised faktorid lahenduse efektiivseks toimimiseks. Seejärel võrreldi seadmete parameetreid, projekteeriti lisadetail või muudeti paigalduskeskkonna tingimusi. Tuginedes eelnevale valiti sobivad seadmete tüübid. Majanduslikult arvutati kahele lahendusele efektiivsuse tõus ja riskiteguriga tasuvusaeg. Ettevõttele on oluline, et tasuvusaeg oleks võimalikult madal seega valiti kahe lahenduse vahel teine lahendus, sest selle efektiivsuse tõus oli 209% võrra parem ja riskiteguriga tasuvusaeg 6,62 aasta võrra lühem.
The present thesis examined the production parameters of the coating line at AQ Components Kodara OÜ, focusing on the technologies applied in various painting stages and assessing the efficiency of the coating line. Analysis was conducted on the preferences for volume and shape of currently produced details from the array of details manufactured over the course of one year. A thesis was conducted to explore the possibilities for automation in modern manufacturing environments and potential applications within the existing coating center. Comparison was made between types of robots and the coating robot options available from various manufacturers. Additionally, the capabilities of linear axes were compared. It was determined that, based on the parameters of the robot type, an industrial robot must be utilized. Two solutions for automating the coating center were proposed. Attention was directed towards key factors for the effective operation of each solution. Subsequently, equipment parameters were compared, additional details were designed, or installation environment conditions were modified. Based on the foregoing, suitable types of equipment were selected. Economically, the efficiency improvement and the payback period considering risk factors were calculated for both solutions. It is essential for the company that the payback period is as low as possible, hence the second solution was chosen between the two, as its efficiency improvement was 209% superior and its payback period considering risk factors was 6.62 years shorter.