Plastikust õuepingi konstrueerimine

dc.contributor.advisorSärak, Jaak-Evald
dc.contributor.authorTamm, Andrus
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva töö eesmärgiks oli leida modulaarne lahendus konstrueerimaks plastikust õuepinki, millel on lisatud elektroonilised komponendid (LED, aku, päikesepaneel, kontroller), et tagada pingi valgustatus, nii päikeseenergial, kui ka vooluvõrgus. Selle konstruktsiooni tulemiks tuli leida komponendid, mida oleks ka pikemas perspektiivis turul saada, mõistlikul hinnaskaalal. Samas peavad nad olema piisavalt tavapärased, et probleemide korral oleks võimalik neid asendada analoogsete toodetega, ilma, et oleks vajadust muuta toote konstruktsiooni või elektrisüsteemi. Töös on välja toodud põhikomponentide selgitused, kirjeldused, kasutusvaldkonnad, eelised ja puudused. Tulemuseks on õuepingi prototüüp jooniste ja projekti tasemel, millele on valmistatud metallosade valmistamiseks tehnoloogiline kaart ja saadud indikatiivne omahind. Edasi tuleb siit liikuda juba reaalsuse poole ja valmistada esimene näidistoode, mille käigus tuleks kõrvaldada võimalikud tekkivad probleemid ja saada paika komponentide hinnad. Samuti tuleb katsetada toodet välitingimustes, sest võib tekkida seni hindamata
dc.description.abstractFrog Industrial Design OÜ is planning to produce plastic street furniture, equipped with modular, independent LED-based lighting solutions. The plastic parts are allready in stock, all what need’s to be done is install and fit electric parts that includes aluminium part. LEDs in the system are powered either by solar cells or by mains network. The colour of the light and its intensity are user selectable or managed by automatics. The system will also include a battery to sustain the power whenever solar or mains power is not available. Charging/discharging of the system’s battery is controlled by the system’s microcontroller. The system may possess several interfaces including wireless ZigBee interface for remote management, digital buttons for colour/intensity selection and an on-system real-time clock for performing automated tasks. System’s software update can be preformed either over the wireless interface or by utilizing ISP interface. Current project focuses exclusively on the electronics managing the system, specifically the four costliest electric components - RGB LEDs, battery, solar cell and microcontroller. Rest of the furniture is not part of the current report. The aim of the research document is to describe the electronics components in these four categories currently produced in the world and establish the combination of solutions that might best suit the requirements of the furniture. I will describe the manufacturers and suppliers of these components, and assess the price tendencies of the components in the future. Finally, we will cover similar products (that is, solar-powered and RGB LED lighting solutions) already on the market. At the end I have made drawings, how to install components and have indicate price 461,02€.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationMechanical Engineering--Product Developmenten
dc.subject.otherMechanical Engineeringen
dc.titlePlastikust õuepingi konstrueerimine
dc.title.alternativeTechnical Design of Outdoor Furniture
